vendredi 28 novembre 2014

Roofs ripped, planes flipped: Worst storm in 10yrs hits Brisbane/mes amie regardé moi bien .je suis un psychologue .je retirés les population a les Evolution .moi mes Evolution .défirent .pare exemple .en technologies en science en environnement en biologies en géologies .en claimate changes en espace .en énergies en ................ mes ce que je vois vous gouvernement rigolé de vous .est mon capacité bloqué rouble toute son documentation .qui été originent a moi .est il on faits toute son possibilité pour sauvé les stocks des marketing qui été bloqué .est c est pas des marketing qui vous imaginé ou vous crollés .a mon image c est le monde parade .la vies pour toute le monde .le changement de la planète plus que mon bleuprinte .est plus que les changement qui j ai faits dans les source de vies .est de l environnement .est l espace .est en fin je dégradé les prix des gaze est des oïl .est je le dégrade a 50 dollars . est vous voilés comment l O P C diabolisés il on ne connais pas qui le responsables .est je faits aussi des stratégies pour dégradé les facture d électricité .est désolé mes amie de moi si je ne faite de mon capacités complété pour traités toute les crise est sur tout les changement climatique .puisque je veux pressé c est gouvernement quant va dire la vérités a son peuple de puis copanhegene de les changement climatique .est aussi pressé les gouvernement arabic pour reposé la démocraties .est pour aussi c est gouvernement ne volé pas les source économique de son peuple . mes amie vous gouvernement rigolé de vous. il on rien a vous donné ou ce que vous faite .est le frets des chaumage qui vous donné il ne reste rien de son coupés .exactement comme vous le voilés il na pas d autre solution .que les discipline .est moi aussi je ne calme pas de mes droits .est pour prendre mes droits c est dans les coure de justice .puisque mes stratégies est une justice son punition plus forts que les prison merci mes amie est je vous courage pour te repose la justice accotés de la démocraties est j ai dits a Opec .est je vous dire aussi prendre mon parole sérieux si je repose une autre source de oïl .vous pétrole va tombé entre 15 est 20 dollars .si je ne dire pas va reviens comme le charbons .

شاهد تدخل قوى الامن في حق المعطلين بالرباط خطيير جدا +18/ sa son droits de l homme qui on discute en Marrakech 

Opec move a challenge to US shale?/est je vous dire aussi prendre mon parole sérieux si je repose une autre source de oïl .vous pétrole va tombé entre 15 est 20 dollars .si je ne dire pas va reviens comme le charbons .

Little hope for Opec production cut/mes amie regardé moi bien .je suis un psychologue .je retirés les population a les Evolution .moi mes Evolution .défirent .pare exemple .en technologies en science en environnement en biologies en géologies .en claimate changes en espace .en énergies en ................ mes ce que je vois vous gouvernement rigolé de vous .est mon capacité bloqué rouble toute son documentation .qui été originent a moi .est il on faits toute son possibilité pour sauvé les stocks des marketing qui été bloqué .est c est pas des marketing qui vous imaginé ou vous crollés .a mon image c est le monde parade .la vies pour toute le monde .le changement de la planète plus que mon bleuprinte .est plus que les changement qui j ai faits dans les source de vies .est de l environnement .est l espace .est en fin je dégradé les prix des gaze est des oïl .est je le dégrade a 50 dollars . est vous voilés comment l O P C diabolisés il on ne connais pas qui le responsables .est je faits aussi des stratégies pour dégradé les facture d électricité .est désolé mes amie de moi si je ne faite de mon capacités complété pour traités toute les crise est sur tout les changement climatique .puisque je veux pressé c est gouvernement quant va dire la vérités a son peuple de puis copanhegene de les changement climatique .est aussi pressé les gouvernement arabic pour reposé la démocraties .est pour aussi c est gouvernement ne volé pas les source économique de son peuple . mes amie vous gouvernement rigolé de vous. il on rien a vous donné ou ce que vous faite .est le frets des chaumage qui vous donné il ne reste rien de son coupés .exactement comme vous le voilés il na pas d autre solution .que les discipline .est moi aussi je ne calme pas de mes droits .est pour prendre mes droits c est dans les coure de justice .puisque mes stratégies est une justice son punition plus forts que les prison merci mes amie est je vous courage pour te repose la justice accotés de la démocraties

Protesters Clash with FBI in Million Mask March 2014/mes amie regardé moi bien .je suis un psychologue .je retirés les population a les Evolution .moi mes Evolution .défirent .pare exemple .en technologies en science en environnement en biologies en géologies .en claimate changes en espace .en énergies en ................ mes ce que je vois vous gouvernement rigolé de vous .est mon capacité bloqué rouble toute son documentation .qui été originent a moi .est il on faits toute son possibilité pour sauvé les stocks des marketing qui été bloqué .est c est pas des marketing qui vous imaginé ou vous crollés .a mon image c est le monde parade .la vies pour toute le monde .le changement de la planète plus que mon bleuprinte .est plus que les changement qui j ai faits dans les source de vies .est de l environnement .est l espace .est en fin je dégradé les prix des gaze est des oïl .est je le dégrade a 50 dollars . est vous voilés comment l O P C diabolisés il on ne connais pas qui le responsables .est je faits aussi des stratégies pour dégradé les facture d électricité .est désolé mes amie de moi si je ne faite de mon capacités complété pour traités toute les crise est sur tout les changement climatique .puisque je veux pressé c est gouvernement quant va dire la vérités a son peuple de puis copanhegene de les changement climatique .est aussi pressé les gouvernement arabic pour reposé la démocraties .est pour aussi c est gouvernement ne volé pas les source économique de son peuple . mes amie vous gouvernement rigolé de vous. il on rien a vous donné ou ce que vous faite .est le frets des chaumage qui vous donné il ne reste rien de son coupés .exactement comme vous le voilés il na pas d autre solution .que les discipline .est moi aussi je ne calme pas de mes droits .est pour prendre mes droits c est dans les coure de justice .puisque mes stratégies est une justice son punition plus forts que les prison merci mes amie est je vous courage pour te repose la justice accotés de la démocraties

jeudi 27 novembre 2014

JFK Assassination - New Smoking Gun Version Of The Zapruder Film

2014 WHAT IS GOING ON? (Strange Weather Phenomenon)/qui voire ce vidéo va crollés que la nature responsable de c est phénomène .moi contre vous tousse .vous connais pour quoi ? combien j alerte c est gouvernement de se que arrivé de le monde .est le plus malheureux regrettable phénomène qui été en chemin de traversé la nature .est aussi j alerté c est single gouvernement .que les solution est a nous pour stabilisé la planète .ou naviguais dans vous malheurs merci

Mainstream Media BUSTED and what WE CAN do about it/est moi aussi je pas facile j ai flammés le monde

NYC March For Mike Brown: FDR/alors c est le rôle de la politic américain . le coure de la justice est exacte son manipulation. brown .vous donne la chois la justice ou la Evolution

9/11 *RARE* CLEAR Video of WTC Building 7 Controlled Demolition

خطير: ما لم تشاهده في حصار المعطلين على بنكيران/je ne sais pour quoi le peuple attrapés binkirane .oui benkirane est un président sourcées d une élection démocratique . est chaque autre a sa place a rien a faits .vous connais pour quoi ? puisque il on limages politic sur le vide .il on rien a vous donné est les efforts des politic basé sur un culture est connaissance sociale est économique pars contre les politicien marocain nagés nagés dans un grands mère son sécurités .est il ne connais rien de la géopolitique est pour de maintenant ne connais pas que un marocain qui changes le monde .en de son espace est son technologies est son climats est son environnement est aussi son science est philosophes .alors qui ce que vous attendre de c est politicien qui ne connais pas la mentalités est la capacité marocain .vous connais mes frère marocain je suis très triste de vous mes jais rien a faits pour vous est moi plus loin de ma pare dans ma sociétés marocain de puis 20 ans est moi j ai courir dans le vents ni de l administration stable pour les service des peuple ni de culture de future ni de responsabilités courageux .(akhokom almotacharide fi lmaghribe)

عبد الإله بنكيران يتعرض لهجوم -الهراوات وطريق بنكيران/je ne sais pour quoi le peuple attrapés binkirane .oui benkirane est un président sourcées d une élection démocratique . est chaque autre a sa place a rien a faits .vous connais pour quoi ? puisque il on limages politic sur le vide .il on rien a vous donné est les efforts des politic basé sur un culture est connaissance sociale est économique pars contre les politicien marocain nagés nagés dans un grands mère son sécurités .est il ne connais rien de la géopolitique est pour de maintenant ne connais pas que un marocain qui changes le monde .en de son espace est son technologies est son climats est son environnement est aussi son science est philosophes .alors qui ce que vous attendre de c est politicien qui ne connais pas la mentalités est la capacité marocain .vous connais mes frère marocain je suis très triste de vous mes jais rien a faits pour vous est moi plus loin de ma pare dans ma sociétés marocain de puis 20 ans est moi j ai courir dans le vents ni de l administration stable pour les service des peuple ni de culture de future ni de responsabilités courageux .(akhokom almotacharide fi lmaghribe)

mercredi 26 novembre 2014

97% Owned - Economic Truth documentary - Queuepolitely cutCarbon pollution from power plants threatens our health and climate. EPA must take strong action to reduce U.S. carbon pollution from its largest source: power plants. I urge the EPA to finalize strong standards that will clean up carbon pollution from power plants, protect Americans' health, and spur investment in clean energy. offffffff qui ce que vous singlé vous mes amie .moi je ne reviens pas pour expliqué le plain .mes pour industrialisé le plain .est crollés moi nous ne besoin pas de les cheminé nucléaire au future approche . est aussi le oïl nous avons des méthode qui va nous donné les solution a deux problème dans le monde .1/formé une partenariat avec la population est cette mouvement une solution de jobs est de l immigration . 2 /nous va reposé une solution pour l énergies de future est aussi le dégages de les risque climatique .mes les source exactement mes amie c est mon affaire est moi je suis pas loin des monde ou je vivre dans un autre planète étranges que vous planète .je suis au Maroc accotés de la ville des fez . je m appelle /moussaoui ahmed . le Maroc me connais bien son doute .est son calmes ne donnera rien a le monde que les mauvaise merci

Anonymous, Bundy Ranch - Oil and Gas Fracking?/Carbon pollution from power plants threatens our health and climate. EPA must take strong action to reduce U.S. carbon pollution from its largest source: power plants. I urge the EPA to finalize strong standards that will clean up carbon pollution from power plants, protect Americans' health, and spur investment in clean energy. offffffff qui ce que vous singlé vous mes amie .moi je ne reviens pas pour expliqué le plain .mes pour industrialisé le plain .est crollés moi nous ne besoin pas de les cheminé nucléaire au future approche . est aussi le oïl nous avons des méthode qui va nous donné les solution a deux problème dans le monde .1/formé une partenariat avec la population est cette mouvement une solution de jobs est de l immigration . 2 /nous va reposé une solution pour l énergies de future est aussi le dégages de les risque climatique .mes les source exactement mes amie c est mon affaire est moi je suis pas loin des monde ou je vivre dans un autre planète étranges que vous planète .je suis au Maroc accotés de la ville des fez . je m appelle /moussaoui ahmed . le Maroc me connais bien son doute .est son calmes ne donnera rien a le monde que les mauvaise merci


الإصدار المميز: صدى الإعلام عن دولة الإسلام HD/oui la vérités

فضيحة شيماء علي التي هزت كويت و خليج/regardé les arabe est son jobs technologies /industrie /espace /science /médicinier /pharmaceutique /toute est lâché ici /les bonheurs avec les jolis femme .est son peuple avec les soufre des désire est de pauvretés

mardi 25 novembre 2014

الفيديو الذي تسبب في اقالة تشاك هاجل وزير الدفاع الأمريكي لكشف قوة الدول...

عاجل وخطير :: الجزيرة توجه ضربة مدوية فاضحة للسيسي وتكشف حقيقة أعداد 30 .../oui sa une châtiment qui été explosé sur les tète d égyptien .mes la grande châtiment qui été passé en France le 24/11/2014 .se SISI busé la main de pape .est le malheurs comme il dits un président est moslime .est c est mieux que cette buse le donne a son comparse dans l azhare ahmed etayébe .

'émeute ne donne pas la justice .vous avez le droits de protesté mes aussi traversée les chemin de la lois nationale a cause de les avocats est les organisation humain est justice pour trouvé la justice qui étés documentés dans les agrément de la nation américain .est nous connais bien que la responsabilités totalement sur l intervertébrale des gouvernement .qui ne respecté pas ni la loi ni la justice .est la déférentes va partagé la sociétés .est cette déférentes va courages a cause la crise qui étés publiés dans toute la nation fédérale .est c est pour ce la je vous demande pour dépassé comme c est règlement négative en toute la sociétés . est demande a cette dang américa . moi je veux changes toute c est origine d énergies .puisque y a des autre source plus riche de oïl est aussi des méthode plus donnables de l énergies renouvelables .pour faire les solution économique est financière .est vous collapsé .est collapsé avec vous le monde .est les méthode confectionnée ne vous donna pas les résulta positive .est moi j ai envoyés cette lettre a la maison blanche est le congres est les gouvernement des monde .merci /Don Lemon, CNN: "The Smell of Marijuana in the Air." [What Not To Say Du...

The Road to Houston' on Fox (U.S Premiere)/moi je veux changes toute c est origine d énergies .puisque y a des autre source plus riche de oïl est aussi des méthode plus donnables de l énergies renouvelables merci

lundi 24 novembre 2014

est c est sa mes alerte pour vous .mes le malheur .je ne trouve pas les gent qui on travailles pour la nature .je trouve que les voleurs est les profiteurs .est les claimate changes c est pas un jeux c est une vérités . /THIS EVENT JUST CHANGED AMERICA FOREVER: 2014-2016 (THE VIDEO THEY DON'T...

الفيلم الدرامي زمن الرجال قناة الأقصى الفضائية 2013 Drama ,Time men/est c est sa mes alerte pour vous .mes le malheur .je ne trouve pas les gent qui on travailles pour la nature .je trouve que les voleurs est les profiteurs .est les claimate changes c est pas un jeux c est une vérités .

est c est sa mes alerte pour vous .mes le malheur .je ne trouve pas les gent qui on travailles pour la nature .je trouve que les voleurs est les profiteurs .est les claimate changes c est pas un jeux c est une vérités . /NASA Predicts Ice Age, Food Riots, Mass Deaths And Super Earthquakes

Video-annahj كلميم: واد أم العشار هذا الصباح على الساعة 12:00 - 23 /11 / révolution est la faiblîtes des gouvernement 

أمريكا متخوفة من الخلافة و تشرح حديث الرسول/moi aussi un moslime est je rêves de le retours de l islamique state

Guccifer: Pennsylvania City to be Nuked Next Year/oui

National Socialism (Nazism), a Zionist Creation/oui je le laisse a les peuple pour voir .est répondre est toute est possible Sit-in contre le ministère des affaires étrangère

الناس في الدولة الإسلامية يتركون محلاتهم مفتوحة وبضائعهم بدون حراسة بسبب...mes amie au monde regardé la sécurité .dans l islamique state .les gent laissé son commerce .Secure son aucun gardien .c est sa l islamique state .la secrétés sociale son voleurs est son son profiteurs de les occasion de vole .

الدولة الإسلامية | أقتربت الملحمة الكبرى بالشام مع أوربا النصارى/ exacte

dimanche 23 novembre 2014

Jewish girl exposes Israel, disrupts Netanyahu during congress, and is t.../les voleurs des Palestine .qui ce que vous imaginé .comme après taire son peuple est peuple son taire .désolé maintenant le peuple de cette taire est réveilles .réveilles le monde islamique .pour retourné son payés qui été volé a cause de israélite est est américo britannique

فضيحة بالفيديو والوثائق تكشف كيف تسرق اسرائيل غاز مصر من البحر المتوسط و.../qui aime sa a l humanités .est aveugle de ce que va arrivé d abords .ou les organisations de l humanités fâché quant il a touche quelque sioniste ou europium ou américain .ou les terrorisme a des classe .les tueurs de les arabes est les moslime .pas graves est les tueurs des sioniste .est de l impérialismes .des défendeurs .alors ici je veux reposé cette question a les démocrates est les républicains au monde .de comment imagines est quelle classe va reposé comme c est crime .de le coups militaire égyptien .est son milichia .mes amie laissé nous vous dire la vérités .vous des traiteurs .de ce scandales .les peuple arabic est islamique ne connais pas pour quoi .mes moi je sais très bien est avec les preuve .pour quoi .est le memment .de le fichent .de ce document .qui étés partagés entre israélite est Jordanie est imirite kewets .saoudi arabi est bahrin est je ne dits pas abase puisque y a pas quelque chose ce quant appelles abase dans l agenda israélite .c est un comparse politic .est ce fiche document va explosé toute c est payés est son intelligence .est ce fiche exactement le source de le coups militaire qui traités entre c est payés criminelle .puisque il on peurs de son tombe entre les dois est la connaissance des gouvernement démocratique égyptien des mohamed morssi .est c est pour ce la aussi l intelligence égyptien resté manipulés .est caché la vérités des secrets de l intelligence a mohamed morssi .est maintenant l heurs de la vérités est reviens est de puis le coups est moi j ai caché cette vérités pour ne explosé pas le monde arabic est aussi le monde islamique .merci est en savoirs le fiche. est si l égyptien ne trouve pas le secoure de aucun au monde mieux si va demande le secoure de l islamique state

خطبة خاصة: نصائح للثوار تظاهرات 28 نوفمبر #ثورة_الشباب_المسلم/qui aime sa a l humanités .est aveugle de ce que va arrivé d abords .ou les organisations de l humanités fâché quant il a touche quelque sioniste ou europium ou américain .ou les terrorisme a des classe .les tueurs de les arabes est les moslime .pas graves est les tueurs des sioniste .est de l impérialismes .des défendeurs .alors ici je veux reposé cette question a les démocrates est les républicains au monde .de comment imagines est quelle classe va reposé comme c est crime .de le coups militaire égyptien .est son milichia .mes amie laissé nous vous dire la vérités .vous des traiteurs .de ce scandales .les peuple arabic est islamique ne connais pas pour quoi .mes moi je sais très bien est avec les preuve .pour quoi .est le memment .de le fichent .de ce document .qui étés partagés entre israélite est Jordanie est imirite kewets .saoudi arabi est bahrin est je ne dits pas abase puisque y a pas quelque chose ce quant appelles abase dans l agenda israélite .c est un comparse politic .est ce fiche document va explosé toute c est payés est son intelligence .est ce fiche exactement le source de le coups militaire qui traités entre c est payés criminelle .puisque il on peurs de son tombe entre les dois est la connaissance des gouvernement démocratique égyptien des mohamed morssi .est c est pour ce la aussi l intelligence égyptien resté manipulés .est caché la vérités des secrets de l intelligence a mohamed morssi .est maintenant l heurs de la vérités est reviens est de puis le coups est moi j ai caché cette vérités pour ne explosé pas le monde arabic est aussi le monde islamique .merci est en savoirs le fiche. est si l égyptien ne trouve pas le secoure de aucun au monde mieux si va demande le secoure de l islamique state

ebola va disparaître toute seule dans l hivers .a cause de les disparaître de les moustique qui on transportés le virus en les gamin .est cette action naturelles va dégrades .les larges des virus est vous mes amies des fin ion en face de cette volontés naturelles merci /Medical Martial Law - Ebola Becomes Airborne As Flu Strain Virus Mutates

GES 2014 - Résumé du 21 novembre après-midi/mes amie reposé les question a vous administration académique est vous gouvernements .de les sources des jobs dans c est volontés démographique .est qui est le future de c est sociétés .il on la renonce mes désolés son renonce est négatives est très mauvaise pour vous . vous connais comment faits vous gouvernement pour confectionné la crise .d une méthode facile il on imprimées les pillés financière .hors les règlement est sa va fondés tousse dans les dramatiques crédibilités .alors a vous vu qui ce que vous faite si l heurs de la vérités frappés .je crois rien que le typhon .mes amie je suis désolé j ai propose de toute les gouvernement des monde .les réparation de les stabilisation Economique est financière .a cause de les source .(mes source) de oïl est des gaze .est des ???????????????.mes je crollés que j ai rien a faits pour vous est le monde plain des voleurs est des lobbyiste .est le malheurs il on aucun chance .que moi .ou toute va collapsé .merci mes amies

mes amie reposé les question a vous administration académique est vous gouvernements .de les sources des jobs dans c est volontés démographique .est qui est le future de c est sociétés .il on la renonce mes désolés son renonce est négatives est très mauvaise pour vous . vous connais comment faits vous gouvernement pour confectionné la crise .d une méthode facile il on imprimées les pillés financière .hors les règlement est sa va fondés tousse dans les dramatiques crédibilités .alors a vous vu qui ce que vous faite si l heurs de la vérités frappés .je crois rien que le typhon .mes amie je suis désolé j ai propose de toute les gouvernement des monde .les réparation de les stabilisation Economique est financière .a cause de les source .(mes source) de oïl est des gaze .est des ???????????????.mes je crollés que j ai rien a faits pour vous est le monde plain des voleurs est des lobbyiste .est le malheurs il on aucun chance .que moi .ou toute va collapsé .merci mes amies /20141121 2M, f,US Media coverage on the GES Conference in Marrakech

Violent Clash at Capitol Building in Million Mask March/mes amie reposé les question a vous administration académique est vous gouvernements .de les sources des jobs dans c est volontés démographique .est qui est le future de c est sociétés .il on la renonce mes désolés son renonce est négatives est très mauvaise pour vous . vous connais comment faits vous gouvernement pour confectionné la crise .d une méthode facile il on imprimées les pillés financière .hors les règlement est sa va fondés tousse dans les dramatiques crédibilités .alors a vous vu qui ce que vous faite si l heurs de la vérités frappés .je crois rien que le typhon .mes amie je suis désolé j ai propose de toute les gouvernement des monde .les réparation de les stabilisation Economique est financière .a cause de les source .(mes source) de oïl est des gaze .est des ???????????????.mes je crollés que j ai rien a faits pour vous est le monde plain des voleurs est des lobbyiste .est le malheurs il on aucun chance .que moi .ou toute va collapsé .merci mes amies

خطير! الى كل من يقول داعش خوارج ولا يمثلون الاسلام/qui aime sa a l humanités .est aveugle de ce que va arrivé d abords .ou les organisations de l humanités fâché quant il a touche quelque sioniste ou europium ou américain .ou les terrorisme a des classe .les tueurs de les arabes est les moslime .pas graves est les tueurs des sioniste .est de l impérialismes .des défendeurs .alors ici je veux reposé cette question a les démocrates est les républicains au monde .de comment imagines est quelle classe va reposé comme c est crime .de le coups militaire égyptien .est son milichia .mes amie laissé nous vous dire la vérités .vous des traiteurs .de ce scandales .les peuple arabic est islamique ne connais pas pour quoi .mes moi je sais très bien est avec les preuve .pour quoi .est le memment .de le fichent .de ce document .qui étés partagés entre israélite est Jordanie est imirite kewets .saoudi arabi est bahrin est je ne dits pas abase puisque y a pas quelque chose ce quant appelles abase dans l agenda israélite .c est un comparse politic .est ce fiche document va explosé toute c est payés est son intelligence .est ce fiche exactement le source de le coups militaire qui traités entre c est payés criminelle .puisque il on peurs de son tombe entre les dois est la connaissance des gouvernement démocratique égyptien des mohamed morssi .est c est pour ce la aussi l intelligence égyptien resté manipulés .est caché la vérités des secrets de l intelligence a mohamed morssi .est maintenant l heurs de la vérités est reviens est de puis le coups est moi j ai caché cette vérités pour ne explosé pas le monde arabic est aussi le monde islamique .merci est en savoirs le fiche. est si l égyptien ne trouve pas le secoure de aucun au monde mieux si va demande le secoure de l islamique state .

عاجل وخطير ll حقيقة تظاهرات 28 نوفمبر ll لازم تشوفه/qui aime sa a l humanités .est aveugle de ce que va arrivé d abords .ou les organisations de l humanités fâché quant il a touche quelque sioniste ou europium ou américain .ou les terrorisme a des classe .les tueurs de les arabes est les moslime .pas graves est les tueurs des sioniste .est de l impérialismes .des défendeurs .alors ici je veux reposé cette question a les démocrates est les républicains au monde .de comment imagines est quelle classe va reposé comme c est crime .de le coups militaire égyptien .est son milichia .mes amie laissé nous vous dire la vérités .vous des traiteurs .de ce scandales .les peuple arabic est islamique ne connais pas pour quoi .mes moi je sais très bien est avec les preuve .pour quoi .est le memment .de le fichent .de ce document .qui étés partagés entre israélite est Jordanie est imirite kewets .saoudi arabi est bahrin est je ne dits pas abase puisque y a pas quelque chose ce quant appelles abase dans l agenda israélite .c est un comparse politic .est ce fiche document va explosé toute c est payés est son intelligence .est ce fiche exactement le source de le coups militaire qui traités entre c est payés criminelle .puisque il on peurs de son tombe entre les dois est la connaissance des gouvernement démocratique égyptien des mohamed morssi .est c est pour ce la aussi l intelligence égyptien resté manipulés .est caché la vérités des secrets de l intelligence a mohamed morssi .est maintenant l heurs de la vérités est reviens est de puis le coups est moi j ai caché cette vérités pour ne explosé pas le monde arabic est aussi le monde islamique .merci est en savoirs le fiche. est si l égyptien ne trouve pas le secoure de aucun au monde mieux si va demande le secoure de l islamique state .

Anonymous - DEATH THREAT TO ILLUMINATI part 2/qui aime sa a l humanités .est aveugle de ce que va arrivé d abords .ou les organisations de l humanités fâché quant il a touche quelque sioniste ou europium ou américain .ou les terrorisme a des classe .les tueurs de les arabes est les moslime .pas graves est les tueurs des sioniste .est de l impérialismes .des défendeurs .alors ici je veux reposé cette question a les démocrates est les républicains au monde .de comment imagines est quelle classe va reposé comme c est crime .de le coups militaire égyptien .est son milichia .mes amie laissé nous vous dire la vérités .vous des traiteurs .de ce scandales .les peuple arabic est islamique ne connais pas pour quoi .mes moi je sais très bien est avec les preuve .pour quoi .est le memment .de le fichent .de ce document .qui étés partagés entre israélite est Jordanie est imirite kewets .saoudi arabi est bahrin est je ne dits pas abase puisque y a pas quelque chose ce quant appelles abase dans l agenda israélite .c est un comparse politic .est ce fiche document va explosé toute c est payés est son intelligence .est ce fiche exactement le source de le coups militaire qui traités entre c est payés criminelle .puisque il on peurs de son tombe entre les dois est la connaissance des gouvernement démocratique égyptien des mohamed morssi .est c est pour ce la aussi l intelligence égyptien resté manipulés .est caché la vérités des secrets de l intelligence a mohamed morssi .est maintenant l heurs de la vérités est reviens est de puis le coups est moi j ai caché cette vérités pour ne explosé pas le monde arabic est aussi le monde islamique .merci est en savoirs le fiche. est si l égyptien ne trouve pas le secoure de aucun au monde mieux si va demande le secoure de l islamique state .

شاهد البلطجية يذبحون مؤيداً لمرسي في الشارع وكالة أخبار ليل ونهار/est si l égyptien ne trouve pas le secoure de aucun au monde mieux si va demande le secoure de l islamique state .

شاهد البلطجية يذبحون مؤيداً لمرسي في الشارع وكالة أخبار ليل ونهار/qui aime sa a l humanités .est aveugle de ce que va arrivé d abords .ou les organisations de l humanités fâché quant il a touche quelque sioniste ou europium ou américain .ou les terrorisme a des classe .les tueurs de les arabes est les moslime .pas graves est les tueurs des sioniste .est de l impérialismes .des défendeurs .alors ici je veux reposé cette question a les démocrates est les républicains au monde .de comment imagines est quelle classe va reposé comme c est crime .de le coups militaire égyptien .est son milichia .mes amie laissé nous vous dire la vérités .vous des traiteurs .de ce scandales .les peuple arabic est islamique ne connais pas pour quoi .mes moi je sais très bien est avec les preuve .pour quoi .est le memment .de le fichent .de ce document .qui étés partagés entre israélite est Jordanie est imirite kewets .saoudi arabi est bahrin est je ne dits pas abase puisque y a pas quelque chose ce quant appelles abase dans l agenda israélite .c est un comparse politic .est ce fiche document va explosé toute c est payés est son intelligence .est ce fiche exactement le source de le coups militaire qui traités entre c est payés criminelle .puisque il on peurs de son tombe entre les dois est la connaissance des gouvernement démocratique égyptien des mohamed morssi .est c est pour ce la aussi l intelligence égyptien resté manipulés .est caché la vérités des secrets de l intelligence a mohamed morssi .est maintenant l heurs de la vérités est reviens est de puis le coups est moi j ai caché cette vérités pour ne explosé pas le monde arabic est aussi le monde islamique .merci est en savoirs le fiche

vendredi 21 novembre 2014

Israel: The Promised Land for Organized Crime - 1

U S Demands to Assassinate Assange/oui

Panel 4 - Questions and Answers/codex magica mysterious monuments conspiracy of six pointed star Exclusive Intelligence Examiner Report Texe Marrs Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email Share on print More Sharing Services 365 Israel’s Netanyahu and the Jewish Neocons in America Vow Revenge Sixteen U.S. Intelligence Agencies, the Pentagon, and U.S. President Barack Obama Tell Israel NO! Hell hath no fury like a Zionist Jew scorned. O.K. that’s not quite the way the famous author, William Congreve (The Mourning Bride, 1697), put it. But it’s still an accurate observation. The arrogant Jews in Israel and America are so used to getting their way that when, finally, they are refused and told “No!,” they go absolutely wild in anger and disbelief. Well, it finally happened...again. The last time these jackals from hell were told “No” was in 1963, when President John F. Kennedy informed Israel’s puffed-up buffoon of a Prime Minister, David Ben Gurion that, “No! The United States will not allow Israel to have nuclear bombs.” That refusal ended rather badly for the courageous U.S. chief executive. The Jews’ Mossad, working in league with reprobate Vice President Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI, and other traitorous killers, splattered JFK’s head and brain with the crack of snipers’ rifles aimed from several locations in the heart of Dallas, Texas. All sixteen U.S. intelligence agencies concur in an authoritative new report that brands Israel an “illegal, criminal, and immoral” rogue state guilty of rampant terrorism, belligerence, racism, and genocide. The report recommends the United States discontinue the giving of billions in U.S. foreign aid and armaments to the Zionist State. U.S. Intelligence Community Warns That Israel is a “Rogue State” Now comes yet another dramatic moment in American and Israeli history. According to the authoritative Foreign Policy Journal, all sixteen U.S. intelligence agencies, including the CIA, the DEA, the NSA, the FBI, and others—have drafted an amazing, 82-page classified report entitled “Preparing for a Post Israel Middle East.” Currently being reviewed by the White House and by key Congressional leaders, the report brilliantly analyzes geo-politics and economics in the Middle East and globally. It concludes that Zionist Israel is the greatest single threat to American security and to the American economy. Israel Cannot Be Salvaged Among its many startling deductions is the report’s cogent analysis that “Israel, given its current brutal occupation and belligerence, cannot be salvaged.” It further states that Israel is wickedly “out of touch with the political, military, and economic realities of the Middle East.” Astonishing is that the well-documented report establishes that Israel consistently carries out spy activities in opposition to U.S. national interests and that it is recognized by almost every nation on earth as a militant, bloody aggressor. The overwhelming majority of people everywhere firmly believe that Israel’s brutal and oppressive occupation of Palestine and its unarmed civilian population is “illegal and immoral.” Moreover, the unprecedented intelligence report issued by all sixteen U.S. intelligence agencies says that America’s financial and military support of Israel and its wars and occupation is neither sustainable nor desirable, and conflicts with America’s own national interests. For example, it reveals that Israel has constantly lied over and over exaggerating the nuclear capabilities of its hated foe, Iran. In fact, the U.S. intelligence community finds that Iran has no nuclear bombs and is not developing nuclear weapons. Israel’s “Rampant and Violent Racism” The report notes, too, Israel’s “rampant and violent racism” and bigotry against other nations and peoples. Moreover, Israel’s occupation of Palestine and crimes committed against the innocent constitute genocidal conduct which is anathema to international law. Israel Unworthy of U.S. Support In sum, Israel is labeled by the report a “rogue, criminal state” unworthy and undeserving of U.S. financial and diplomatic support. The ripples caused by the 82-page report are spreading far and wide. The Israeli lobby has obtained copies of the draft from their Sayanim spies, traitors to the United States like U.S. Senators Charles Schumer and John McCain, Congressman Eric Cantor, and Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Reportedly, Israel’s Prime Minister, the belligerent and bellicose Benjamin Netanyahu, is boiling with anger. He and the Jewish neocons in the U.S.A. are plotting revenge against the report’s authors. Especially in their gunsights are General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon, and President Barack Obama. Said the head of Israel’s Knesset (Parliament): “How dare Obama turn against us after all we Jews have done for him.” U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, refuses to be a toady of the Zionists. America’s military finally is standing up for America against the bluffs and threats of the powerful neo-con Jewish Lobby in Washington, D.C. (Click image to enlarge the article) Sayanim Spies Cited As a Threat to U.S. Interestingly, one of the areas mentioned in the report is the widespread spying by Israel-firsters and Zionist saboteurs. It calls their efforts “gross interference in the internal affairs of the United States.” The report notes that Israel and the Zionists have more than sixty “front organizations” active in these Sayanim spying efforts and that, in the U.S., “there are approximately 7,500 U.S. officials who do Israel’s bidding.” The magnitude of Zionist Israel spying and interference in U.S. affairs seemingly even excels that of spies associated with the Soviet Union and Red China in their heyday. Maybe what we need is a modern-day Senator Joseph McCarthy to step forth and expose these dangerous anti-American Zionist agents. Their ranks, notably, include not only the many Zionist spies in public office but also thousands of Sayanim agents in the mainstream media, on Wall Street, in industry, and in academia. America is literally bursting at its seams with Zionist sympathizers, lobbyists, and spies who prefer Israel over America and would sell out their home country in a Tel Aviv moment if the tyrannical rabbis of Israel asked them to do so. Mitt Romney, pictured here in Israel with Jewish Congresswoman, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, has been a covert agent of the Israeli government since his graduation from college. Romney and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are “brothers” of the Masonic Lodge and for years worked side-by-side in a “consulting company” in Boston reputed to be an Israeli front organization. Mitt Romney A Covert Sayanim Israeli Agent Of course, one of the most dangerous of all Sayanim agents is Governor Mitt Romney, nominated by the Republican Party for President. Some believe that his Bain Capital group was and is an Israeli front. Meanwhile, Bain’s media branch, Clear Channel Communications, from where Zio-fanatics like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Michael Savage spout their venomous warmongering, pro-Israeli propaganda, is nothing less than a Zionist Fifth Column spy front. How many Americans know that these popular neo-con media personalities are actually well-paid Zionist puppets and mouthpieces? These many Sayanim agents are this very moment working hard to have the new draft intelligence report trashed, so that it will never see the light of day. They fear that if its potent contents are released for public review, the ground under their feet may shift significantly. The ordinary American citizen will finally see in a clear, accurate and much different light what Zionism stands for and what kind of ungodly and bloody, aggressive, theocratic state Israel really is. Mitt Romney: Chosen by America’s Foreign Enemy, Israel The Zionists among us and the Israeli politicians and chief rabbis do not want Americans to read this documented report or become privy to its tenets. They intend to postpone its release until January 20th, when their chosen man, Mitt Romney, is inaugurated as the new U.S.A. President. Romney has promised his friend Netanyahu that as soon as he has taken the oath of office, he will permanently bury the report. That is why Mitt Romney flew to Israel recently, in the very midst of his busy political campaign. In Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Romney met with Prime Minister Netanyahu, with high rabbis, and with the Masonic Lodge elite of Israel. Romney pledged to them that if they would use their Jewish lobby and billions of campaign dollars to “throw Barack Obama under the bus” (abandon him and cut off his media and financial support), he, Romney would do four things for Israel: First, kill this 82-page report, “Preparing for a Post Israel Middle East.” Second, shower Israel with tens of billions more U.S. dollars in aid money, not to be repaid. Third, provide Israel with new high-tech weapons systems, including electronic mind control systems, laser weapons, improved nuclear bombs, IRBM and ICBM capability, and long-range bomber aircraft refueling tankers. These would make tiny Israel invulnerable. The weapons would be the “bully” sticks the Jews could use to rule the Middle East and even to threaten Russia and Europe. Fourth, U.S. forces will invade Iran, attacking Tehran’s military installations, with U.S. nuclear bombs if need be. Romney and Mormon Church in Opposition to U.S. National Interests The truth is that Mitt Romney is a covert Israeli agent. His Mormon Church’s official doctrine encourages his anti-American defection by proclaiming its members to be of the 12 tribes of Israel. That’s right—the Church of Mormon claims it is the tribes of Ephraim and Manassas. It is therefore a Judaic cult hostile to the U.S.A. and to America’s national interests. Mitt Romney’s traitorous activities should not go unpunished. I hereby demand that Romney and his pro-Israel cabal of Zionist spies be investigated for the crime of giving material aid and comfort to America’s enemy, Israel. Moreover, I hereby demand that the law enforcement agencies of the federal government and several states initiate a criminal investigation of Mitt Romney’s shadowy Bain and Co. The Chairman of the Board of Bain is none other than a former Mossad agent, Orit Gadiesh, an Israeli citizen, again confirming Romney’s longstanding Mossad connections. If the Israeli spies and saboteurs inside the U.S.A. are not quickly outed and investigated, we are going to lose our once great nation. We must move at once to investigate their crimes and remove each and every one from their perch of high trust. Time is of the Essence Let the new study report commissioned by the U.S. intelligence community and endorsed by General Martin Dempsey, the courageous Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, be the guide and impetus for our efforts. And remember, dear friends, if we wait and delay until January 20, 2013, it may be too late. A man who serves a foreign power and has a life-long history of subversion and sabotage of America’s foreign and domestic policy may, on that day, be making his inaugural address in Washington, D.C. If that tragic and unfortunate event were to occur, we and our nation will be in deep and dire trouble. Blood, war, and the disintegration of America by traitors to our flag will be at hand. Then, you and I will become as the Palestinians are today. We shall be slaves of a cruel and heartless nation and people, psychopaths who actually believe the satanic lie that they are men-gods while you and I, they teach, are but goyim (cattle) fit for destruction. Keep up to date with Texe on Click to view excerpts from Texe's latest blockbuster documentary Die, America, Die!, then order your copy today! Order Now 80 Minute DVD • $25 Power of Prophecy proudly offers the following best-selling books. Order your copy today! Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star 432 Pages ~ $25.00 Conspiracy World Conspiracy World 432 Pages ~ $25.00 Mysterious Monuments Mysterious Monuments 624 Pages ~ $35.00 Codex Magica Codex Magica 624 Pages ~ $35.00 Circle of Intrigue Circle of Intrigue 304 Pages ~ $20.00 Zionist Seizure of World Power Ruling Elite—The Zionist Seizure of World Power 762 Pages ~ $35.00 Bohemian Grove: Cult of Conspiracy 448 Pages ~ $30.00 The Caiaphas Complex The Caiaphas Complex 240 Pages ~ $25.00 The Synagogue of Satan The Synagogue of Satan 320 Pages ~ $20.00 The New Jerusalem Everything They* Ever Told Me Was a Lie 280 Pages ~ $25.00 Power of Prophecy proudly offers these best-selling videos. Order your copy today! Die, America, Die! 80 Minutes ~ $25.00 DVD Only Rothschild’s Choice 90 Minutes ~ $25.00 DVD Only Tower of Infamy 84 Minutes ~ $25.00 DVD Only Where the Rich and Famous Dwell 60 Minutes ~ $25.00 DVD Only Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove Over 120 Minutes ~ $25.00 DVD Only Power of Prophecy proudly offers these best-selling audios. Order your copies today! The Great Serpent, the Red Dragon, and the Soaring War Eagle The Great Serpent, the Red Dragon, and the Soaring War Eagle 60 Minutes ~ $8.00 Tape or CD Sayanim Everywhere Sayanim Everywhere 60 Minutes ~ $8.00 Tape or CD High Priests of Globalization The High Priests of Globalization 60 Minutes ~ $8.00 Tape or CD Hunger Games and Report From Iron Mountain Hunger Games & The Report From Iron Mountain 60 Minutes ~ $8.00 Tape or CD You Are Worth Millions! You Are Worth Millions! 60 Minutes ~ $8.00 Tape or CD Evil Twins of Israel The Evil Twins of Israel 60 Minutes ~ $8.00 Tape or CD We are so very thankful to those of you who give to Power of Prophecy. You are a valued member of our end-time crusade for Truth and Righteousness on behalf of our Savior Jesus Christ. Click here for more info!

codex magica mysterious monuments conspiracy of six pointed star Exclusive Intelligence Examiner Report Texe Marrs Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email Share on print More Sharing Services 365 Israel’s Netanyahu and the Jewish Neocons in America Vow Revenge Sixteen U.S. Intelligence Agencies, the Pentagon, and U.S. President Barack Obama Tell Israel NO! Hell hath no fury like a Zionist Jew scorned. O.K. that’s not quite the way the famous author, William Congreve (The Mourning Bride, 1697), put it. But it’s still an accurate observation. The arrogant Jews in Israel and America are so used to getting their way that when, finally, they are refused and told “No!,” they go absolutely wild in anger and disbelief. Well, it finally happened...again. The last time these jackals from hell were told “No” was in 1963, when President John F. Kennedy informed Israel’s puffed-up buffoon of a Prime Minister, David Ben Gurion that, “No! The United States will not allow Israel to have nuclear bombs.” That refusal ended rather badly for the courageous U.S. chief executive. The Jews’ Mossad, working in league with reprobate Vice President Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI, and other traitorous killers, splattered JFK’s head and brain with the crack of snipers’ rifles aimed from several locations in the heart of Dallas, Texas. All sixteen U.S. intelligence agencies concur in an authoritative new report that brands Israel an “illegal, criminal, and immoral” rogue state guilty of rampant terrorism, belligerence, racism, and genocide. The report recommends the United States discontinue the giving of billions in U.S. foreign aid and armaments to the Zionist State. U.S. Intelligence Community Warns That Israel is a “Rogue State” Now comes yet another dramatic moment in American and Israeli history. According to the authoritative Foreign Policy Journal, all sixteen U.S. intelligence agencies, including the CIA, the DEA, the NSA, the FBI, and others—have drafted an amazing, 82-page classified report entitled “Preparing for a Post Israel Middle East.” Currently being reviewed by the White House and by key Congressional leaders, the report brilliantly analyzes geo-politics and economics in the Middle East and globally. It concludes that Zionist Israel is the greatest single threat to American security and to the American economy. Israel Cannot Be Salvaged Among its many startling deductions is the report’s cogent analysis that “Israel, given its current brutal occupation and belligerence, cannot be salvaged.” It further states that Israel is wickedly “out of touch with the political, military, and economic realities of the Middle East.” Astonishing is that the well-documented report establishes that Israel consistently carries out spy activities in opposition to U.S. national interests and that it is recognized by almost every nation on earth as a militant, bloody aggressor. The overwhelming majority of people everywhere firmly believe that Israel’s brutal and oppressive occupation of Palestine and its unarmed civilian population is “illegal and immoral.” Moreover, the unprecedented intelligence report issued by all sixteen U.S. intelligence agencies says that America’s financial and military support of Israel and its wars and occupation is neither sustainable nor desirable, and conflicts with America’s own national interests. For example, it reveals that Israel has constantly lied over and over exaggerating the nuclear capabilities of its hated foe, Iran. In fact, the U.S. intelligence community finds that Iran has no nuclear bombs and is not developing nuclear weapons. Israel’s “Rampant and Violent Racism” The report notes, too, Israel’s “rampant and violent racism” and bigotry against other nations and peoples. Moreover, Israel’s occupation of Palestine and crimes committed against the innocent constitute genocidal conduct which is anathema to international law. Israel Unworthy of U.S. Support In sum, Israel is labeled by the report a “rogue, criminal state” unworthy and undeserving of U.S. financial and diplomatic support. The ripples caused by the 82-page report are spreading far and wide. The Israeli lobby has obtained copies of the draft from their Sayanim spies, traitors to the United States like U.S. Senators Charles Schumer and John McCain, Congressman Eric Cantor, and Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Reportedly, Israel’s Prime Minister, the belligerent and bellicose Benjamin Netanyahu, is boiling with anger. He and the Jewish neocons in the U.S.A. are plotting revenge against the report’s authors. Especially in their gunsights are General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon, and President Barack Obama. Said the head of Israel’s Knesset (Parliament): “How dare Obama turn against us after all we Jews have done for him.” U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, refuses to be a toady of the Zionists. America’s military finally is standing up for America against the bluffs and threats of the powerful neo-con Jewish Lobby in Washington, D.C. (Click image to enlarge the article) Sayanim Spies Cited As a Threat to U.S. Interestingly, one of the areas mentioned in the report is the widespread spying by Israel-firsters and Zionist saboteurs. It calls their efforts “gross interference in the internal affairs of the United States.” The report notes that Israel and the Zionists have more than sixty “front organizations” active in these Sayanim spying efforts and that, in the U.S., “there are approximately 7,500 U.S. officials who do Israel’s bidding.” The magnitude of Zionist Israel spying and interference in U.S. affairs seemingly even excels that of spies associated with the Soviet Union and Red China in their heyday. Maybe what we need is a modern-day Senator Joseph McCarthy to step forth and expose these dangerous anti-American Zionist agents. Their ranks, notably, include not only the many Zionist spies in public office but also thousands of Sayanim agents in the mainstream media, on Wall Street, in industry, and in academia. America is literally bursting at its seams with Zionist sympathizers, lobbyists, and spies who prefer Israel over America and would sell out their home country in a Tel Aviv moment if the tyrannical rabbis of Israel asked them to do so. Mitt Romney, pictured here in Israel with Jewish Congresswoman, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, has been a covert agent of the Israeli government since his graduation from college. Romney and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are “brothers” of the Masonic Lodge and for years worked side-by-side in a “consulting company” in Boston reputed to be an Israeli front organization. Mitt Romney A Covert Sayanim Israeli Agent Of course, one of the most dangerous of all Sayanim agents is Governor Mitt Romney, nominated by the Republican Party for President. Some believe that his Bain Capital group was and is an Israeli front. Meanwhile, Bain’s media branch, Clear Channel Communications, from where Zio-fanatics like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Michael Savage spout their venomous warmongering, pro-Israeli propaganda, is nothing less than a Zionist Fifth Column spy front. How many Americans know that these popular neo-con media personalities are actually well-paid Zionist puppets and mouthpieces? These many Sayanim agents are this very moment working hard to have the new draft intelligence report trashed, so that it will never see the light of day. They fear that if its potent contents are released for public review, the ground under their feet may shift significantly. The ordinary American citizen will finally see in a clear, accurate and much different light what Zionism stands for and what kind of ungodly and bloody, aggressive, theocratic state Israel really is. Mitt Romney: Chosen by America’s Foreign Enemy, Israel The Zionists among us and the Israeli politicians and chief rabbis do not want Americans to read this documented report or become privy to its tenets. They intend to postpone its release until January 20th, when their chosen man, Mitt Romney, is inaugurated as the new U.S.A. President. Romney has promised his friend Netanyahu that as soon as he has taken the oath of office, he will permanently bury the report. That is why Mitt Romney flew to Israel recently, in the very midst of his busy political campaign. In Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Romney met with Prime Minister Netanyahu, with high rabbis, and with the Masonic Lodge elite of Israel. Romney pledged to them that if they would use their Jewish lobby and billions of campaign dollars to “throw Barack Obama under the bus” (abandon him and cut off his media and financial support), he, Romney would do four things for Israel: First, kill this 82-page report, “Preparing for a Post Israel Middle East.” Second, shower Israel with tens of billions more U.S. dollars in aid money, not to be repaid. Third, provide Israel with new high-tech weapons systems, including electronic mind control systems, laser weapons, improved nuclear bombs, IRBM and ICBM capability, and long-range bomber aircraft refueling tankers. These would make tiny Israel invulnerable. The weapons would be the “bully” sticks the Jews could use to rule the Middle East and even to threaten Russia and Europe. Fourth, U.S. forces will invade Iran, attacking Tehran’s military installations, with U.S. nuclear bombs if need be. Romney and Mormon Church in Opposition to U.S. National Interests The truth is that Mitt Romney is a covert Israeli agent. His Mormon Church’s official doctrine encourages his anti-American defection by proclaiming its members to be of the 12 tribes of Israel. That’s right—the Church of Mormon claims it is the tribes of Ephraim and Manassas. It is therefore a Judaic cult hostile to the U.S.A. and to America’s national interests. Mitt Romney’s traitorous activities should not go unpunished. I hereby demand that Romney and his pro-Israel cabal of Zionist spies be investigated for the crime of giving material aid and comfort to America’s enemy, Israel. Moreover, I hereby demand that the law enforcement agencies of the federal government and several states initiate a criminal investigation of Mitt Romney’s shadowy Bain and Co. The Chairman of the Board of Bain is none other than a former Mossad agent, Orit Gadiesh, an Israeli citizen, again confirming Romney’s longstanding Mossad connections. If the Israeli spies and saboteurs inside the U.S.A. are not quickly outed and investigated, we are going to lose our once great nation. We must move at once to investigate their crimes and remove each and every one from their perch of high trust. Time is of the Essence Let the new study report commissioned by the U.S. intelligence community and endorsed by General Martin Dempsey, the courageous Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, be the guide and impetus for our efforts. And remember, dear friends, if we wait and delay until January 20, 2013, it may be too late. A man who serves a foreign power and has a life-long history of subversion and sabotage of America’s foreign and domestic policy may, on that day, be making his inaugural address in Washington, D.C. If that tragic and unfortunate event were to occur, we and our nation will be in deep and dire trouble. Blood, war, and the disintegration of America by traitors to our flag will be at hand. Then, you and I will become as the Palestinians are today. We shall be slaves of a cruel and heartless nation and people, psychopaths who actually believe the satanic lie that they are men-gods while you and I, they teach, are but goyim (cattle) fit for destruction. Keep up to date with Texe on Click to view excerpts from Texe's latest blockbuster documentary Die, America, Die!, then order your copy today! Order Now 80 Minute DVD • $25 Power of Prophecy proudly offers the following best-selling books. Order your copy today! Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star 432 Pages ~ $25.00 Conspiracy World Conspiracy World 432 Pages ~ $25.00 Mysterious Monuments Mysterious Monuments 624 Pages ~ $35.00 Codex Magica Codex Magica 624 Pages ~ $35.00 Circle of Intrigue Circle of Intrigue 304 Pages ~ $20.00 Zionist Seizure of World Power Ruling Elite—The Zionist Seizure of World Power 762 Pages ~ $35.00 Bohemian Grove: Cult of Conspiracy 448 Pages ~ $30.00 The Caiaphas Complex The Caiaphas Complex 240 Pages ~ $25.00 The Synagogue of Satan The Synagogue of Satan 320 Pages ~ $20.00 The New Jerusalem Everything They* Ever Told Me Was a Lie 280 Pages ~ $25.00 Power of Prophecy proudly offers these best-selling videos. Order your copy today! Die, America, Die! 80 Minutes ~ $25.00 DVD Only Rothschild’s Choice 90 Minutes ~ $25.00 DVD Only Tower of Infamy 84 Minutes ~ $25.00 DVD Only Where the Rich and Famous Dwell 60 Minutes ~ $25.00 DVD Only Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove Over 120 Minutes ~ $25.00 DVD Only Power of Prophecy proudly offers these best-selling audios. Order your copies today! The Great Serpent, the Red Dragon, and the Soaring War Eagle The Great Serpent, the Red Dragon, and the Soaring War Eagle 60 Minutes ~ $8.00 Tape or CD Sayanim Everywhere Sayanim Everywhere 60 Minutes ~ $8.00 Tape or CD High Priests of Globalization The High Priests of Globalization 60 Minutes ~ $8.00 Tape or CD Hunger Games and Report From Iron Mountain Hunger Games & The Report From Iron Mountain 60 Minutes ~ $8.00 Tape or CD You Are Worth Millions! You Are Worth Millions! 60 Minutes ~ $8.00 Tape or CD Evil Twins of Israel The Evil Twins of Israel 60 Minutes ~ $8.00 Tape or CD We are so very thankful to those of you who give to Power of Prophecy. You are a valued member of our end-time crusade for Truth and Righteousness on behalf of our Savior Jesus Christ. Click here for more info!/L'Oligarchie et le Sionisme - Israel [DOCUMENTAIRE COMPLET ENTIER]

Million Mask March London 2014 part 4/Federal Reserve: A Private Jewish Bank Strangling America Federal Reserve Articles FEDERAL RESERVE: A PRIVATE JEWISH BANK STRANGLING AMERICA By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2008-2010 Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner & Link To Real Jew News (SM) Please Help Support This Site! Online donation system by ClickandPledge Or Send Your Contribution To: Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 1242; Frisco CO 80443 E-mail: Source: “Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country,” by William Greider; “Controlling The Money,” Silver Bear Cafe Here ZIONIST JEWS CONTROL THE MONEY in America. Zionist Jews own & run the Federal Reserve Bank that the US government continually borrows from and is in debt to. Napoleon said: — “When a government is dependent for money upon the bankers, they and not the government leaders control the nation. This is because the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Financiers are without patriotism and without decency.” — The Federal Reserve Bank is a consortium of 9 Jewish-owned & associated banks with the Rothschilds at the head: $1. Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin $2. Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris $3. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy $4. Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam $5. Lehman Brothers of NY $6. Kuhn, Loeb Bank of NY (Now Shearson American Express) $7. Goldman, Sachs of NY $8. National Bank of Commerce NY/Morgan Guaranty Trust (J. P. Morgan Bank - Equitable Life - Levi P. Morton are principal shareholders) $9. Hanover Trust of NY (William and David Rockefeller & Chase National Bank NY are principal shareholders). Here & Here TIME LINE OF THE JEWISH-OWNED FEDERAL RESERVE BANK 1791-1811: Rothschilds’ First Bank of the United States 1816-1836: Rothschilds’ Second Bank of the United States 1837-1862: Free Banking Era - no formal Central Bank through the efforts of President Andrew Jackson 1862-1913: System of National Banks through the efforts of President Andrew Jackson 1913-Current: Federal Reserve Act effects a consortium of privately held Jewish & associated banks called the Federal Reserve Bank. The largest shareholders of the Federal Reserve Bank are the Rothschilds of London holding 57% of the stock which is not available for public trading On May 23 1933, Congressman Louis T. McFadden brought impeachment charges against the members of the Federal Reserve Bank. A smear campaign against McFadden ensued and he was poisoned 3 years later Here (Scroll Down). JEWS RUN THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK Here are the Jews that control the government of America: 1) Ben Shalom Bernanke: Chairman of the Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Term ends 2020. 2) Donald L. Kohn: Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Term ends 2016. 3) Randall S. Kroszner: Member of Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. 4) Frederic S. Mishkin: Member of Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Term ends 2014. 5) Alan Greenspan: Advisor to Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Recent Chairman. HOW THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK WORKS JEWISH BANKERS PRINT MONEY at heavily-armed & guarded Federal Reserve Bank buildings throughout the US. Then these Jewish bankers of the Federal Reserve Bank *loan* the money to the US government at *interest.* Since the Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (and all the others) is listed in Dun & Bradstreet. But according to Article I, Section 8 of the U. S. Constitution, only Congress has the right to issue money and regulate its value. Thus it is *illegal* for private interests to issue US money. But because influential Jews like Paul Warburg and Jacob Schiff bribed into enactment the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the stockholders of the Federal Reserve Bank were to be kept a secret. Only recently have the Jewish stockholders of the Federal Reserve Bank come to light. International cooperation with the Jew-owned Federal Reserve Bank has been intense to coordinate currency. In 1985, officials from the JP Morgan Bank of NY met with the Credit Lyonnais Bank of France. They established the European Currency Unit Banking Association (ECUBA) to get world cooperation for a unified currency. In October 1987, the Association for the Monetary Union of Europe (AMUE), secretly met and recommended that the ECU (European Currency Unit) replace existing national currencies and that all European Central Banks be combined into one and issue the ECU as the official unified currency. This occurred in 1999 with the issuing of the Euro Here. The plan of the international Jewish banking cabal is to have only 3 central banks in the world: The Federal Reserve Bank, the European Central Bank, and the Central Bank of Japan. All of these banks are headed by the Rothschilds. And Next To Come Will Be The One World Government Run By Anti-Christian Jews! ___________________________________ For More See: “Federal Reserve Jews Control America!” Click Here AND: “Will Jew-Owned Fed Reserve Bank Kill Ron Paul? ” Click Here AND: “President Andrew Jackson Vs Jewish Bankers” Click Here CLICK: Brother Nathanael! Street Evangelist! Please Help Support This Site! Online donation system by ClickandPledge Or Send Your Contribution To: Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 1242; Frisco CO 80443 E-mail: Send this article/post as a PDF attachment to PDF | PDF Creator | PDF Converter BROTHER NATHANAEL @ MARCH 20, 2008 « REAL ID Act Plotted By Jews!McCain Bought By Jews Via Rothschilds! » 56 Comments Jeffrey Levine March 21, 2008 @ 12:39 pm You are one sick freak! One day you will tell the truth, but I wont hold my breath. admin March 21, 2008 @ 12:59 pm Dear Jeffrey Levine - Thank you for proving to all the thousands of readers that come to this Site & Comments section that the best you Jews can do to defend yourselves against the FACTS is to slander, insult, call names, and engage in frothing at the mouth… And thanking you for proving that your Judaism does not help you to be decent people with integrity. Please embrace Jesus Christ the Messiah of Israel as your Saviour dear Jeffery Levine. Please learn the catechism of the Orthodox Church beginning with the 10 Commandments of Moses and then graduate to the sublime teaching of the Saviour Jesus Christ in His Sermon on the Mount. Then do please get baptized, study, pray, attend Church services. Ane hopefully in 15 years INTEGRITY, ETHICS, COMMON DECENCY, and the entire Christian virtues will be instilled into your converted soul. But until then, you have proven that Judaism is not only bankrupt, but evil. Brother Nathanael Former Jew Now In Love With Yeshua Ha Moschiach! Emerson March 21, 2008 @ 3:31 pm You are one beautiful man. “All men will hate you because of Me,” including Jeffrey Levine, the Synagogue of Satan. Robert Cardillo March 21, 2008 @ 4:02 pm Dear Brother Nathaniel: Hi!!! Great website!!! You always back up your news with the facts. I commend you your Sir for having the courage to do what tou do. I have friends of mine of the Jewish who are like you. They too do not approve of what their fellow Jews are doing. They get accused of being self hating and the like. Good job!!! Stay strong!!! DEVON March 22, 2008 @ 7:42 am Dear Brother Nathaniel. At last someone has the guts to show the world the “truth”. However, there are several so-called Christian Pastors in USA who woo the Jews and do not have the guts to condone them for the murder of Christ and ask for forgiveness from the present day Rabbis, leave alone asking them to accept Christ as the Prophet - the Son of God! I am curious to know if there’s any relationship between Pat Robertson and the Ultra Jewish movements? admin March 22, 2008 @ 9:11 am Pat Robertson woos the Jewish community both in US and in Israel. Pat Robertson recently spoke at a Jewish Synagogue to a thunderous applause. Haggee last week spoke before a reformed Jewish temple again to a stand up applause. These 2 men simply do not know or understand the Scripture pertaining to the true Israel, the Christian Church. Please see my article: “Christians NOT Jews Are God’s Chosen People” @ Brother Nathanael Lynda March 22, 2008 @ 6:47 pm The ‘Christian’ Zionists Pat Robertson and John Hagee are generals in the Sectarian war against the New Testament mandated by the rabbis - as they have written in the Talmud. These “Bible Believers” are known for the Sacred Scripture they twist to serve sectarian and masonic agendas as well as for the texts they reject outright, notably: 2 Peter 1:20 “The scripture is not of private interpretation.” The Bible was written within the Covenants God made with His people, the New Testament was written within the Church, interpreted by Apostolic authority and the bishops in their succession (living authority), canonized by Councils, expounded by Saints, Fathers and Doctors and transmitted through the Church - notably divine worship. There is nothing private, individual and / or sectarian about Sacred Scripture. And it bears eternal witness against the Talmud or the Traditions of the Elders (of Zion). Pat Robertson and John Hagee despise not only the Sacred Scripture they have twisted to suit the Zionist agenda with their ‘Bible’ crusades; they despise the entire 2,000 years of Tradition that honours Sacred Scripture. So it should not surprise anyone that they hate the Church and characterise Christian worship founded upon Apostolic Tradition and Sacred Scripture as ‘Churchianity’. To them do the words of the Saviour of men apply: “You make void the word of God.” Whistleblower has posted a very good essay on the subject of the Jewish / ‘Christian Zionist’ agenda to make void and ultimately obliterate the New Testament on his Secrets of Zion website. You can read it at neocognitism March 22, 2008 @ 10:25 pm Br. Nathaniel, I wish we could get the Church to declare Hagee a heretic. Isn’t there some national or international body that could sanction him for what he has said, even if it lacked teeth? PROPHECY AND THE "NEW WORLD ORDER" March 26, 2008 @ 8:22 pm THE WORLD GOVERNMENT THAT THE INTERNATIONAL JEWISH BANKERS ARE SECRETLY PLANNING IS THE FUTURE “NEW WORLD ORDER” OF THE BIBLE ANTI-CHRIST…OUR STRENGHT IS IN PATIENCE AND IN THE RECOGNITION OF J-E-S-U-S AS THE TRUE MESSIAH FOR EVERYBODY..JEW AND GENTILE…… TIME IS SHORT…ACCEPT JESUS AS SAVIOR !! thomas thinkalo April 2, 2008 @ 11:19 am keep up the great work nathaneal! glad you red the new testament! thomas Jack Delmar Johnston April 4, 2008 @ 2:51 am Re comments by J.Levine. Being “sick” has nothing to do with truth. If Br.N. is wrong it is very easy to prove. Does the control of the FRS lie in the hands of the Rothchilds and associates or not? Provide the identiy of those who control the FRS if different from those identified by Br.N. I would be very interested in differing information. The issue that Br.N has raised ,control of the FRS-control of world banking, has implications relevant to everyone.If the world banking system has over more than 200 years been usurped by unscrupulous moneymongers following a fanatical religious interpretation of Talmudic law ie: god has chosen jews to control world wealth, specifically the Rothchilds then the entire world has a right to know and indeed should know and should be informed by their elected and appointed government officials. After transparency is provided it should be a matter of PUBLIC discussion as to required action. Is this “group” competent to exercise control? If not, for whatever reason , who should be in control and why? Should the FRS be proscribed from private hands? Why/why not? Should the public be allowed to buy stck if it is to remain in private hands? Has the present group been involved in any criminal enterprise? Etc. I for one despise supremacists especially paracitics. Jews are good at making and managing money,especially combining with one another. Jews are perhaps at the pinnacle of talent in astrophysics and theoretical physics however the wealthiest individuals Gates and Buffet are not jews. The wealthiest family (putting aside the large extended family of the Sauds) is the Waltons (Walmart)who are not jews. Science is not the private reserve of jews, neither is medicine. It seems apparent that jews intentionally pursue the the notion of “victims” in order to better avoid criticism, public, media, legal etc. It is not illegal to criticise jews,jewish culture, jewish attitudes, religion etc. but it is apparent that especially jews in powerfull positions prefer such criticism to be illegal and for transparency of their actions, intentions and attitudes of supremacy be left unchallenged by the mainstream public. To emphasize what I have said I point to at least “tacit” disapproval and in some countries (Canada and Germany) the illegality of what is referred to as antisemitic activities, words, ideas,etc..For instance (and there are perhaps better examples) the term itself “antisemitic” aren’t Syrians,Palestinians,Saudis,Egyptians,Libyians, and a host of others Semites. Why does the “anti” pertain only to jews? Why do jews want to be “white” until there is something for them to protest and then they are the consumate semites as in “antisemitic”. Stalin deliberately appointed jews to command his death camps. Stalin was married three times all to jewish women; his children are jews under the Israili law of return. Lenin, Stalin and the jews who were part of their regimes murdered over 60 million people in camps such as Kolyma, Magadan, the Solovetsky islands and the hundreds of Leninist/Stalinist death camps alonf 8000 miles of the trans siberian railroad . Did you know this? Why not? Why are the atrocities committed by jews not publicised similarly as those of the nazis? Why is it that jews apparently want the world to believe that the nazis victimised only jews. The nazis murdered between 12 and 18 million of that number approximately 5.7 million were jews. Why isn’t the world told that the nazis murdered more nonjews than jews? Why? Is it just fine that the nazis murdered between 6.3 and 12 million nonjews? Is it just fine that jews murdered over 60 million soviet citizens during the reigns of Lenin and Stalin? It seems to me that you are conveniently ignorant of malfesance and atrocities committed by jews and indeed of supremacist religious/cultural opinions held by jews. I personally of a number of instnces of jew males “going” “having sex” with white girls/women and refusing to marry them because they would oonly marry another jew. Doesn’t this reek of supremacist attitude and behavior? Why is it that jews profess great fondness for black people but refuse to live or build their churches,temples,synagogues in black neighborhoods? Doesn”t that reek of a supremacist attitude? Aren’t these jewish attitudes and behaviors rascist, biggoted and discriminatory? Why shouldn’t jews be criticised for such attitudes? Why should such criticism be deflected with the unequivically specious term “antisemitic”? I would be very interested in a cogent, well informed, subjectve reply. JDJ Andrew Jackson April 5, 2008 @ 11:17 am Dear Jack Delmar Johnston, The brief answer to your question is because the judaics have a tribal racist attitude towards non-jews. True to the instructions of the hate-filled Talmud, written by the Pharisees and their spiritual heirs, the judaics use all kind of lies, deceptions, subterfuges, etc.. to gain power and control over non-jews, in order to destroy them and subjugate them. The judaics are hell bound, unless they get on their knees, and ask Christ God, the greatest of all jews and the nemesis of judaism, to forgive them. The days of every man are numbered, and so are the days of the powerful judaics of this world. They have accepted satan’s offer; to sell their soul and gain possessions, prestige, and power. Our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ asks them: What does it benefit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? We all should ponder this golden question long and hard. We ought to set it before our eyes during our transient stay on this earth. jon April 6, 2008 @ 3:14 pm Br Nathanael, did you know that Al Gore’s daughter Karenna married into the Schiff family? Freedom April 10, 2008 @ 8:52 am Thanks for telling the true story of the Jewish owned “federal Reserve” We need to ABOLISH the Fed!! EDWIN DOHERTY April 23, 2008 @ 11:42 pm ALOHA, REALLY GOOD ARTICLE ON THE FED . I’M SURE YOUR AWARE OF THE FACT THAT JEWS CONTROL THE CHILD SEX INDUSTRY IN AMERICA. ZIONIST ARE DIGUSTING EVIL FILTH, THEY ARE A STAIN ON HUMANITY. THEY LIE STEAL AND BEG MONEY FROM THE UNITED STATES AND USE THEIR WEAPONS (AMERICAN) FOT GENOCIDAL ACTS AGAINST THE PALESTINIENS MAHALO EDWIN DOHERTY Herman King May 2, 2008 @ 9:52 am Abolishing the federal reserve system would be the quickest way to turn our nation around. There should be a billion man and woman march on Washington, complete with tar and feathers for the politicians! Toby June 9, 2008 @ 4:17 am I like this Website. Keep on telling the truth !!! ken amen August 26, 2008 @ 6:16 am were you aware that the gore’s are beholden to armand hammer? mike September 27, 2008 @ 7:04 pm please e mail me an intro so i can pass it on Daniele October 28, 2008 @ 7:25 am THE WORLD GOVERNMENT THAT THE INTERNATIONAL JEWISH BANKERS ARE SECRETLY PLANNING IS THE FUTURE “NEW WORLD ORDER” OF THE BIBLE ANTI-CHRIST…OUR STRENGHT IS IN PATIENCE AND IN THE RECOGNITION OF J-E-S-U-S AS THE TRUE MESSIAH FOR EVERYBODY..JEW AND GENTILE…… TIME IS SHORT…ACCEPT JESUS AS SAVIOR !! FrankDialogue November 18, 2008 @ 11:47 pm Brother Nathaniel is not pulling this information out of thin air… I believe the charts that he has linked to were first made public by Rep.Henry Gonzalez 9TX) in the 1970’s…Gonzalez was on the US House banking Commitee…In a recent statement, one of the Rothschild ‘heads’ (I believe david from France) discussed the current global financial crisis in somewhat ‘elliptical’ terms… He admitted that the Rothschilds were involved in the manipulation of ‘derivatives’, but said that when the ‘current crisis is over’ (meaning when the Rothschilds and Israel have finished cleaning out remaining US & other global assets) there will be a ‘reform’ of such ’speculative’ conterfeit money i.e ‘derivative’ ‘credit swaps’…Jews are notorious for their love of gambling, and they have turned the world financial system into a casino, which they own… They play with house money & the house always wins…A casino ‘patron’ is merely making a ’sucker bet’… So it is that we are played for suckers…But why blame Jews?…They only do what they can get away with… The rest of us let them…In a speech in November 2007, Israeli President Shimon Peres stated, when questioned about the world economy: ‘Israel is doing extremely well…We are buying up Manhattan, Hungary, Poland & Romania’… Yes, Israel is doing well with TRILLIONS embezelled from the US… Some Jewish groups criticized Peres’ speech saying it would invite ‘Anti-Semitism’… No, it will, unfortunately, create ‘Jew hatred’…Peace Be Unto You. Visit KULTURE/AMERIKA for political & cultural commentary: czarina November 19, 2008 @ 2:54 pm If what these bankers are doing is illegal, then why does the Attorney General not arrest them and put them on trial, or deport them to Israel? They are not above the law. Joseph Tabit November 23, 2008 @ 10:22 am I actually came to this website by accident, and found the site intriging. I understand what all of you are saying. Almost all of what you say has an incredible amount of truth to it. But what is the purpose of all of this? Nothing and nobody is going to change this world. If the all the money, power, and prestige that these “Jews” (as you refer to them) were in the hands of another ethnic or religious group, would they act any differently? Jews, as well as people of every ethincity,race,religion have collectively destroyed this entire world and will continue to do so. 99% of mankind cares for nothing accept themselves. Jews realized long ago that if they congregated and worked together they would be the ones with all the aces. Do you really think this so called community of Elite Jews care about each other? They would kill the man standing next to them if it was in their best interest, as would any other human being on this earth. Leave the final solution of mankind into the the hand of, well, I’m not sure what to call him? The best description of this being is simply “The Ancient of Days”. suraci December 21, 2008 @ 4:46 am “They are not above the law.” I’m afraid that’s exactly what they are. To pull off a crime like 911 and all the rest requires a deep and covert control of every facet of society. I’ve met some of their minions over the years, two of whom even warned me as to what was coming. “A conspiracy too monstrous to conceive.” bali January 2, 2009 @ 9:17 am this is the biggest political conspiracy…….. actually no 1 knows about the truth but 1 days it would be in front of the people of the world………..!!! Rousseaux January 9, 2009 @ 11:41 am rjn: Thanks for your publishing efforts. Do you answer questions? If so, what do you make of Panarin’s (sp?) remarks that America is to be split into 4 regions by 2010, among Canada, the European Union, Mexico, and China? I’m certain such will occur one day, but I never expected it so soon. It’s been a big question to me how the America haters would eventually destroy this once Republic and suck us into their world UN dictatorship. Thanks for your comments. J. Bavet October 11, 2009 @ 5:29 pm You neglected to mention the former Fed Chairmen who were Jews from the beginning of the Federal Reserve Act until Greenspan. They were: Eugene Meyer Eugene Black Arthur Burns Paul Volcker. This would make a total of at least 6 out of 14 since the creation of the Act. I am unsure of G. William Miller as I cannot find much information on him. Maybe you have information on him. Cheryl Forrester November 8, 2009 @ 10:24 pm You know, I have really studied and researched for months regarding the Rothschilds. I was studying my Bible one evening in Revelation and of course I always pray before I do and ask for wisdom from my Heavenly Father. It occured to me that the anti-christ would be a social butterfly, of course, having great knowledge of military tactics and the like, but, I thought that there would have to be some kind of connection to a family and it would be in that family that I would find my answer. Well, researching what the Jews are doing and the preparations they are making for the temple to be built (the blood letting instruments, sacrificial tools, and of course, all is made w/ solid gold) but these are instruments of Satan. Jesus Christ died for our sins, thus, making sacrifices unnecessary. Jesus Christ paid the price for our salvation. At any rate, the building I was checking to see was in Jerusalem, it is a government building (was doing research on the Houses of government) and found to my surprise that the government building was purchased and paid for by none other than the Rothschilds. After further study, I found various sites on the internet regarding the Rothschilds and the start of all this being 200 years ago with a Rothschild in the slums of Jerusalem. It started 200 years ago. Very interesting stuff, and I now know the arranged marriages throughout the 200 years and the relationships that family had/has with the governments in France, England, Mexico, Canada — it is Global. In the hands of a few. They promote war for their own reasons, they are destructive to a fault. Intentionally. I found out about this family the Rothschilds after I searched that government building in Jerusalem. They are so rooted around the country and it has been a mystery to most. Wow. I was floored. Now their companies and holdings are so diversified that the names are changed, but still answers to that family name. Checked it all out very thoroughly. Business licenses, titles, you name it. The months I spent researching were so fun. Even our beloved Kennedy was assassinated by that family because he wanted to get rid of the Federal Reserves. The 4 individuals who hold title to them and the ridiculous interest rates they charge us to borrow what is supposed to be our own money. It all started 200 years ago……a Jewish man in the slums of Jerusalem……and that family still regulates the gold standard. Get at me anytime. Great work you did here. Cheryl Forrester Hans Ruysenaar November 17, 2009 @ 8:55 am Although not a Jew myself, I have always held a great respect for the Jewish community. Jews have been persecuted throughout history but have always dominated in the arts and science. Their strength is in their enviable sense of identity and community. I am priveledged to count many Jews among my friends. I also am aquainted with Jews who disgrace their community. Every ‘religeous’ group has both exemplary and destructive members. It’s not the Faith … Jew or other … but what adherents DO As INDIVIDUALS that creates ‘pro’ or ‘contra’ opinions about them. I really want to know if it is correct that commercial banks are able to expand the money supply by up to 9 times based on the Reserve Bank ‘minimum reserve requirement’ deposit against loans ‘created’ by such commercial banks. Who cares November 18, 2009 @ 6:37 pm Joseph Tabit, The usual people don’t think like this: “99% of mankind cares for nothing accept themselves.” “They would kill the man standing next to them if it was in their best interest, as would any other human being on this earth.” Only the Jewish brain could work that way and probably the JEWS would like to turn all people in something close to animals, denying them education and everything spiritual, just to be like them. Yes, the Jews steal, cheat, run illegal business, hide taxes, launder money, etc., etc., they’re just the champions and that’s what they can do best, it’s the typical Jewish way… Greetings from Bulgaria! Andrei February 14, 2010 @ 5:30 pm Greetings from Romania, Brother Nathanael. Keep up the good fight. :) NeoCon Hysteria March 27, 2010 @ 3:43 pm Brother Nathanael, You’re a wonderful asset to true Israel and God’s people. Never let the venomous tongue of the devil intimidate you. I know your soul is way past the point of intimidation. You’re a true spiritual warrior! Thank you so much for your articles and time. Zeeshan(Pakistani) April 12, 2010 @ 11:42 am We also wants to change that system of money flow. We are with him and support him who Stop this Foolish process of Money control! Kris Kemp May 6, 2010 @ 5:42 pm Excellent post, Br. Nathanael. Thank you so much. Ammar Shami June 16, 2010 @ 11:55 am I’m a Muslim and I totally agree of what you are talking about. The situation is very critical and I think Muslims, Christians and true believers in God can do great work against slavery for money. Also I think Zionism is doing a huge effort against us in the Anti Christ age. We call in Islam the Dajjal. The Dajjal means the man who will deceive the world. I think the current system available by the banks is really deceiving the world! Wake up… Sri June 23, 2010 @ 1:37 pm Wow. Interesting site. I like the typical Jewbag response above: “you’re one sick freak.” or, “you’re crazy.” I feel that many Jews are ashamed, but, also of course, proud of their history and accomplishments and destructiveness all at the same time. I kind of feel bad for many because there are many that are simply Jews and not Zionists. I know many young Israelis who would rather give up Israel and make Palestine whole again. However, they are still a minority. I’m unsure of what to say or do, but I know one thing - if I was American or Palestinian or Christian or Muslim, I’d fight the right fight, and absolutely annihilate any Jewbag I discovered was a Zionist and who was actually proud of the destruction they have brought to so many countries in their path: Germany, Spain, Russia, Portugal, America, England, Japan, Austria, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, the entire continent of Africa — and I still haven’t named them all. There’s a reason why they have been the most hated and despised race on the planet. Oops, sorry, the most “persecuted” people on the planet. It’s simply not a coincidence. No matter the propaganda, influence and control they wield, you can’t refuse the truth once you learn it. There’s too much logic and common sense pointing in the direction that if they simply didn’t exist, the world could, and I think would, get along and live relatively peacefully. What Jewbags have done is destroy the two greatest empires the world has ever known, and one that rose out of nowhere to become of legendary status - the U.S.A. It’s a real shame, but if people simply took the criminal Jewbags out, one by one, family by family, we’d theoretically be over with it soon enough. It takes courage to stand up and do something. Kind of like a Palestinian that is simply fed up. Yea right, the Palestinian suicide bomber is crazy? Hmmm, where have I heard that crap before? He’s just human like you and me and is sick of the murdering Jewbag Zionists. Heck, if you sacrifice yourself for your brothers and sisters, I cannot do anything but admire a person like that. No propaganda machine can defeat the independent thinker. Btw, vote third party or keep bitching and whining til the day you die and can no longer vote. essa July 20, 2010 @ 6:59 pm The German Economy Under Hitler ~ Eliminating the International Bankers ——————————————————————————– “The terms of the Versailles Treaty and various other trade restriction impositions had put Germany at a trading disadvantage. “Hitler’s Germany however turned the tables by adopting a system of trade-barter. In this way he effectively eliminated the international financiers and fixers, corroding their influence and giving Germany the trading advantages. “The German system was so obviously superior that this unfortunately made war even more inevitable.” JOE July 24, 2010 @ 4:02 pm I see there are a lot of people now coming on to this site and commenting. The awareness is growing, this is our most crucial weapon. This is not a war to wage with guns and bombs but each one of us must speak to at least one white Christian person a day and tell him about the Jews and what they are doing to us. Give out web addresses like the one where the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” are hosted, the book by Henry Ford “The international Jew”, the speeches of Benjamin Freedman, and very importantly the site of our dear Brother. Create for yourselves a secret E-mail address and collect e-addresses and send people information from internet and library computers always remaining anonymous. In so doing you will God’s secret agents spreading the word of truth this is the only way we can succeed in this fight. By bringing the truth of the Zionists to our people one person at a time focus on the youth for they are the future. osterchild August 11, 2010 @ 7:58 pm Bro. Nat K, Cut them off at the knees. Keep your prayer to seek love of God. I am thankful for this website. GetThemOut August 27, 2010 @ 9:04 am Thank you Br. Nathanael for exposing our real enemy! Their real power is that they are hidden (in plain site). Exposing their power and control is key to solving the problem. In simplest terms… “You have to know where the problem is to fix it!” jk November 28, 2010 @ 8:05 pm To see how the Jews feel about themselves youtube “Defamation.” It is a real hoot, especially where the Filmmaker’s mother describes a Jew. Charlie Peters February 3, 2011 @ 9:09 am Audit the Fed Reserve, support HR 459 — Paul. Armen October 11, 2011 @ 11:57 pm Greetings from Canada of Armenian decent. I have always found it puzzling why the Americans are not fed up with Zionists…..what has it gotten them? They became a superpower without them and now they’re at their knees. The Jews run the media (fact that can’t be denied); they run Wall Street which is basically sending American jobs to China so the quarterly reports show better profit margins….can’t beat slave labor. Also politically it damages American image globally with the US constantly having to veto the UN in favor of Israel. Why is Israel the only country in the world that doesn’t have to comply to nuclear regulations? Although we have in Canada a leader who has his lips strongly pressed to the Zionist rear ends in Canada we still get news of Israel’s atrocities against Palestinians. I find it funny how Natives in Canada have more rights than anyone else in Canada despite losing their land hundreds of years ago and getting them back through courts, yet Palestinians who lost their country after WWII are basically treated like 2nd class citizens. I guess PM Harper doesn’t see the Irony. The Jews do have a smart way of surviving despite their crimes. Owning the media helps. For example a few weeks ago another American was sentenced for spying for the Israeli Government and selling top secret information to them, there have been several spying charges and it barely makes the news. Obama’s uncle getting a DUI or Lindsay Lohan not wearing panties or something, covers CNN, NBC and ABC news footage and these stories barely makes the news. Spying on your only true ally that still sends over billions your way in aid, while they have an unemployment rate of around 9% although the true # is around 20%. Would a couple of useless Syrian spies getting caught barely make the news? The facts stated on this site about Zionist/Jew ties to the US Fed and US banks CAN NOT BE DENIED. Is it not odd that even though they only make up 2.5% of the US population they hold so many positions in Banking and they are basically responsible for all this misery going on in the US and the around the world. As for genocide, everyone knows about the Jewish ‘Holocaust’ because there are 30 movies made about it every year. The genocides before that, no one knows about it because Hollywood isn’t run by Orthodox Christians, and the Armenian Genocide has still not gotten any attention. Love the site. American Mom December 23, 2011 @ 4:39 pm Exodus 4:22 And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, thus saith the Lord, ‘ISRAEL IS MY SON, EVEN MY FIRSTBORN.” Its been God’s plan since the beginning..that TRUE ISRAEL..will be those who follow Christ into Eternity! .. Its everywhere in the Old Testament..the entire Old Testament is a Testament of Jesus Christ the Messiah.. American Mom December 23, 2011 @ 5:02 pm Concerning the Jewish Holocaust: I find it odd that it is NEVER mentioned in those many, many, many, many, many Jewish Holocaust movies that were on PBS my entire life — that I watched WEEKLY! — that most who died in the camps died of Typhus Epidemic and Starvation because of the supply lines being bombed out. And also, the fact that Jews were in the camps made them safe from the massive carpet bombings of Germany, that killed 20 million of the 60 million German population in Germany. NOT to mention the millions Eisenhower, the West Point Swedish Jew President, starved to death in fields, leaving these poor MEN, WOMEN AND EVEN OLD PEOPLE AND CHILDREN with no shelter, no food, no water, wallowing in their own excrement. READ THE BOOK ‘OTHER LOSSES.’ Conspiracy?? Or just a little coincidence??? I watched a documentary about the mass bombing of Dresden, and I saw a photo of bombed out buildings and a mass grave. The Jewish Holocaust movie has used that SAME PHOTO, depicting it as dead Jews, when in reality it was dead Germans. The reason I know it was Germans is because the Concentration Camps were never bombed; therefore, making this photo impossible to be a photo of dead Holocaust Jews. H0LOCAUST MEANS BURNT OFFERINGS. The only people burnt in this war…were Germans. These facts alone DISCREDIT these ‘Dishonest Jews with an Agenda’ as honest historians, basically making them seem to be Liars.. Not all Jews are guilty of this. I feel a lot of them are innocent victims of the Lunatic Zionists and have been fed lies as well to make them think this all happened, in order to use fearmongering to herd the Jews where the Zionist wished them to go, and by using anti-Semitism to keep them in the ‘herd.’ Just so they will migrate to Israel out of fear. This Israel which has NOTHING to do with the Bible as far as God’s plan for His people goes. Exodus 4:22..ISRAEL IS MY SON…MY FIRST BORN. The Old Testament tells us over and over that God will make a NEW COVENANT with his people, and that all will be invited, and his word will be in our minds and our hearts, thus the Holy Spirit of God.. The Children of Israel under the New Covenant today are the Christians, meaning that can be anyone: a Jew, a Greek, an African, a European — anyone who follows Christ, WE ARE ALL ONE IN CHRIST JESUS. Praise God. Titus 1 Pay no attention to Jewish myths. There was a reason that God put that verse in the Bible? If we would pay attention to it, we would have not been responsible for the genocide of the Arab peoples of which I’m very ashamed of as far as being an American. Our government is totally out of control. The Jewish run PNAC had a lot to do with these wars — Wars for Corporations — Unocal76 Oil Corporations, and others.. Watch this movie: THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY. Peace is possible when we adhere to the teachings of the Bible. I’m amazed at how many so-called Christians have fallen into the GREAT DECEPTION, like Pat Robertson, Hagee… It’s obvious, they do not pray in the Spirit in order to find truth, nor do they follow God, but instead are following the mutterings of grossly misguided mere men!! American Mom December 23, 2011 @ 5:07 pm I need to thank you, Brother Nathanael, for your great efforts and this incredible site, Real Jew News… Its been truly enlightening on many subjects. God be with you always. Thomas Blankenhorn September 11, 2012 @ 10:28 pm You are doing a great job. I encounter many who hate the truth and resort to slander. It’s Jews and Jewish sycophants who do this and they still don’t want to find out about the 600K and not the popular lie of 6 million or so Jews who died under control of Germans during World War II. Interned Jews were actually fed better than the general population and both died of malnutrition and disease. Of course there was some extraneous killing, but some would be expected in any war, yet so far less than the Zionist Jews would want us to believe. Of course they own the media and even exert their control over what we get to see in our school history textbooks. Of course you won’t see anything about Eisenhower, the Zionist Jew who not only freely admitted to hating Germans, but was behind the purposeful starvation of nearly 2 million German POWs. People really should research what they were not told of in school and to remove the misinformation they were taught. Jews declared war on Germany first and it had to do Hitler wanting to make his own currency that would hurt the Jews who were controlling the banking in Germany. I see who is behind much of the financial mess today. Greenspan, Bernanke, bot so much fools, but their foolishness may be some of the best acting there ever was. It’s quite possible they they sold their souls to Satan long ago and their actions are to bring down America and act as if they didn’t notice any market bubble, not admitting to creating any market bubbles, and of Bernanke himself forcing QE on us that is actually an economic ANTI-stimulus in that it makes the wealth divide larger, to now a record amount. The responsible poor to middle class are getting killed with no bank interest, sizable inflation, and if rightfully shorting the pig stock market, they will lose again. I offer in my site above, 50-pages of solutions to bring prosperity to our country, but those in control now are doing everything but. Right now, the Jewish-controlled Federal Reserve is acting like the super power over and above the president and Congress. I am posting in many places on the internet to get people to recognize who Bernanke is and how is is pushing propaganda on us. One such way is by telling us we have a positive GDP growth. Well, this is far from the truth. The GDP growth rate is calculated by subtracting the inflation rate from the nominal GDP growth rate. But, Bernanke subtracts out inflation excluding food and energy even though the GDP contains food and energy! We have been in a depression for several years now. And if you also subtract out the 1% population growth rate (which I am recommending) and also considering the yearly $1.5 TRILLION dollar addition to the national debt, it’s like subtracting 10% more from the GDP growth rate! These could be the end times. I feel it deep within. There is so much concerted effort to manipulate financial markets around the world and it’s not just highly unusual, but it’s against all reason! I have more sites and a book to help this world but I am not here to advertise. I am glad this site is up for I fear Jews would like it taken down. Time is crucial now to stand up for what is right even if we are to be persecuted for being on the side of truth. Nalliah Thayabharan October 12, 2012 @ 5:09 pm Germany was hopelessly broke when Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933. The Treaty of Versailles (le Traité de Versailles) had imposed crushing reparations on the German people, demanding that Germans repay every nation’s costs of the war. These costs totaled three times the value of all the property in Germany. Private currency speculators caused the German currency to plummet, precipitating one of the worst runaway inflations in modern times. A wheelbarrow full of 100 billion-mark banknotes could not buy a loaf of bread. The national treasury was empty. Countless homes and farms were lost to speculators and to private Zionist-controlled banks. Germans lived in hovels. They were starving. Nothing like this had ever happened before - the total destruction of the national currency - German mark, plus the wiping out of German’s savings and businesses. On top of this came a global depression. Germany had no choice but to succumb to debt slavery under international Zionist bankers until 1933, when the National Socialists came to power. At that point the German government thwarted the Zionist international banking cartels by issuing its own money. Zionist bankers responded by declaring a global boycott against Germany. Adolf Hitler began a national credit program by devising a plan of public works that included flood control, repair of public buildings and private residences, and construction of new roads, bridges, canals, and port facilities. All these were paid for with money that no longer came from the private international Zionist bankers. The projected cost of these various programs was fixed at one billion units of the national currency. To pay for this, the German government (not the international Zionist bankers) issued bills of exchange, called Labor Treasury Certificates. In this way the National Socialists put millions of people to work, and paid them with Treasury Certificates. Under the National Socialists, Germany’s money wasn’t backed by gold which was owned by the international Zionist bankers. It was essentially a receipt for labor and materials delivered to the government. Adolf Hitler said, “For every mark issued, we required the equivalent of a mark’s worth of work done, or goods produced.” The government paid workers in Certificates. Workers spent those Certificates on other goods and services, thus creating more jobs for more people. In this way the German people climbed out of the crushing debt imposed on them by the international Zionist bankers. Within two years, the unemployment problem in Germany had been solved, and Germany was back on its feet. It had a solid, stable currency, with no debt, and no inflation, at a time when millions of people in the United States and other Western countries controlled by international Zionist bankers were still out of work. Within five years, Germany went from the poorest nation in Europe to the richest. Germany even managed to restore foreign trade, despite the international Zionist bankers’ denial of foreign credit to Germany, and despite the global boycott by Zionist-owned industries. Germany succeeded in this by exchanging equipment and commodities directly with other countries, using a barter system that cut the private Zionist bankers out of the picture. Germany flourished, since barter eliminates national debt and trade deficits. Today Venezuela does the same thing today when it trades oil for commodities, plus medical help, and so on. Hence the Zionist bankers are trying to squeeze Venezuela. Hjalmar Schacht, a Rothschild agent who was temporarily head of the German central bank, summed it up thus… An American banker had commented, “Dr. Schacht, you should come to America. We’ve lots of money and that’s real banking.” Schacht replied, “You should come to Berlin. We don’t have money. That’s real banking.” Schacht, the Rothschild agent, actually supported the private international Zionist bankers against Germany, and was rewarded by having all charges against him dropped at the Nuremberg trials. This economic freedom made Adolf Hitler extremely popular with the German people. Germany was rescued from English economic theory, which says that all currency must be borrowed against the gold owned by a private and secretive Zionist banking cartel — such as the Federal Reserve, or the Central Bank of Europe — rather than issued by the government for the benefit of the people. Canadian researcher Dr. Henry Makow who is Jewish himself says the main reason why the Zionist bankers arranged for a world war against Germany was that Hitler sidestepped the Zionist bankers by creating his own money, thereby freeing the German people. Worse, this freedom and prosperity threatened to spread to other nations. Adolf Hitler had to be stopped! Makow quotes from the 1938 interrogation of Christian Rakovsky, one of the founders of Soviet Bolsevism and a Lev Davidovich Bronshtein (Trotsky) intimate. Christian Rakovsky was tried in show trials in the USSR under Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. According to Christian Rakovsky, Adolf Hitler was at first funded by the international Zionist bankers, through the bankers’ agent Hjalmar Schacht. The bankers financed Adolf Hitler in order to control Joseph Stalin, who had usurped power from their agent Lev Davidovich Bronshtein (Trotsky). Then Adolf Hitler became an even bigger threat than Joseph Stalin when Hitler started printing his own money. Joseph Stalin came to power in 1922, which was eleven years before Adolf Hitler came to power. Christian Rakovsky said: “Adolf Hitler took over the privilege of manufacturing money, and not only physical moneys, but also financial ones. He took over the machinery of falsification and put it to work for the benefit of the people. Can you possibly imagine what would have come if this had infected a number of other states?” (Henry Makow, “Hitler Did Not Want War”). Economist Henry C K Liu writes of Germany’s remarkable transformation: “The Nazis came to power in 1933 when the German economy was in total collapse, with ruinous war-reparation obligations and zero prospects for foreign investment or credit. Through an independent monetary policy of sovereign credit and a full-employment public-works program, the Third Reich was able to turn a bankrupt Germany, stripped of overseas colonies, into the strongest economy in Europe within four years, even before armament spending began.” — Henry C. K. Liu,”Nazism and the German Economic Miracle.” In Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People (1984), Sheldon Emry commented: “Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 on, which accounts for Germany’s startling rise from the depression to a world power in five years. “The German government financed its entire operations from 1935 to 1945 without gold, and without debt. It took the entire Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German revolution, and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers.” These facts do not appear in any textbooks today, since Zionist own most publishing companies. What does appear is the disastrous runaway inflation suffered in 1923 by the Weimar Republic, which governed Germany from 1919 to 1933. Today’s textbooks use this inflation to twist truth into its opposite. They cite the radical devaluation of the German mark as an example of what goes wrong when governments print their own money, rather than borrow it from private Zionist cartels. In reality, the Weimar financial crisis began with the impossible reparations payments imposed at the Treaty of Versailles. Hjalmar Schacht – the Rothschild agent who was currency commissioner for the Republic — opposed letting the German government print its own money… “The Treaty of Versailles is a model of ingenious measures for the economic destruction of Germany. Germany could not find any way of holding its head above the water, other than by the inflationary expedient of printing bank notes.” Schacht echoes the textbook lie that Weimar inflation was caused when the German government printed its own money. However, in his 1967 book The Magic of Money, Schacht let the cat out of the bag by revealing that it was the PRIVATELY-OWNED Reichsbank, not the German government, that was pumping new currency into the economy. Thus, the PRIVATE BANK caused the Weimar hyper-inflation. Like the U.S. Federal Reserve, the Reichsbank was overseen by appointed government officials, but was operated for private gain. What drove the wartime inflation into hyperinflation was speculation by foreign investors, who sold the mark short, betting on its decreasing value. In the manipulative device known as the short sale, speculators borrow something they don’t own, sell it, and then “cover” by buying it back at the lower price. Speculation in the German mark was made possible because the PRIVATELY OWNED Reichsbank (not yet under Nazi control) made massive amounts of currency available for borrowing. This currency, like U.S. currency today, was created with accounting entries on the bank’s books. Then the funny-money was lent at compound interest. When the Reichsbank could not keep up with the voracious demand for marks, other private banks were allowed to create marks out of nothing, and to lend them at interest. The result was runaway debt and inflation. Thus, according to Schacht himself, the German government did not cause the Weimar hyperinflation. On the contrary, the government (under the National Socialists) got hyperinflation under control. The National Socialists put the Reichsbank under strict government regulation, and took prompt corrective measures to eliminate foreign speculation. One of those measures was to eliminate easy access to funny-money loans from private banks. Then Adolf Hitler got Germany back on its feet by having the public government issue Treasury Certificates. Schacht, the Rothschild agent, disapproved of this government fiat money, and wound up getting fired as head of the Reichsbank when he refused to issue it. Nonetheless, he acknowledged in his later memoirs that allowing the government to issue the money it needed did not produce the price inflation predicted by classical economic theory, which says that currency must be borrowed from private cartels. What causes hyper-inflation is uncontrolled speculation. When speculation is coupled with debt (owed to private Zionist banking cartels) the result is disaster. On the other hand, when a government issues currency in carefully measured ways, it causes supply and demand to increase together, leaving prices unaffected. Hence there is no inflation, no debt, no unemployment, and no need for income taxes. Naturally this terrifies the Zionist bankers, since it eliminates their powers. It also terrifies Zionists, since their control of banking allows them to buy the media, the government, and everything else. Patricia Blount October 23, 2012 @ 3:01 pm Thank you so much for being so honest and showing the truth of the synoquoque of satan. I know there are good and bad in all things and people, but whom we have controlling America and destroying this Nation by design and stealing its wealth by design, and Congress not doing anything shows me there is still fear of the Jews out there. But I fear only a Mighty God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob the great I am. I know Brother Nathanael that you yourself is ex-Jewish, but you’re a good one getting truth out to the masses. I firmly believe that we have to this day a lineage of Jews that are good believers in Christ Jesus. Thank you for keeping up good fight for truth over lies, smears and hate. Steve Singleton January 8, 2013 @ 8:10 pm The problem here is that we have people who are part of a religious group whose practices with others has been arrogant and egregious for centuries. That’s a good part of why, as a people, they were driven from place to place. Why do we even have anything to do with these people? The problem is that they seem to be the ones in control of the financial world. They’re in charge of the diamond markets. They’re in charge of the entertainment industry. These people are without morals. We keep them in power by participating in their financial schemes. It is way past time that we rise up in our own way and say “no more.” We need to stop funding anything they do. We need to start our own businesses and not allow them to be part of them. We need to put these people in prison. If we don’t, this fraud will continue to be perpetrated upon the American consumer and the world. Don’t buy from them. Don’t encourage them. Don’t have anything to do with them. That’s a start. mwebaze humphrey February 13, 2013 @ 1:14 am i wonder where my Africa is in terms of the Jewish interests particularly my Rwanda and Uganda. DP April 1, 2013 @ 9:17 am When a problem is as serious as this one, no simple solutions apply. Herewith, a list of simple remedies to regain your economic freedom as individuals and as nations. (1) Stop using credit card.Use cash instead. (2) Don’t borrow money for things that you can do without. Consumer durables keep getting more attractive. It is not necessary for you to chuck out a perfectly working machine and replace it with a new one obtained on credit. (3) Vote for independent-minded leaders like Ron Paul. Citizens can educate leaders, if not control them. (4) USA has been characterized as a “warfare state.” The figleaf used for waging wars to enrich banks and armaments industry is “democracy.” The fact is that there is no real democracy or any other political system without economic freedom. It applies to individuals as well as to nations. As voters-citizens, it is your moral and constitutional duty to prevent genocide in the name of “democracy”. (5) American executive/Presidency has to regain its political freedom, now denied to them by Zionist powers.The citizens have to help them regain that freedom. When a US President brazenly kowtows to Israel and the Jewish lobby, it only confirms a fact already well known to the entire world. He is at fault as an individual, but it is his office failing as an institution that shames every American. You know the answer to that puzzle. Shaikh May 26, 2013 @ 8:18 pm Really love your work! And have been seeing your work for some amount of time now! Keep it up! However, I do have a question regarding an argument against the notion of Jewish power that was brought up to me, which was the following, “And worldwide, Muslims have far more power than Jews, and part of it is sheer numbers. The other part is that many Islamic countries wield tremendous strategic power due to the presence of vast oil reserves under their soil (this is one of the reasons why nobody has seriously proposed sanctions against Saudi Arabia for practicing gender apartheid, even though South Africa was hit by sanction after sanction for racial apartheid).” How would you respond the above argument given in quotations? Please do give me as much of a detailed answer as much as possible if you can. NotJewOrAntiJew September 4, 2013 @ 11:56 pm In Russia there was a strong anti-Jewish movement in the 1970s and 1980s Every Jewish sin has been disclosed. Not this one. Jane October 15, 2013 @ 5:32 pm I am a Catholic White woman whose family is one of the first settlers in canada in 1630. We are the true Canadians. Just like Jews were the first settlers in their land, we are the first settlers here. Therefore we should have special rights to this land and country, but it appears there are forces who want to treat us a second class citizens in our our land. In fact, alot of us are in Eastern Canada and an immigrant has more rights and help than a White from the east. This is very discriminatory. Also my uncle fought in WW2 to free the Jewish people from the Nazis and he risked his life many times. Is this what I get back? I am on social assistance and the politicans could care less about the fact I am the true Canadian. They would rather give money to terrorists. It just so happens most of us have woken up. We no longer watch the leftwing news of CBC and CTV. We also know Canada is a Christian nation by birth and it still is at 77%. Also America is 80% Christian even though they want to lie and claim hardly anyone is considered Christian, we all know the truth. Now Quebec is driving out the ethnics and I applaud them! Nalliah Thayabharan January 31, 2014 @ 1:08 pm U.S. economy is struggling and the U.S. government is absolutely drowning in debt. Unfortunately, the Federal Reserve has decided to recklessly print money out of thin air, and in the short-term some positive things have come out of it. But quantitative easing worked for Germany almost 100 years ago. At first, more money caused economic activity to increase and unemployment was low. But all of that money printing destroyed faith in German currency and in the German financial system and ultimately Germany experienced an economic meltdown that the world is still talking about today. This is the path that the Federal Reserve is taking the USA down, but most Americans have absolutely no idea what is happening. It is really easy to start printing money, but it is incredibly hard to stop. Like any addict, the Federal Reserve is promising that they can quit at any time, but they refuse to even start tapering their money printing a little bit. Federal Reserve seems to be convinced that any “tapering” could result in the bursting of the massive financial bubbles that it has created. Federal Reserve believes as the market seems not to, that the current “recovery” could not survive without continuation of massive monetary stimulus. Federal Reserve is usually very careful not to do anything which will hurt the short-term interests of the financial markets and the big banks. If Federal Reserve continues to pump, the financial bubbles that it has created will get even worse. If Federal Reserve stops, those bubbles will burst. But it is inevitable that these financial bubbles will burst at some point one way or another. The Federal Reserve is trapped and can’t end tapering or else the bond and stock markets will blow up. The longer this continues the bigger the inevitable burst. While the Federal Reserve has been recklessly printing money out of thin air, household incomes have actually been going down for five years in a row… The employment to population ratio fell from about 63% before the last recession down to underneath 59% at the end of 2009 and it has stayed there ever since. So if quantitative easing has not been good for average Americans, who has it been good for? The wealthy, of course. This is fantastic for every rich person – This is the biggest redistribution of wealth from the middle class and the poor to the rich ever. The implication of the Federal Reserve’s policy is that the rich will spend their wealth and create jobs — essentially betting on “trickle-down economics.” But it hasn’t worked for five years. We have now entered a money printing spiral from which there is no easy exit. Federal Reserve has “crossed the Rubicon” and we are now “in the End Game”… If tapering even $10-15 billion per month from $85 billion month quantitative easing programs would damage the economy, then we’re all up you know what creek without a paddle. Here we are, five years after 2008, and the Federal Reserve is stating point blank that the economy would absolutely collapse if it spent any less than $85 billion per month. This admission has proven just how long ago we crossed the Rubicon. We’re already in the End Game. Period. Most Americans don’t really understand what quantitative easing is, and most don’t really try to understand it because “quantitative easing” sounds very complicated. But it really isn’t that complicated. The Federal Reserve is creating gigantic mountains of money out of thin air every month, and the Federal Reserve is using all of that newly created money to buy government debt and mortgage-backed securities. Over the past several years, the value of the financial securities that the Federal Reserve has accumulated is greater than the total amount of publicly held debt that the U.S. government accumulated from the presidency of George Washington though the end of the presidency of Bill Clinton… US dollar supply is beginning to grow at an exponential pace. So far, complete and total disaster has not struck, so most people think that everything must be okay. But it is not. It is simply not rational for other nations to continue to lend USA money at less than 3% a year when reckless money printing by the Federal Reserve threatens to greatly accelerate the devaluation of our currency. Right now, the Federal Reserve is buying roughly half a trillion dollars worth of U.S. Treasuries a year, but the U.S. government issues close to a trillion dollars of new debt and must roll over about 3 trillion dollars of existing debt each year. If the Federal Reserve eventually decides to buy all of the debt, then interest rates won’t be a major problem. But if the Fed goes that far our financial system would be regarded as a total joke by the remainder of the globe and we would reach hyperinflation much more rapidly. If the Federal Reserve stops buying debt completely, the financial bubbles that they have created will burst and we will rapidly be facing a financial crisis even worse than what we experienced back in 2008. The Federal Reserve is systematically destroying what was once the strongest financial system in the world, and in the end we are all going to pay the price. moussaoui ahmed Await Moderation November 21, 2014 @ 1:03 pm est c est pour ce la je veux faire la traduction de cette argent des System financière a des production .est des objets .valable de son marchandise .est valables de son exacte calcules.est sa la bonnes méthode de ressort américa de son flood financière .est l objets écu valons que l or . est c est pour ce la je me déteste les sioniste .qui on tragédies américa est le monde .pour profites son calmes est aussi son pouvoirs .de ce que il on faite dans Palestine est les zones riche .comme le pétrole est l or est le ????????????. est cette argent a l origine c est de le peuple américain .est il phots le gardés .les sioniste est très dangereux de les économies internationale merci Leave a comment

Arise America: Airbag Danger Exposed by Recall/vous connais pour quoi mes amie . puisque le position de l airbag incomplète pour protégés ni le chauffeurs ni les transporteurs .est nous ici pour reposé un autre modèle de sécurités pour toute la cabine des voiture ou véhicule générales .merci

jeudi 20 novembre 2014

Obama to take executive action on immigration reform/mon amie laissé nous sortir un peux de les pragmatique .c est toujours mes un peux .l immigration qui faits america est aussi l Europe .est maintenant immigration .qui va sauvé america de son crise .puisque nous avons boucaus des nouvelle activités .au System agriculture est technologies est aussi l énergies .mon amie vous avez pas mon images protectionnelle de l énergies a la main de cette immigration .est je vous dire dire aussi que nous avons reposé a les peuple que y a un veneur pour les Etudiant qui on rouble maintenant .est il on reposé les question a son marche dans le temps qui ce que va faire en future pour quoi il on étudies .mon amie pour corrigé cette globale images nous besoin ce programmes . est nous besoin le programme de claimate changes .est j ai crollés que maintenant connais les risque de les changement climatique .est le programmes c est pas un blogs politic .non mon amies c est un science c est des expérience .qui va richesse l économies internationale .une capacités de accommodement la planète est je crollés que mon parole est nouveaux pour le monde est les Scientific .mon amie vous besoin de moi est moi aussi je besoin de le monde .merci

New Message From Anonymous To Everyone!/oui

جوليا بطرس - وين الملايين/les jokers des sioniste sisi est abase est les chefes des gouvernement arabic .mes sa aussi une responsabilités de toute les peuple arabic est les peuple islamique .qui on crollés son loin de ce qui passé dans son monde .qui partagés .photographiquement .est politiquement. est moi j ai choisirez de vervelles .puisque vous gouvernement ne protes que son chaise .est il on incapable de vous donné la sécurités .il on comme des mafiosi .son rassemblement pour vous tués est tué vous vois .est vous parole .est al qods vous rappelés pour vous rassemblés .le monde islamique en risque .merci

oui merci pour vous tousse mes amie /Full Documentaries - How Anonymous Hackers Changed the World - History D...

Lancement officiel du GES 2014 Marrakech/oui le Maroc a une bonne environnement .de l investissement .soi accoté de de la stabilisation Security démocratique .soi les occasion environnementale de les entrepreneure .dans toute les secteur .de recherche gio? ou des travaux avec toute son façons .merci

mardi 18 novembre 2014

Obama: Climate is changing faster than efforts to address it/saluts . oui .mon amie ne crollés pas que nous des enfant .nous prendres le monde en jeux .sa c est la vies de les billions des gent au monde .moi je suis très sérieux est je ne risqués pas de mes markets. tu sais mon amie l économies va collapsé .si c est markets collapsé .ou je vous dire le monde va vairs le crise de 1929 . tu sais de ou la crise mon amies .c est toi la crise est c est toi le clés .pour moi pas graves .j ai un science est une technologies .j ai des géniales stratégies pour cette planètes .ce que je veux ? je veux un autre barack obama très intelligent .moi c est un criminelle pour tragédies le monde .mes reposé de toi meme qui est mon question . est qui cherche des agenda ne singées pas son payés .est moi j ai dits je suis marocain .est pas de défirent de la race en science est la connaissance .pas grave si tu veux c est connaissance américain .le principe c est la planète est son vies est survivent .est moi je cherche pas le pouvoirs ou les volontés . mes je veux pas quelque un me volé .la protections de mes droits .est c est normales .est le travailles laissé le a ma responsabilités .merci mon amie .est le période très petite dépêches vous .faite ton possibilités .est je donne touts ce qui normales pour le monde est l économies de le monde avec mon cadeaux pour vous (le pouvoirs de la politic )

Barack Obama speaks at Brisbane university during G20/saluts . oui .mon amie ne crollés pas que nous des enfant .nous prendres le monde en jeux .sa c est la vies de les billions des gent au monde .moi je suis très sérieux est je ne risqués pas de mes markets. tu sais mon amie l économies va collapsé .si c est markets collapsé .ou je vous dire le monde va vairs le crise de 1929 . tu sais de ou la crise mon amies .c est toi la crise est c est toi le clés .pour moi pas graves .j ai un science est une technologies .j ai des géniales stratégies pour cette planètes .ce que je veux ? je veux un autre barack obama très intelligent .moi c est un criminelle pour tragédies le monde .mes reposé de toi meme qui est mon question . est qui cherche des agenda ne singées pas son payés .est moi j ai dits je suis marocain .est pas de défirent de la race en science est la connaissance .pas grave si tu veux c est connaissance américain .le principe c est la planète est son vies est survivent .est moi je cherche pas le pouvoirs ou les volontés . mes je veux pas quelque un me volé .la protections de mes droits .est c est normales .est le travailles laissé le a ma responsabilités .merci mon amie .est le période très petite dépêches vous .faite ton possibilités .est je donne touts ce qui normales pour le monde est l économies de le monde avec mon cadeaux pour vous (le pouvoirs de la politic )

lundi 17 novembre 2014

חדשות 2 תיעוד מיוחד כך נראה מבפנים להבה הארגון שנלחם בהתבוללות/wamada yantadire alfalatiniyine .mine ane ya9oumo bilmitle .wa antome alkotore .wa aydane rijale achdao 

اغنية | عدوك اليهود ياجيشنا ... اقوى رسالة عاوزينها تصل للجيش المصرى .. .../وقد بلغت التكلفة المالية الرهيبة لإسرائيل للأميركيين الآن عملاقة 40000000000000 $ دولار في اليوم. لكن التكلفة البشرية ينطوي على الوفيات التي يمكن تجنبها الملايين من الأميركيين - القتل الجماعي السلبي من الأميركيين في المحرقة الأمريكية من الانحراف المالي من المحافظين الجدد الخائن الإمبريالية الأمريكية والصهيونية التي لحقت أحد Percenters ارتكاب 8-10000000000000 دولار إلى التطهير العرقي والقتل الجماعي الايجابي والسلبي من المسلمين في الخارج في دعم الفصل العنصري إسرائيل بدلا من الاحتفاظ الأميركيين على قيد الحياة في المنزل. الصهيوني تخريب دعم الحكومة الأمريكية لإسرائيل الفصل العنصري في حوالي 2008 دولار يبلغ حوالي 40 تريليون دولار انهيار كونها (1) $ 3000000000000 (1948-2003)، (2) 4-6000000000000 $ (الصهيوني يروج العراق وحرب أفغانستان)، (3) 0700000000000 $ (قيمة احلياة الإحصائية أو تكلفة القائم على VSL من 88،000 الولايات المتحدة الانتحار المخضرم منذ سبتمبر 2001) و (4) حوالي 30 ترليون (ربع التكلفة على أساس VSL 15.6 مليون حالة وفاة أمريكية الوقاية منها منذ سبتمبر 2001 ). هذا هو تقديرا تحت لأنها لا تنظر في ملايين الوفيات التي يمكن الوقاية منها الأميركية قبل 11/9 مرتبطة التخريب الصهيوني وتحريف الأمريكية. 1. 3000000000000 $ تكلفة اسرائيل على أمريكا، 1948-2003. في عام 2003 الدكتور توماس ر. ستوفر (1935-2005، وهو محلل الطاقة احترامها، والمؤلف، المربي، ومستشار، وخريج 144-الحائز على جائزة نوبل مركز جامعة هارفارد لدراسات الشرق الأوسط (المقذوفات))، ويقدر أن 1948-2003 وكانت التكلفة لإسرائيل لدى الولايات المتحدة ما يزيد على 3 تريليون دولار في 2002 دولار: "لقد كانت الصراعات في الشرق الأوسط مكلفة جدا للولايات المتحدة، وكذلك إلى بقية دول العالم. تقدير التكلفة الإجمالية للولايات المتحدة وحدها من عدم الاستقرار والصراع في المنطقة، والتي تنبع من القلب، وكميات-الصراع بين اسرائيل والفلسطينيين لإغلاق إلى 3 تريليون دولار في عام 2002 تقاس دولار. هذا هو مبلغ ما يقرب من أربعة أضعاف كلفة حرب فيتنام، يحسب أيضا في عام 2002 ... دولار مجموع التكاليف تعريفية تأتي إلى ما يقرب من 3 تريليون دولار. حوالي 60 في المئة، أكثر من نصف من تلك التكاليف حوالي 1700000000000 $، نشأت من دفاع الولايات المتحدة من إسرائيل، حيث تم تكبدها معظم هذا المبلغ منذ عام 1973. "[2]. 2. 4-6000000000000 $ تكلفة لأمريكا من الصهيونية تروج العراق وأفغانستان الحروب. وقد ارتبطت الغزو غير الشرعي الصهيوني يروج من العراق، وحرب العراق، والحرب الأفغانية مع التزام التكاليف الجارية ضخمة 4-6 تريليون دولار. وبذلك الأستاذ جوزيف ستيغليتز (أستاذ الاقتصاد في 98 الحائز على جائزة نوبل، جامعة كولومبيا، رئيسا لمجلس الرئيس بيل كلينتون من المستشارين الاقتصاديين والحائز على جائزة نوبل في الاقتصاد عام 2001) والدكتورة ليندا بيلمز J. (دانيال باتريك موينيهان محاضر كبير في السياسة العامة في 144-الحائز على جائزة نوبل جامعة هارفارد) تقدر التكلفة طويلة الأجل لحرب العراق ب 3 تريليون دولار في عام 2008 من كتاب "حرب الثلاثة تريليونات دولار: التكلفة الحقيقية للصراع في العراق" [3]. ولكن في عام 2010 أساتذة ستيغليتز وبيلمز المنقحة هذا التقدير صعودا: "الكتابة في هذه الصفحات في أوائل عام 2008، وضعنا التكلفة الإجمالية للولايات المتحدة في الحرب على العراق ب 3 تريليون دولار. هذا ثمن فاقت التقديرات السابقة، بما في ذلك 2003 توقعات إدارة بوش للحرب مليار 50 مليار دولار ل60 دولارا. ولكن اليوم، وتنتهي الولايات المتحدة القتالية في العراق، يبدو أن لدينا 3000000000000 $ تقدير (التي تمثل كل من النفقات الحكومية وتأثير الحرب الأوسع على اقتصاد الولايات المتحدة) كان، إذا كان أي شيء، منخفضة للغاية ... لا شك ان الحرب في العراق وأضافت إلى حد كبير في الدين الفيدرالي. وكانت هذه هي المرة الأولى في التاريخ الأميركي أن الحكومة خفضت الضرائب كما ذهب إلى الحرب. النتيجة: حرب ممولة بالكامل عن طريق الاقتراض. ارتفعت ديون الولايات المتحدة من 6.4 تريليون دولار في مارس اذار 2003 لل10000000000000 $ في عام 2008 (قبل الأزمة المالية). ما لا يقل عن ربع هذه الزيادة يعزى مباشرة إلى الحرب. وهذا لا يشمل الرعاية الصحية والعجز الدفعات المستقبلية لقدامى المحاربين، والتي سوف تضيف نصف تريليون دولار آخر إلى الدين. "[4]. وأشار البروفيسور مايكل Intriligator (وهو زميل بارز في معهد ميلكن الولايات المتحدة وأستاذ فخري في علم الاقتصاد والعلوم السياسية والسياسة العامة في جامعة 13-نوبل-جائزة نوبل كاليفورنيا في لوس أنجلوس، جامعة كاليفورنيا) تكلفة على المدى الطويل دولار 1،5-2،0 تريليون للحرب في أفغانستان [5]. الدكتورة ليندا بيلمز (2013): إن "الصراعات في العراق وأفغانستان، مجتمعة، أن يكون أكثر الحروب كلفة في تاريخ الولايات المتحدة - بلغ مجموعها ما بين $ 4 إلى 6 تريليون دولار. وهذا يشمل الرعاية الطبية طويلة الأجل وتعويضات العجز لأفراد الخدمة، وقدامى المحاربين وعائلاتهم، والتجديد العسكري والتكاليف الاجتماعية والاقتصادية. الجزء الأكبر من هذا القانون لم يتم بعد دفع. منذ عام 2001، وسعت الولايات المتحدة نوعية وكمية، وتوافر الأهلية من الفوائد للأفراد العسكريين والمحاربين القدماء. وقد أدى هذا إلى نمو غير مسبوق في وزارة شؤون قدامى المحاربين ووزارة الدفاع الميزانيات. هذه الفوائد ستزيد كذلك على مدى السنوات ال 40 المقبلة. وتلتزم أموال إضافية لاستبدال كميات كبيرة من المعدات الأساسية المستخدمة في الحروب ودعم الوجود الدبلوماسي المستمر والمساعدات العسكرية في منطقة العراق وأفغانستان. واقترضت مبالغ كبيرة لتمويل العمليات في العراق وافغانستان وكذلك فرض تكاليف باهظة على المدى الطويل خدمة الدين. نتيجة لهذه الخيارات الإنفاق في زمن الحرب، فإن الولايات المتحدة تواجه قيودا في الاستثمارات في الموظفين والدبلوماسية والبحث والتنمية والمبادرات العسكرية الجديدة التمويل. إرث القرارات التي اتخذت خلال حربي العراق وأفغانستان سوف تهيمن على الميزانيات الاتحادية المستقبلية لعقود قادمة ". [6]. باميلا اولسن (الباحث الرئيس في جامعة 54-الحائز على جائزة نوبل-ستانفورد 1998-2002 مع تخصص في الفيزياء، قاصر في العلوم السياسية، عاش وعمل في الضفة الغربية الفلسطينية، عملت كباحثة في موسكو وسيبيريا، والصين، محلل الأبحاث في معهد تحليل الدفاع، ومؤلف كتاب "تايمز سريعة في فلسطين") قد علق مؤخرا حاسم على التكلفة الضخمة لإسرائيل لدى الولايات المتحدة (2013): "ظلت التكلفة إسرائيل دافعي الضرائب الأميركيين عالية منذ الدراسة ستوفر لعام 2003 . يعطي الولايات المتحدة حاليا إسرائيل بمعدل 3 مليارات دولار سنويا في شكل مساعدات عسكرية، بموجب اتفاق تم توقيعه من قبل إدارة بوش لنقل 30 مليار دولار لإسرائيل على مدى عشر سنوات، ابتداء من عام 2009 ... وإذا، كما يعتقد العديد من الخبراء، لن الولايات المتحدة وقد غزت العراق دون ضغط شديد ومستمر من المطلعين واشنطن الذين يدعون بنشاط بالنيابة عن إسرائيل، وهذا يضيف بعدا آخر للتكلفة الهائلة للمعادلة ... واللوبي الإسرائيلي وأنصار يعد العدة حاليا لحرب مع إيران بنفس الحماس أظهروا في الفترة التي سبقت غزو العراق عام 2003. جميع التقديرات، فإن تكاليف حرب مع إيران ستكون أعلى بكثير من حرب العراق. بالإضافة إلى خسائر في الأرواح، يتوقع المحللون، على سبيل المثال، أنه إذا تم أخذ إنتاج النفط الإيراني من السوق العالمية، وأسعار الغاز سترتفع 25-70 في المئة ... حتى الآن نعود إلى السؤال: لماذا تواصل امريكا إلى صب الأموال في الدولة التي ارتكب انتهاكات يومية لحقوق الإنسان، يتحدى المصالح الأمريكية الاستراتيجية، يثير الغضب والاستياء بين المليارات من الناس، وتتنافس مع ويزاحم مصالح الولايات المتحدة باستخدام تقنية مدعومة من قبل دافعي الضرائب الأمريكيين، وبيع أسرار عسكرية أميركا في ل الأعداء. الجواب بسيط ولخص جيدا من قبل أساتذة ستيفن والت وجون ميرشايمر و في المادة الرائد في لندن ريفيو أوف بوكس "اللوبي الإسرائيلي" وكتابهما "اللوبي الإسرائيلي والسياسة الخارجية للولايات المتحدة" ... ايباك، أمريكا لجنة الشؤون العامة الإسرائيلية، تصنف دائما في أعلى اثنين من أقوى جماعات الضغط في واشنطن. وذلك هو ذراع واحدة فقط من أكبر من ذلك بكثير، متعدد الأوجه، وممولة جيدا لوبي إسرائيل "[7]. استنادا VSL-3. 0700000000000 $ 88،000 حساب تكاليف الولايات المتحدة الانتحار المخضرم منذ 11 أيلول 2001 في عهد الحرب الصهيونية تروج على الإرهاب. هناك قلق متزايد بشأن ارتفاع معدل الانتحار المخضرم الولايات المتحدة التي تشكل حوالي 20٪ من حالات الانتحار السنوية 30000 في الولايات المتحدة [8]. على مدى عشرات السنين الماضية، كانت هناك حوالي 20 حالة انتحار الأمريكي المخضرم .ie كل يوم 365.25 × 20 = 7305 سنويا وحوالي 88،000 منذ بداية الحرب الصهيونية تروج على الإرهاب في سبتمبر 2001 [9]. هذا عدد القتلى رهيبة من 88000 قدامى المحاربين الامريكية ميت مرتبطة الحروب الصهيونية تروج الخائنة والعنصرية لصالح إسرائيل الفصل العنصري حوالي 3000 مرة أكبر من 34 جنود الولايات المتحدة قتل عمدا من قبل نظام الفصل العنصري الإسرائيلي في الهجوم على المدمرة its1967 الحرية [7، 10 ]. فمن المستحيل لقيمة الحياة ولكن النهج الخام هو واحد من خلال قيمة الحياة الإحصائية (VSL) والتي يمكن تعريفها على أنها القيمة المفروضة على إدخال تغييرات على احتمال الموت [11]. وتقدر هيئة حماية البيئة الأمريكية (EPA) مؤخرا قيمة الحياة الإحصائية (VSL) في الساعة 8 مليون دولار، هذا يدل على أن متوسط الاستثمار الاجتماعي في المستشفيات والأمن والسلامة في أماكن العمل وغيرها لإبقاء شخص آمن. يمكن رؤية VSL، على سبيل المثال، والتقدير المحاسبي من تكلفة الأنظمة الحكومية لإنقاذ حياة أي تكلفة على أساس المخاطر وتجنب-الحفاظ على حياة الإنسان في مجموعة معينة [12]. على هذا قياس يفترض الانتحار المرتبطة بالحرب من 88000 قدامى المحاربين الأمريكي يغني في الإنفاق الاجتماعي 8 ملايين دولار للشخص العاشر 0088000 شخص = 0700000000000 $. 4. 125 تريليون دولار التكاليف المرتبطة 15.6 مليون حالة وفاة يمكن تجنبها الأمريكية منذ سبتمبر 2001، والتي يمكن أن تعزى نحو 30 بليونا إلى الانحراف المالي دعم الفصل العنصري الإسرائيلي. حوالي 1.3 مليون أمريكي يموتون preventably كل عام، وانهيار يجري على النحو التالي: يتم قتل الأميركيين بعنف 15،000 سنويا. 21،000 تجنبها تحت 5 سنوات وفيات الرضع الولايات المتحدة القديمة سنويا. 21000 الولايات المتحدة الأفيونية الوفيات المرتبطة بالمخدرات سنويا من الولايات المتحدة ترميم وحماية صناعة الافيون الافغاني دمرت طالبان؛ 30000 الأميركيون انتحار سنويا، مع 1 في 5 كونها قدامى المحاربين في الولايات المتحدة؛ 31،000 حالة وفاة مرتبطة بندقية الولايات المتحدة سنويا. 33،000Americans قتلتهم السيارات كل عام. 45،000 حالة وفاة سنويا من الولايات المتحدة عدم وجود التأمين الطبي. 70000 الأميركيين يموتون سنويا بسبب تلوث الهواء (مثل عن حرق الفحم، عادم السيارات، وحرق الكربون في العام). 75،000 حالة وفاة متعلقة بالكحول الأمريكية سنويا. 225،000 حالة وفاة سنويا في الولايات المتحدة من علاجي المنشأ (الطبي الموظفين ذات الصلة) المسبب. 300000 الاميركيين يموتون لأسباب مرتبطة بالسمنة. و 443000 الأميركيين يموتون لأسباب تتعلق بالتدخين (حوالي 1 من كل 5 من مجموع وفيات و 49000 أو نحو 10٪ من التدخين السلبي) [13، 14]. ويمكن توفير بعض المؤهلات مثل تجدر الإشارة إلى أن بعض هذه المناطق مثل تتداخل جرائم القتل والانتحار تتداخل مع الوفيات المرتبطة بندقية، وسوف الوفيات المرتبطة بالتدخين تستغرق وقتا طويلا لإيقاف بعد وقف تشريعية وطنيا للتدخين. يجب أن ينظر إلى هذه المذبحة ضخمة من 15.6 مليون حالة وفاة يمكن تجنبها الأمريكية منذ سبتمبر 2001 في سياق تحريف المالية المبينة في القسم # 1-3 أعلاه التي قد ارتكبت 8-10000000000000 دولار دولار تقريبا اليوم في هذه الفترة من قبل المحافظين الجدد الأمريكية المؤسسة الصهيونية والامبريالية واحدة Percenter الأمريكية مع المصالح الاستراتيجية لالإرهابي النووي، والديمقراطية عن طريق الإبادة الجماعية الفصل العنصري إسرائيل. منظمة الصحة العالمية (WHO) يخبرنا أنه في عام 2011 بلغ مجموع النفقات الصحية في الولايات المتحدة كانت 17.9٪ من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي [15] والناتج المحلي الإجمالي الأمريكي في عام 2011 14400000000000 $ [16] أي أن إجمالي الإنفاق الصحي السنوي لعام 2011 من الولايات المتحدة 0،179 س 14400000000000 $ = 2600000000000 $. وبالتالي تقدير العلوي من التكلفة 10 تريليون دولار من الفصل العنصري إسرائيل إلى أمريكا ما يعادل حوالي 4 سنوات ما بعد سبتمبر 2001 مجموع النفقات الصحية الأمريكية. بدلا من ذلك، يمكن أن يكون خلاف ذلك استخدمت هذا الانحراف المالي 10000000000000 $ لزيادة الإنفاق الكلي على الصحة الأمريكي منذ سبتمبر 2001 الموجهة بحوالي 30 ترليون دولار دولار إلى 40 تريليون دولار. التقدير 1.3 مليون حالة وفاة سنويا يمكن الوقاية منها الأميركية يعني 12 × 1.3 مليون = 15.6 مليون الوفيات التي يمكن تجنبها منذ سبتمبر 2001. وتطبيقا لVSL 8 ملايين دولار الشخص تعطي التكلفة التقديرية للX 15.6 مليون 8000000 $ = $ 125000000000000. إذا قبلنا تقدير أن 25٪ من هذه الوفيات التي يمكن تجنبها ويمكن أن يعزى إلى 25٪ أقل التمويل الصحية في الولايات المتحدة (أي مجموع النفقات الصحية الأميركية من $ 30000000000000 منذ سبتمبر عام 2001 بدلا 40000000000000 $ بسبب الموالية للصهيونية، الموالية الفصل العنصري إسرائيل الانحراف المالي) وبعد ذلك يمكننا إضافة المزيد من $ 125/4 بحوالي 30 ترليون دولار أو دولار لتكلفة الفصل العنصري إسرائيل إلى أمريكا. النتائج الصهيوني تخريب دعم الحكومة الأمريكية لإسرائيل الفصل العنصري في حوالي 2008 دولار يبلغ حوالي 40 تريليون دولار انهيار كونها (1) $ 3000000000000 (1948-2003)، (2) 4-6000000000000 $ (الصهيوني يروج العراق وحرب أفغانستان)، (3) 0700000000000 $ (التكلفة على أساس VSL من 88،000 الولايات المتحدة الانتحار المخضرم منذ سبتمبر 2001) و (4) حوالي 30 ترليون (ربع التكلفة على أساس VSL 15.6 مليون وفاة يمكن تجنبها الأمريكية منذ سبتمبر 2001). مثل غيرها من الديمقراطيات الغربية، والولايات المتحدة هي Murdochcracy، Lobbyocracy وCorporatocracy في المال الكبير الذي يشتري الناس، والسياسيين، والسياسات، والأحزاب، التصور العام للواقع، الأصوات والسلطة السياسية. الكذب سائل الإعلام السائدة ببساطة لن بالإبلاغ عن وفاة فلسطينية من 2 مليون منذ عام 1936 في الإبادة الجماعية الفلسطينية من العنف (0.1 مليون) واشتقاق فرض بعنف (1.9 مليون) [17]، ال 12 مليون مسلم الذين قتلوا خلال العنف (3.5 مليون)، أو الحرمان المفروض الحرب (8.9 مليون) في مرحلة ما بعد عام 1990، الحرب الصهيونية روجت الولايات المتحدة على المسلمين [18]، أو 10 ملايين المسلمين الذين ماتوا من العنف (3 ملايين)، أو الحرمان من الحرب المفروضة (7 مليون) منذ حكومة الولايات المتحدة (مع المرجح تورط الصهيوني والإسرائيلي) ارتكبت الفظائع شبه المؤكد 9-11 ضد الشعب الأمريكي (انظر "الخبراء: هل الولايات المتحدة 9-11"، [19]) - في الواقع اكبر من الجريمة، و أكثر الحثيثة الرقابة تعميم وسائل الإعلام وسائل الإعلام الرئيسية الكذب [20-27]. وغزت الولايات المتحدة 70 دولة منذ عام 1776 [28]، والآن من الواضح يستعد لحرب غزو جنائيا وتدمر سوريا بعد عدة سنوات من توريد جانب واحد من الحرب الأهلية. لكن الهيمنة الأمريكية على العالم قد حان بسعر ضخم. وهكذا في كل عام حوالي 18 مليون شخص يموتون يمكن توقيه من الحرمان على الأرض سفينة الفضاء مع الولايات المتحدة المسؤول عن سطح الطيران. في الواقع تشير التقديرات إلى أن 1.3 مليار شخص لقوا حتفهم من الحرمان منذ عام 1950، بما في ذلك 1.2 مليار هذا غير الأوروبيين و 0.6 مليار مسلم، مسلمة المحرقة الأخيرة إلى 100 أضعاف في عدد القتلى من اليهود في المحرقة WW2 (5-6 مليون قتيل (1) في 6 يموتون من الحرمان) أو "المنسية" WW2 البنغال المحرقة التي البريطانية بالتواطؤ مع الاسترالي تجويع متعمد 6-7٬000٬000 الهنود حتى الموت لأسباب استراتيجية [29-31]. التكلفة البشرية المروعة إلى أمريكا لدعم الفصل العنصري إسرائيل من قبل أمريكا المحافظين الجدد والإمبريالية الصهيونية واحدة Percenters يمكن كميا من حيث التكلفة المالية ملتزمة 40000000000000 $ في حوالي 2008 دولار منذ عام 1948 ونحو 4 ملايين حالة وفاة أمريكية الوقاية منها في هذا القرن وحده - المحرقة الصهيونية الأمريكية التي فرضتها على أن يبلغ عنه بسبب المحافظين الجدد الأمريكية والصهيونية سائل الاعلام الرئيسية الامبريالي-منحرفة والسياسيين والأكاديميين. 99٪ من الكونجرس هي المؤيدة للصهاينة و 20٪ من اليهود الصهاينة (على الرغم من أن عدد السكان اليهود في أمريكا ليست سوى حوالي 2٪ من المجموع). في المقابل، حوالي 80٪ من الذكور الأفريقية الأمريكية في شيكاغو (مدينة مع عمدة الصهيونية اليهودية، وابن ارهابي صهيوني الإرغون شاركت في التطهير العرقي لفلسطين) [32] و 27.4٪ من الأميركيين الأفارقة يعيشون ويموتون في الفقر [33]. ما يمكن أن يفعله الناس لائقة؟ والناس لائق ملزمة للتحدث علنا ضد جميع انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان والبشعة وجرائم الإبادة الجماعية الفصل العنصري إسرائيل ومن يدعمها تحالف الولايات المتحدة على وجه الخصوص (انظر "يهود ضد الصهيونية العنصرية" [34]، "غير اليهود ضد الصهيونية العنصرية" [35 ] و "قاطعوا الفصل العنصري إسرائيل" [36]). لائق، الأميركيين وطني، بل وجميع الناس الذين يهتمون لائق بالنسبة للأميركيين العاديين والبشر بشكل عام، يجب إبلاغ كل شخص في وسعهم عن الشذوذ الصهيوني المفروض المحرقة الأمريكي والصهيوني لأمريكا فيها 1.3 مليون أمريكي يموتون كل عام preventably يرتبط الانحراف المالي المحافظين الجدد الأمريكي والصهيوني الامبريالي احد Percenter بارتكاب تريليونات من الدولارات لقتل المسلمين في الخارج بدلا من إنقاذ الأرواح الأميركية في الداخل. يجب أن الأميركيين يستيقظون على الانحراف القاتل في المجتمع من قبل الصهاينة الخونة والعنصرية genocidally ومؤيدي المحافظين الجدد بهم. يجب أن يتعرض الخائنة، الصهاينة العنصريين genocidally ومؤيديهم من المحافظين الجدد وغاب عن الحياة العامة كما كانت مثل العنصريين مثل النازيين، النازيين الجدد، Apartheiders وKKK. من فضلك قل الجميع يمكنك.   المراجع. 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"قاطعوا الفصل العنصري الاسرائيلي": لقد كان الدكتور جدعون بوليا تعليم الطلاب العلوم في جامعة استرالية كبرى لمدة 4 عقود. وقال انه نشر نحو 130 يعمل في مهنة علمية 5 سنوات، وكان آخرها ضخمة إشارة الدوائية النص "الأهداف البيوكيميائية للنبات المركبات النشطة بيولوجيا" (CRC الصحافة / تايلور وفرانسيس، نيويورك & لندن، 2003). وقد نشر "إحصاء الجثث. وفيات يمكن تجنبها العالمية منذ عام 1950 "(GM بوليا، ملبورن 2007:؛ انظر أيضا إسهاماته "تواطؤ الاسترالي في العراق وفيات جماعية" في "أكاذيب، فرايز العميقة والإحصاء" (حرره روبين ويليامز، ABC كتب، سيدني 2007: أكهام / قصص / s1445960.htm) و "الإبادة الجماعية الفلسطينية الجارية" في "محنة الفلسطينيين (حرره وليام كوك، بالجريف ماكميلان، لندن، 2010: محنة من بين palestinians.html). وقد نشر نسخة منقحة ومحدثة لعام 2008 كتابه 1998 "جين أوستن والثقب الأسود من التاريخ البريطاني" (انظر: كما biofuel-، وglobalization- الغذائي العالمي يحركها المناخ الزيادات في الأسعار تهدد لأكبر كارثة المجاعة من مجاعة من صنع الإنسان في الهند تحت الحكم البريطاني الذي قتل 6-7٬000٬000 الهنود في "المنسية" الحرب العالمية 2 البنغال المجاعة (انظر بث بي بي سي مؤخرا تنطوي الدكتور بوليا، الاقتصاد الحائز على جائزة نوبل البروفيسور أمارتيا سين وغيره: ). عندما تعجز الكلمات يمكن للمرء أن يقول ذلك في الصور - صور لوحات ضخمة جدعون بوليا من أجل كوكب الأرض، السلام، الأم والطفل، انظر: و http: // كوم / صور / gideonpolya /.      شرثيس   خاضعة للإشراف تعليقات دخول متابعة المناقشة تعليقات (3) فرز حسب: التاريخ تقييم آخر الصورة الرمزية +1 تشارلز الدجال و تشارلز الدجال · قبل 28 أسابيع لأن أمريكا تديره Zionst اليهود النذل، والضرائب الأميركية لا تتوقف الفيضانات الى اسرائيل والنظام الإرهابي هناك. واحد من أعظم الكذب للخروج من هذه الصهاينة الطفيلية هي كذبة حوالي 6 ملايين من اليهود الذين يموتون في تركيز المخيمات !!! ما حفنة من الكذب الكذابون تافه !!! وdeathtoll الحقيقي Jewis هو أيضا تحت 300000 وأنها لم يمت من زيكلون-B! كما Holocau كله كان خدعة $ T لفظ! ماتوا فعلا من الجوع والتيفوس والكوليرا، لأن روتشيلد أراد قتل سباق الألماني بقطع جميع سفن الإمدادات الغذائية إلى ألمانيا! كتلة المجاعة قتل الملايين من الألمان، لكنه في نهاية المطاف ضرب المخيمات، وهذه هي الطريقة التي توفي اليهود التوراة في تلك المخيمات! ومن المثير للاهتمام، واليهود التوراة تعارض الصهاينة ودولة إسرائيل. روتشيلد مكون النازيين وتسيطر كل من جانبي الصراع! بدون هتلر، لن يكون هناك إسرائيل! تقرير رد الصورة الرمزية +1 أوسكار شانك و أوسكار شانك · قبل 45 أسابيع نعم، إذا الوحيد الأميركيين يعرفون حقا، انها تريد التخلي عن دعم إسرائيل مثل البطاطا الساخنة السرطانية هو عليه، لكنها تبقى في معظمها جاهلة وذلك بفضل وسائل الإعلام الأمريكية، التي هي ذراع للنظام الأمريكي، والتي، في مسائل أجنبي السياسة، هي ذراع ايباك وعدد لا يحصى من المنظمات المؤسسة الإسرائيلية الأولى التي تعمل تحت أسماء قناع. تقرير رد الصورة الرمزية +3 felixaustria03 ل- إذهب إلى الملف الشخصي felixaustria03 41p · منذ 60 أسابيع وoverfiew العلمية فانتاستيك، ولكن من يهتم؟ أنا سوف أقول للجميع كما كل ما عندي من حقائق أخرى من التاريخ لا توصف، ولكن الناس لا تريد أن تعرفه، يناقشون فقط حول "قضايا الترف"، وأعتقد وشك مغادرة لقضاء إجازة أسبوعين أو ثلاثة أسابيع لابعد مكان ما بعيدا! آل طالما أنها حصلت ما يكفي من الطعام والشراب، فإنها يمكن قيادة المركبات، فإنها لن تحصل على ما يصل ضد repressers، فإنها تتصرف مثل الأغنام التي عناق الجزارين القصيرة قبل أن يقتلهم، وسوء أبله، غسيل دماغ البشر! تقرير رد

تقرير مسخرة من قناة العربيه عن نوال المتحدث الرسمى باسم السيسى اوعى يفوتك/وقد بلغت التكلفة المالية الرهيبة لإسرائيل للأميركيين الآن عملاقة 40000000000000 $ دولار في اليوم. لكن التكلفة البشرية ينطوي على الوفيات التي يمكن تجنبها الملايين من الأميركيين - القتل الجماعي السلبي من الأميركيين في المحرقة الأمريكية من الانحراف المالي من المحافظين الجدد الخائن الإمبريالية الأمريكية والصهيونية التي لحقت أحد Percenters ارتكاب 8-10000000000000 دولار إلى التطهير العرقي والقتل الجماعي الايجابي والسلبي من المسلمين في الخارج في دعم الفصل العنصري إسرائيل بدلا من الاحتفاظ الأميركيين على قيد الحياة في المنزل. الصهيوني تخريب دعم الحكومة الأمريكية لإسرائيل الفصل العنصري في حوالي 2008 دولار يبلغ حوالي 40 تريليون دولار انهيار كونها (1) $ 3000000000000 (1948-2003)، (2) 4-6000000000000 $ (الصهيوني يروج العراق وحرب أفغانستان)، (3) 0700000000000 $ (قيمة احلياة الإحصائية أو تكلفة القائم على VSL من 88،000 الولايات المتحدة الانتحار المخضرم منذ سبتمبر 2001) و (4) حوالي 30 ترليون (ربع التكلفة على أساس VSL 15.6 مليون حالة وفاة أمريكية الوقاية منها منذ سبتمبر 2001 ). هذا هو تقديرا تحت لأنها لا تنظر في ملايين الوفيات التي يمكن الوقاية منها الأميركية قبل 11/9 مرتبطة التخريب الصهيوني وتحريف الأمريكية. 1. 3000000000000 $ تكلفة اسرائيل على أمريكا، 1948-2003. في عام 2003 الدكتور توماس ر. ستوفر (1935-2005، وهو محلل الطاقة احترامها، والمؤلف، المربي، ومستشار، وخريج 144-الحائز على جائزة نوبل مركز جامعة هارفارد لدراسات الشرق الأوسط (المقذوفات))، ويقدر أن 1948-2003 وكانت التكلفة لإسرائيل لدى الولايات المتحدة ما يزيد على 3 تريليون دولار في 2002 دولار: "لقد كانت الصراعات في الشرق الأوسط مكلفة جدا للولايات المتحدة، وكذلك إلى بقية دول العالم. تقدير التكلفة الإجمالية للولايات المتحدة وحدها من عدم الاستقرار والصراع في المنطقة، والتي تنبع من القلب، وكميات-الصراع بين اسرائيل والفلسطينيين لإغلاق إلى 3 تريليون دولار في عام 2002 تقاس دولار. هذا هو مبلغ ما يقرب من أربعة أضعاف كلفة حرب فيتنام، يحسب أيضا في عام 2002 ... دولار مجموع التكاليف تعريفية تأتي إلى ما يقرب من 3 تريليون دولار. حوالي 60 في المئة، أكثر من نصف من تلك التكاليف حوالي 1700000000000 $، نشأت من دفاع الولايات المتحدة من إسرائيل، حيث تم تكبدها معظم هذا المبلغ منذ عام 1973. "[2]. 2. 4-6000000000000 $ تكلفة لأمريكا من الصهيونية تروج العراق وأفغانستان الحروب. وقد ارتبطت الغزو غير الشرعي الصهيوني يروج من العراق، وحرب العراق، والحرب الأفغانية مع التزام التكاليف الجارية ضخمة 4-6 تريليون دولار. وبذلك الأستاذ جوزيف ستيغليتز (أستاذ الاقتصاد في 98 الحائز على جائزة نوبل، جامعة كولومبيا، رئيسا لمجلس الرئيس بيل كلينتون من المستشارين الاقتصاديين والحائز على جائزة نوبل في الاقتصاد عام 2001) والدكتورة ليندا بيلمز J. (دانيال باتريك موينيهان محاضر كبير في السياسة العامة في 144-الحائز على جائزة نوبل جامعة هارفارد) تقدر التكلفة طويلة الأجل لحرب العراق ب 3 تريليون دولار في عام 2008 من كتاب "حرب الثلاثة تريليونات دولار: التكلفة الحقيقية للصراع في العراق" [3]. ولكن في عام 2010 أساتذة ستيغليتز وبيلمز المنقحة هذا التقدير صعودا: "الكتابة في هذه الصفحات في أوائل عام 2008، وضعنا التكلفة الإجمالية للولايات المتحدة في الحرب على العراق ب 3 تريليون دولار. هذا ثمن فاقت التقديرات السابقة، بما في ذلك 2003 توقعات إدارة بوش للحرب مليار 50 مليار دولار ل60 دولارا. ولكن اليوم، وتنتهي الولايات المتحدة القتالية في العراق، يبدو أن لدينا 3000000000000 $ تقدير (التي تمثل كل من النفقات الحكومية وتأثير الحرب الأوسع على اقتصاد الولايات المتحدة) كان، إذا كان أي شيء، منخفضة للغاية ... لا شك ان الحرب في العراق وأضافت إلى حد كبير في الدين الفيدرالي. وكانت هذه هي المرة الأولى في التاريخ الأميركي أن الحكومة خفضت الضرائب كما ذهب إلى الحرب. النتيجة: حرب ممولة بالكامل عن طريق الاقتراض. ارتفعت ديون الولايات المتحدة من 6.4 تريليون دولار في مارس اذار 2003 لل10000000000000 $ في عام 2008 (قبل الأزمة المالية). ما لا يقل عن ربع هذه الزيادة يعزى مباشرة إلى الحرب. وهذا لا يشمل الرعاية الصحية والعجز الدفعات المستقبلية لقدامى المحاربين، والتي سوف تضيف نصف تريليون دولار آخر إلى الدين. "[4]. وأشار البروفيسور مايكل Intriligator (وهو زميل بارز في معهد ميلكن الولايات المتحدة وأستاذ فخري في علم الاقتصاد والعلوم السياسية والسياسة العامة في جامعة 13-نوبل-جائزة نوبل كاليفورنيا في لوس أنجلوس، جامعة كاليفورنيا) تكلفة على المدى الطويل دولار 1،5-2،0 تريليون للحرب في أفغانستان [5]. الدكتورة ليندا بيلمز (2013): إن "الصراعات في العراق وأفغانستان، مجتمعة، أن يكون أكثر الحروب كلفة في تاريخ الولايات المتحدة - بلغ مجموعها ما بين $ 4 إلى 6 تريليون دولار. وهذا يشمل الرعاية الطبية طويلة الأجل وتعويضات العجز لأفراد الخدمة، وقدامى المحاربين وعائلاتهم، والتجديد العسكري والتكاليف الاجتماعية والاقتصادية. الجزء الأكبر من هذا القانون لم يتم بعد دفع. منذ عام 2001، وسعت الولايات المتحدة نوعية وكمية، وتوافر الأهلية من الفوائد للأفراد العسكريين والمحاربين القدماء. وقد أدى هذا إلى نمو غير مسبوق في وزارة شؤون قدامى المحاربين ووزارة الدفاع الميزانيات. هذه الفوائد ستزيد كذلك على مدى السنوات ال 40 المقبلة. وتلتزم أموال إضافية لاستبدال كميات كبيرة من المعدات الأساسية المستخدمة في الحروب ودعم الوجود الدبلوماسي المستمر والمساعدات العسكرية في منطقة العراق وأفغانستان. واقترضت مبالغ كبيرة لتمويل العمليات في العراق وافغانستان وكذلك فرض تكاليف باهظة على المدى الطويل خدمة الدين. نتيجة لهذه الخيارات الإنفاق في زمن الحرب، فإن الولايات المتحدة تواجه قيودا في الاستثمارات في الموظفين والدبلوماسية والبحث والتنمية والمبادرات العسكرية الجديدة التمويل. إرث القرارات التي اتخذت خلال حربي العراق وأفغانستان سوف تهيمن على الميزانيات الاتحادية المستقبلية لعقود قادمة ". [6]. باميلا اولسن (الباحث الرئيس في جامعة 54-الحائز على جائزة نوبل-ستانفورد 1998-2002 مع تخصص في الفيزياء، قاصر في العلوم السياسية، عاش وعمل في الضفة الغربية الفلسطينية، عملت كباحثة في موسكو وسيبيريا، والصين، محلل الأبحاث في معهد تحليل الدفاع، ومؤلف كتاب "تايمز سريعة في فلسطين") قد علق مؤخرا حاسم على التكلفة الضخمة لإسرائيل لدى الولايات المتحدة (2013): "ظلت التكلفة إسرائيل دافعي الضرائب الأميركيين عالية منذ الدراسة ستوفر لعام 2003 . يعطي الولايات المتحدة حاليا إسرائيل بمعدل 3 مليارات دولار سنويا في شكل مساعدات عسكرية، بموجب اتفاق تم توقيعه من قبل إدارة بوش لنقل 30 مليار دولار لإسرائيل على مدى عشر سنوات، ابتداء من عام 2009 ... وإذا، كما يعتقد العديد من الخبراء، لن الولايات المتحدة وقد غزت العراق دون ضغط شديد ومستمر من المطلعين واشنطن الذين يدعون بنشاط بالنيابة عن إسرائيل، وهذا يضيف بعدا آخر للتكلفة الهائلة للمعادلة ... واللوبي الإسرائيلي وأنصار يعد العدة حاليا لحرب مع إيران بنفس الحماس أظهروا في الفترة التي سبقت غزو العراق عام 2003. جميع التقديرات، فإن تكاليف حرب مع إيران ستكون أعلى بكثير من حرب العراق. بالإضافة إلى خسائر في الأرواح، يتوقع المحللون، على سبيل المثال، أنه إذا تم أخذ إنتاج النفط الإيراني من السوق العالمية، وأسعار الغاز سترتفع 25-70 في المئة ... حتى الآن نعود إلى السؤال: لماذا تواصل امريكا إلى صب الأموال في الدولة التي ارتكب انتهاكات يومية لحقوق الإنسان، يتحدى المصالح الأمريكية الاستراتيجية، يثير الغضب والاستياء بين المليارات من الناس، وتتنافس مع ويزاحم مصالح الولايات المتحدة باستخدام تقنية مدعومة من قبل دافعي الضرائب الأمريكيين، وبيع أسرار عسكرية أميركا في ل الأعداء. الجواب بسيط ولخص جيدا من قبل أساتذة ستيفن والت وجون ميرشايمر و في المادة الرائد في لندن ريفيو أوف بوكس "اللوبي الإسرائيلي" وكتابهما "اللوبي الإسرائيلي والسياسة الخارجية للولايات المتحدة" ... ايباك، أمريكا لجنة الشؤون العامة الإسرائيلية، تصنف دائما في أعلى اثنين من أقوى جماعات الضغط في واشنطن. وذلك هو ذراع واحدة فقط من أكبر من ذلك بكثير، متعدد الأوجه، وممولة جيدا لوبي إسرائيل "[7]. استنادا VSL-3. 0700000000000 $ 88،000 حساب تكاليف الولايات المتحدة الانتحار المخضرم منذ 11 أيلول 2001 في عهد الحرب الصهيونية تروج على الإرهاب. هناك قلق متزايد بشأن ارتفاع معدل الانتحار المخضرم الولايات المتحدة التي تشكل حوالي 20٪ من حالات الانتحار السنوية 30000 في الولايات المتحدة [8]. على مدى عشرات السنين الماضية، كانت هناك حوالي 20 حالة انتحار الأمريكي المخضرم .ie كل يوم 365.25 × 20 = 7305 سنويا وحوالي 88،000 منذ بداية الحرب الصهيونية تروج على الإرهاب في سبتمبر 2001 [9]. هذا عدد القتلى رهيبة من 88000 قدامى المحاربين الامريكية ميت مرتبطة الحروب الصهيونية تروج الخائنة والعنصرية لصالح إسرائيل الفصل العنصري حوالي 3000 مرة أكبر من 34 جنود الولايات المتحدة قتل عمدا من قبل نظام الفصل العنصري الإسرائيلي في الهجوم على المدمرة its1967 الحرية [7، 10 ]. فمن المستحيل لقيمة الحياة ولكن النهج الخام هو واحد من خلال قيمة الحياة الإحصائية (VSL) والتي يمكن تعريفها على أنها القيمة المفروضة على إدخال تغييرات على احتمال الموت [11]. وتقدر هيئة حماية البيئة الأمريكية (EPA) مؤخرا قيمة الحياة الإحصائية (VSL) في الساعة 8 مليون دولار، هذا يدل على أن متوسط الاستثمار الاجتماعي في المستشفيات والأمن والسلامة في أماكن العمل وغيرها لإبقاء شخص آمن. يمكن رؤية VSL، على سبيل المثال، والتقدير المحاسبي من تكلفة الأنظمة الحكومية لإنقاذ حياة أي تكلفة على أساس المخاطر وتجنب-الحفاظ على حياة الإنسان في مجموعة معينة [12]. على هذا قياس يفترض الانتحار المرتبطة بالحرب من 88000 قدامى المحاربين الأمريكي يغني في الإنفاق الاجتماعي 8 ملايين دولار للشخص العاشر 0088000 شخص = 0700000000000 $. 4. 125 تريليون دولار التكاليف المرتبطة 15.6 مليون حالة وفاة يمكن تجنبها الأمريكية منذ سبتمبر 2001، والتي يمكن أن تعزى نحو 30 بليونا إلى الانحراف المالي دعم الفصل العنصري الإسرائيلي. حوالي 1.3 مليون أمريكي يموتون preventably كل عام، وانهيار يجري على النحو التالي: يتم قتل الأميركيين بعنف 15،000 سنويا. 21،000 تجنبها تحت 5 سنوات وفيات الرضع الولايات المتحدة القديمة سنويا. 21000 الولايات المتحدة الأفيونية الوفيات المرتبطة بالمخدرات سنويا من الولايات المتحدة ترميم وحماية صناعة الافيون الافغاني دمرت طالبان؛ 30000 الأميركيون انتحار سنويا، مع 1 في 5 كونها قدامى المحاربين في الولايات المتحدة؛ 31،000 حالة وفاة مرتبطة بندقية الولايات المتحدة سنويا. 33،000Americans قتلتهم السيارات كل عام. 45،000 حالة وفاة سنويا من الولايات المتحدة عدم وجود التأمين الطبي. 70000 الأميركيين يموتون سنويا بسبب تلوث الهواء (مثل عن حرق الفحم، عادم السيارات، وحرق الكربون في العام). 75،000 حالة وفاة متعلقة بالكحول الأمريكية سنويا. 225،000 حالة وفاة سنويا في الولايات المتحدة من علاجي المنشأ (الطبي الموظفين ذات الصلة) المسبب. 300000 الاميركيين يموتون لأسباب مرتبطة بالسمنة. و 443000 الأميركيين يموتون لأسباب تتعلق بالتدخين (حوالي 1 من كل 5 من مجموع وفيات و 49000 أو نحو 10٪ من التدخين السلبي) [13، 14]. ويمكن توفير بعض المؤهلات مثل تجدر الإشارة إلى أن بعض هذه المناطق مثل تتداخل جرائم القتل والانتحار تتداخل مع الوفيات المرتبطة بندقية، وسوف الوفيات المرتبطة بالتدخين تستغرق وقتا طويلا لإيقاف بعد وقف تشريعية وطنيا للتدخين. يجب أن ينظر إلى هذه المذبحة ضخمة من 15.6 مليون حالة وفاة يمكن تجنبها الأمريكية منذ سبتمبر 2001 في سياق تحريف المالية المبينة في القسم # 1-3 أعلاه التي قد ارتكبت 8-10000000000000 دولار دولار تقريبا اليوم في هذه الفترة من قبل المحافظين الجدد الأمريكية المؤسسة الصهيونية والامبريالية واحدة Percenter الأمريكية مع المصالح الاستراتيجية لالإرهابي النووي، والديمقراطية عن طريق الإبادة الجماعية الفصل العنصري إسرائيل. منظمة الصحة العالمية (WHO) يخبرنا أنه في عام 2011 بلغ مجموع النفقات الصحية في الولايات المتحدة كانت 17.9٪ من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي [15] والناتج المحلي الإجمالي الأمريكي في عام 2011 14400000000000 $ [16] أي أن إجمالي الإنفاق الصحي السنوي لعام 2011 من الولايات المتحدة 0،179 س 14400000000000 $ = 2600000000000 $. وبالتالي تقدير العلوي من التكلفة 10 تريليون دولار من الفصل العنصري إسرائيل إلى أمريكا ما يعادل حوالي 4 سنوات ما بعد سبتمبر 2001 مجموع النفقات الصحية الأمريكية. بدلا من ذلك، يمكن أن يكون خلاف ذلك استخدمت هذا الانحراف المالي 10000000000000 $ لزيادة الإنفاق الكلي على الصحة الأمريكي منذ سبتمبر 2001 الموجهة بحوالي 30 ترليون دولار دولار إلى 40 تريليون دولار. التقدير 1.3 مليون حالة وفاة سنويا يمكن الوقاية منها الأميركية يعني 12 × 1.3 مليون = 15.6 مليون الوفيات التي يمكن تجنبها منذ سبتمبر 2001. وتطبيقا لVSL 8 ملايين دولار الشخص تعطي التكلفة التقديرية للX 15.6 مليون 8000000 $ = $ 125000000000000. إذا قبلنا تقدير أن 25٪ من هذه الوفيات التي يمكن تجنبها ويمكن أن يعزى إلى 25٪ أقل التمويل الصحية في الولايات المتحدة (أي مجموع النفقات الصحية الأميركية من $ 30000000000000 منذ سبتمبر عام 2001 بدلا 40000000000000 $ بسبب الموالية للصهيونية، الموالية الفصل العنصري إسرائيل الانحراف المالي) وبعد ذلك يمكننا إضافة المزيد من $ 125/4 بحوالي 30 ترليون دولار أو دولار لتكلفة الفصل العنصري إسرائيل إلى أمريكا. النتائج الصهيوني تخريب دعم الحكومة الأمريكية لإسرائيل الفصل العنصري في حوالي 2008 دولار يبلغ حوالي 40 تريليون دولار انهيار كونها (1) $ 3000000000000 (1948-2003)، (2) 4-6000000000000 $ (الصهيوني يروج العراق وحرب أفغانستان)، (3) 0700000000000 $ (التكلفة على أساس VSL من 88،000 الولايات المتحدة الانتحار المخضرم منذ سبتمبر 2001) و (4) حوالي 30 ترليون (ربع التكلفة على أساس VSL 15.6 مليون وفاة يمكن تجنبها الأمريكية منذ سبتمبر 2001). مثل غيرها من الديمقراطيات الغربية، والولايات المتحدة هي Murdochcracy، Lobbyocracy وCorporatocracy في المال الكبير الذي يشتري الناس، والسياسيين، والسياسات، والأحزاب، التصور العام للواقع، الأصوات والسلطة السياسية. الكذب سائل الإعلام السائدة ببساطة لن بالإبلاغ عن وفاة فلسطينية من 2 مليون منذ عام 1936 في الإبادة الجماعية الفلسطينية من العنف (0.1 مليون) واشتقاق فرض بعنف (1.9 مليون) [17]، ال 12 مليون مسلم الذين قتلوا خلال العنف (3.5 مليون)، أو الحرمان المفروض الحرب (8.9 مليون) في مرحلة ما بعد عام 1990، الحرب الصهيونية روجت الولايات المتحدة على المسلمين [18]، أو 10 ملايين المسلمين الذين ماتوا من العنف (3 ملايين)، أو الحرمان من الحرب المفروضة (7 مليون) منذ حكومة الولايات المتحدة (مع المرجح تورط الصهيوني والإسرائيلي) ارتكبت الفظائع شبه المؤكد 9-11 ضد الشعب الأمريكي (انظر "الخبراء: هل الولايات المتحدة 9-11"، [19]) - في الواقع اكبر من الجريمة، و أكثر الحثيثة الرقابة تعميم وسائل الإعلام وسائل الإعلام الرئيسية الكذب [20-27]. وغزت الولايات المتحدة 70 دولة منذ عام 1776 [28]، والآن من الواضح يستعد لحرب غزو جنائيا وتدمر سوريا بعد عدة سنوات من توريد جانب واحد من الحرب الأهلية. لكن الهيمنة الأمريكية على العالم قد حان بسعر ضخم. وهكذا في كل عام حوالي 18 مليون شخص يموتون يمكن توقيه من الحرمان على الأرض سفينة الفضاء مع الولايات المتحدة المسؤول عن سطح الطيران. في الواقع تشير التقديرات إلى أن 1.3 مليار شخص لقوا حتفهم من الحرمان منذ عام 1950، بما في ذلك 1.2 مليار هذا غير الأوروبيين و 0.6 مليار مسلم، مسلمة المحرقة الأخيرة إلى 100 أضعاف في عدد القتلى من اليهود في المحرقة WW2 (5-6 مليون قتيل (1) في 6 يموتون من الحرمان) أو "المنسية" WW2 البنغال المحرقة التي البريطانية بالتواطؤ مع الاسترالي تجويع متعمد 6-7٬000٬000 الهنود حتى الموت لأسباب استراتيجية [29-31]. التكلفة البشرية المروعة إلى أمريكا لدعم الفصل العنصري إسرائيل من قبل أمريكا المحافظين الجدد والإمبريالية الصهيونية واحدة Percenters يمكن كميا من حيث التكلفة المالية ملتزمة 40000000000000 $ في حوالي 2008 دولار منذ عام 1948 ونحو 4 ملايين حالة وفاة أمريكية الوقاية منها في هذا القرن وحده - المحرقة الصهيونية الأمريكية التي فرضتها على أن يبلغ عنه بسبب المحافظين الجدد الأمريكية والصهيونية سائل الاعلام الرئيسية الامبريالي-منحرفة والسياسيين والأكاديميين. 99٪ من الكونجرس هي المؤيدة للصهاينة و 20٪ من اليهود الصهاينة (على الرغم من أن عدد السكان اليهود في أمريكا ليست سوى حوالي 2٪ من المجموع). في المقابل، حوالي 80٪ من الذكور الأفريقية الأمريكية في شيكاغو (مدينة مع عمدة الصهيونية اليهودية، وابن ارهابي صهيوني الإرغون شاركت في التطهير العرقي لفلسطين) [32] و 27.4٪ من الأميركيين الأفارقة يعيشون ويموتون في الفقر [33]. ما يمكن أن يفعله الناس لائقة؟ والناس لائق ملزمة للتحدث علنا ضد جميع انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان والبشعة وجرائم الإبادة الجماعية الفصل العنصري إسرائيل ومن يدعمها تحالف الولايات المتحدة على وجه الخصوص (انظر "يهود ضد الصهيونية العنصرية" [34]، "غير اليهود ضد الصهيونية العنصرية" [35 ] و "قاطعوا الفصل العنصري إسرائيل" [36]). لائق، الأميركيين وطني، بل وجميع الناس الذين يهتمون لائق بالنسبة للأميركيين العاديين والبشر بشكل عام، يجب إبلاغ كل شخص في وسعهم عن الشذوذ الصهيوني المفروض المحرقة الأمريكي والصهيوني لأمريكا فيها 1.3 مليون أمريكي يموتون كل عام preventably يرتبط الانحراف المالي المحافظين الجدد الأمريكي والصهيوني الامبريالي احد Percenter بارتكاب تريليونات من الدولارات لقتل المسلمين في الخارج بدلا من إنقاذ الأرواح الأميركية في الداخل. يجب أن الأميركيين يستيقظون على الانحراف القاتل في المجتمع من قبل الصهاينة الخونة والعنصرية genocidally ومؤيدي المحافظين الجدد بهم. يجب أن يتعرض الخائنة، الصهاينة العنصريين genocidally ومؤيديهم من المحافظين الجدد وغاب عن الحياة العامة كما كانت مثل العنصريين مثل النازيين، النازيين الجدد، Apartheiders وKKK. من فضلك قل الجميع يمكنك.   المراجع. 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"قاطعوا الفصل العنصري الاسرائيلي": لقد كان الدكتور جدعون بوليا تعليم الطلاب العلوم في جامعة استرالية كبرى لمدة 4 عقود. وقال انه نشر نحو 130 يعمل في مهنة علمية 5 سنوات، وكان آخرها ضخمة إشارة الدوائية النص "الأهداف البيوكيميائية للنبات المركبات النشطة بيولوجيا" (CRC الصحافة / تايلور وفرانسيس، نيويورك & لندن، 2003). وقد نشر "إحصاء الجثث. وفيات يمكن تجنبها العالمية منذ عام 1950 "(GM بوليا، ملبورن 2007:؛ انظر أيضا إسهاماته "تواطؤ الاسترالي في العراق وفيات جماعية" في "أكاذيب، فرايز العميقة والإحصاء" (حرره روبين ويليامز، ABC كتب، سيدني 2007: أكهام / قصص / s1445960.htm) و "الإبادة الجماعية الفلسطينية الجارية" في "محنة الفلسطينيين (حرره وليام كوك، بالجريف ماكميلان، لندن، 2010: محنة من بين palestinians.html). وقد نشر نسخة منقحة ومحدثة لعام 2008 كتابه 1998 "جين أوستن والثقب الأسود من التاريخ البريطاني" (انظر: كما biofuel-، وglobalization- الغذائي العالمي يحركها المناخ الزيادات في الأسعار تهدد لأكبر كارثة المجاعة من مجاعة من صنع الإنسان في الهند تحت الحكم البريطاني الذي قتل 6-7٬000٬000 الهنود في "المنسية" الحرب العالمية 2 البنغال المجاعة (انظر بث بي بي سي مؤخرا تنطوي الدكتور بوليا، الاقتصاد الحائز على جائزة نوبل البروفيسور أمارتيا سين وغيره: ). عندما تعجز الكلمات يمكن للمرء أن يقول ذلك في الصور - صور لوحات ضخمة جدعون بوليا من أجل كوكب الأرض، السلام، الأم والطفل، انظر: و http: // كوم / صور / gideonpolya /.      شرثيس   خاضعة للإشراف تعليقات دخول متابعة المناقشة تعليقات (3) فرز حسب: التاريخ تقييم آخر الصورة الرمزية +1 تشارلز الدجال و تشارلز الدجال · قبل 28 أسابيع لأن أمريكا تديره Zionst اليهود النذل، والضرائب الأميركية لا تتوقف الفيضانات الى اسرائيل والنظام الإرهابي هناك. واحد من أعظم الكذب للخروج من هذه الصهاينة الطفيلية هي كذبة حوالي 6 ملايين من اليهود الذين يموتون في تركيز المخيمات !!! ما حفنة من الكذب الكذابون تافه !!! وdeathtoll الحقيقي Jewis هو أيضا تحت 300000 وأنها لم يمت من زيكلون-B! كما Holocau كله كان خدعة $ T لفظ! ماتوا فعلا من الجوع والتيفوس والكوليرا، لأن روتشيلد أراد قتل سباق الألماني بقطع جميع سفن الإمدادات الغذائية إلى ألمانيا! كتلة المجاعة قتل الملايين من الألمان، لكنه في نهاية المطاف ضرب المخيمات، وهذه هي الطريقة التي توفي اليهود التوراة في تلك المخيمات! ومن المثير للاهتمام، واليهود التوراة تعارض الصهاينة ودولة إسرائيل. روتشيلد مكون النازيين وتسيطر كل من جانبي الصراع! بدون هتلر، لن يكون هناك إسرائيل! تقرير رد الصورة الرمزية +1 أوسكار شانك و أوسكار شانك · قبل 45 أسابيع نعم، إذا الوحيد الأميركيين يعرفون حقا، انها تريد التخلي عن دعم إسرائيل مثل البطاطا الساخنة السرطانية هو عليه، لكنها تبقى في معظمها جاهلة وذلك بفضل وسائل الإعلام الأمريكية، التي هي ذراع للنظام الأمريكي، والتي، في مسائل أجنبي السياسة، هي ذراع ايباك وعدد لا يحصى من المنظمات المؤسسة الإسرائيلية الأولى التي تعمل تحت أسماء قناع. تقرير رد الصورة الرمزية +3 felixaustria03 ل- إذهب إلى الملف الشخصي felixaustria03 41p · منذ 60 أسابيع وoverfiew العلمية فانتاستيك، ولكن من يهتم؟ أنا سوف أقول للجميع كما كل ما عندي من حقائق أخرى من التاريخ لا توصف، ولكن الناس لا تريد أن تعرفه، يناقشون فقط حول "قضايا الترف"، وأعتقد وشك مغادرة لقضاء إجازة أسبوعين أو ثلاثة أسابيع لابعد مكان ما بعيدا! آل طالما أنها حصلت ما يكفي من الطعام والشراب، فإنها يمكن قيادة المركبات، فإنها لن تحصل على ما يصل ضد repressers، فإنها تتصرف مثل الأغنام التي عناق الجزارين القصيرة قبل أن يقتلهم، وسوء أبله، غسيل دماغ البشر! تقرير رد

Million Mask March London 2014 part 7/ The horrendous financial cost of Israel to Americans has now reached a gigantic $40 trillion in today's dollars. However the human cost involves the preventable deaths of millions of Americans – passive mass murder of Americans in an American Holocaust inflicted by the fiscal perversion of traitorous Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist One Percenters committing $8-10 trillion to ethnic cleansing and active and passive mass murder of Muslims abroad in support of Apartheid Israel instead of keeping Americans alive at home. Zionist-subverted American Government support for Apartheid Israel in circa 2008 dollars totals about $40 trillion, the breakdown being (1) $3 trillion (1948-2003), (2) $4-6 trillion (Zionist-promoted Iraq and Afghan Wars), (3) $0.7 trillion (Value of a Statistical Life- or VSL-based cost of 88,000 US veteran suicides since September 2001) and (4) about $30 trillion (one quarter of the VSL-based cost of 15.6 million preventable American deaths since September 2001). This is an under-estimate because it does not consider the millions of preventable American deaths before 9-11 linked to Zionist subversion and perversion of America . 1. $3 trillion cost of Israel to America, 1948-2003. In 2003 Dr. Thomas R. Stauffer (1935-2005; a respected energy analyst, author, educator, consultant, and graduate of 144-Nobel-Laureate Harvard University's Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES)), estimated that the 1948-2003 cost of Israel to the US was over $3 trillion in 2002 dollars: “Conflicts in the Middle East have been very costly to the U.S., as well as to the rest of the world. An estimate of the total cost to the U.S. alone of instability and conflict in the region—which emanates from the core, Israeli-Palestinian conflict—amounts to close to $3 trillion, measured in 2002 dollars. This is an amount almost four times greater than the cost of the Vietnam war, also reckoned in 2002 dollars… Total identifiable costs come to almost $3 trillion. About 60 percent, well over half, of those costs—about $1.7 trillion—arose from the U.S. defense of Israel , where most of that amount has been incurred since 1973.” [2]. 2. $4-6 trillion cost to America of the Zionist-promoted Iraq and Afghan Wars. The Zionist-promoted illegal invasion of Iraq , the Iraq War, and the Afghan War have been associated with a huge ongoing cost commitment of $4-6 trillion. Thus Professor Joseph Stiglitz (professor of economics at 98-Nobel-Laureate Columbia University, chairman of President Bill Clinton's Council of Economic Advisers and winner of the Nobel Prize in economics in 2001) and Dr. Linda J. Bilmes ( Daniel Patrick Moynihan senior lecturer in public policy at 144-Nobel-Laureate Harvard University) estimated a long-term cost of the Iraq war at $3 trillion in their 2008 book “The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict” [3]. However in 2010 Professors Stiglitz and Bilmes revised this estimate upwards: “Writing in these pages in early 2008, we put the total cost to the United States of the Iraq war at $3 trillion. This price tag dwarfed previous estimates, including the Bush administration's 2003 projections of a $50 billion to $60 billion war. But today, as the United States ends combat in Iraq , it appears that our $3 trillion estimate (which accounted for both government expenses and the war's broader impact on the U.S. economy) was, if anything, too low... There is no question that the Iraq war added substantially to the federal debt. This was the first time in American history that the government cut taxes as it went to war. The result: a war completely funded by borrowing. U.S. debt soared from $6.4 trillion in March 2003 to $10 trillion in 2008 (before the financial crisis); at least a quarter of that increase is directly attributable to the war. And that doesn't include future health care and disability payments for veterans, which will add another half-trillion dollars to the debt.” [4]. Professor Michael Intriligator ( a senior fellow at the US Milken Institute and professor emeritus of economics, political science and public policy at the 13-Nobel-Laureate University of California at Los Angeles , UCLA ) has indicated a long-term cost of $1.5 to 2.0 trillion for the war in Afghanistan [5]. Dr Linda Bilmes (2013): “The Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, taken together, will be the most expensive wars in US history – totaling somewhere between $4 to $6 trillion. This includes long-term medical care and disability compensation for service members, veterans and families, military replenishment and social and economic costs. The largest portion of that bill is yet to be paid. Since 2001, the US has expanded the quality, quantity, availability and eligibility of benefits for military personnel and veterans. This has led to unprecedented growth in the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense budgets. These benefits will increase further over the next 40 years. Additional funds are committed to replacing large quantities of basic equipment used in the wars and to support ongoing diplomatic presence and military assistance in the Iraq and Afghanistan region. The large sums borrowed to finance operations in Iraq and Afghanistan will also impose substantial long-term debt servicing costs. As a consequence of these wartime spending choices, the United States will face constraints in funding investments in personnel and diplomacy, research and development and new military initiatives. The legacy of decisions taken during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars will dominate future federal budgets for decades to come.” [6]. Pamela Olsen ( a President's Scholar at 54-Nobel-Laureate Stanford University 1998-2002 with a major in Physics, a minor in Political Science, lived and worked in the Palestinian West Bank, worked as a researcher in Moscow, Siberia, and China , research analyst at the Institute for Defense Analysis, and the author of “ Fast Times in Palestine” ) has recently commented critically on the huge cost of Israel to the US (2013): “Israel's cost to American taxpayers has remained high since Stauffer's 2003 study. The US currently gives Israel an average of $3 billion a year in military aid, under an agreement signed by the Bush administration to transfer $30 billion to Israel over ten years, starting in 2009… And if, as many experts believe, the US would not have invaded Iraq without intense and sustained pressure from Washington insiders who advocate actively on behalf of Israel, this adds yet another dimension of staggering cost to the equation… The Israel lobby and partisans are currently gunning for a war with Iran with the same zeal they showed in the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq . By all estimates, the costs of a war with Iran will be much higher than the Iraq war. In addition to the loss of life, analysts predict, for example, that if Iran 's oil production were taken out of the world market, gas prices would rise 25-70 percent… So now we are back to the question of why America continues to pour money into a state that commits daily human rights violations, defies US strategic interests, provokes rage and resentment among billions of people, competes with and crowds out US interests using technology subsidized by US taxpayers, and sells America 's military secrets to its enemies. The answer is simple and summed up well by professors Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer in their ground-breaking article in the London Review of Books , "The Israel Lobby" and their book “The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy”… AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, is consistently ranked in the top two most powerful lobbies in Washington . And it is only one arm of the much larger, multi-faceted, and well-financed Israel lobby” [7]. 3. $0.7 trillion VSL-based costing of 88,000 US veteran suicides since September 11, 2001 in the era of the Zionist-promoted War on Terror. There is growing concern over the high rate of US veteran suicides that constitute about 20% of the 30,000 annual suicides in the US [8]. Over the last dozen years, there have been roughly 20 US veteran suicides every day .i.e. 365.25 x 20 = 7,305 per year and about 88,000 since the start of the Zionist-promoted War on Terror in September 2001 [9]. This horrendous death toll of 88,000 dead US veterans linked to traitorous and racist Zionist-promoted wars for the benefit of Apartheid Israel is about 3,000 times greater than the 34 US servicemen deliberately murdered by Apartheid Israel in its1967 attack on the USS Liberty [7, 10]. It is impossible to value a life but one crude approach is through the Value of a Statistical Life (VSL) which can be defined as the value placed on changes to the likelihood of death [11]. The US Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has recently estimated the Value of a Statistical Life (VSL) at $8 million, this indicating the average social investment in hospitals, security, workplace safety etc to keep a person safe. The VSL can be seen, for example, as an accounting estimate of the cost of life-saving government regulations i.e. a risk-avoidance-based cost of preserving a human life in a given group [12]. On this measure the assumed war-related suicide of 88,000 US veterans obviates a social expenditure of $8 million per person x 0.088 million persons = $0.7 trillion. 4. A $125 trillion cost associated with 15.6 million preventable American deaths since September 2001, of which about $30 trillion can be attributed to US fiscal perversion supporting Apartheid Israel . About 1.3 million Americans die preventably each year, the breakdown being as follows: 15,000 Americans are violently murdered annually; 21,000 avoidable under-5 year old US infant deaths annually; 21,000 US opiate drug-related deaths annually from US restoration and protection of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry; 30,000 Americans suicide annually, with 1 in 5 being US veterans; 31,000 gun-related US deaths annually; 33,000Americans killed by motor vehicles each year; 45,000 US deaths annually from lack of medical insurance; 70,000 Americans die annually from air pollution (e.g. from coal burning, vehicle exhaust, carbon burning in general); 75,000 American alcohol-related deaths annually; 225,000 deaths per year in the US from iatrogenic (medical personnel-related) causes ; 300,000 Americans die from obesity-related causes; and 443,000 Americans die from smoking-related causes (roughly 1 in 5 of all deaths and 49,000 or about 10% from passive smoking) [13, 14]. Some qualifications can be offered e.g. it should be noted that some of these areas overlap e.g. homicides and suicides overlap with gun-related deaths, and smoking-related deaths would take a long time to stop after nationally legislated cessation of smoking. This huge carnage of 15.6 million preventable American deaths since September 2001 must be seen in the context of a fiscal perversion outlined in section #1-3 above in which $8-10 trillion in roughly today's dollars has been committed in this period by the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist One Percenter American Establishment to the strategic interests of nuclear terrorist, democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel. The World Health Organization (WHO) informs us that in 2011 the total US health expenditure was 17.9% of the GDP [15] and the US GDP in 2011 was $14.4 trillion [16] i.e. the 2011 annual total health expenditure of the US was 0.179 x $14.4 trillion = $2.6 trillion. Thus the upper estimate of a $10 trillion cost of Apartheid Israel to America is equivalent to about 4 years of the post- September 2001 total health expenditure of America. Alternatively, this $10 trillion fiscal perversion could have otherwise been used to increase the total American health expenditure since September 2001 from about $30 trillion to $40 trillion. The estimate of 1.3 million preventable American deaths per year means 12 x 1.3 million = 15.6 million preventable deaths since September 2001. Applying a VSL of $8 million person yields a notional cost of 15.6 million x $8 million = $125 trillion. If we accept the estimate that 25% of these preventable deaths can be attributed to 25% less US health funding (i.e. the total American health expenditure being $30 trillion since September 2001 rather than $40 trillion due to the pro-Zionist, pro-Apartheid Israel fiscal perversion) then we can add a further $125/4 or about $30 trillion to the cost of Apartheid Israel to America . Conclusions Zionist-subverted American Government support for Apartheid Israel in circa 2008 dollars totals about $40 trillion, the breakdown being (1) $3 trillion (1948-2003), (2) $4-6 trillion (Zionist-promoted Iraq and Afghan Wars), (3) $0.7 trillion (the VSL-based cost of 88,000 US veteran suicides since September 2001) and (4) about $30 trillion (one quarter of the VSL-based cost of 15.6 million preventable American deaths since September 2001). Like the other Western democracies, the United States is a Murdochcracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy in which Big Money buys people, politicians, policies, parties, public perception of reality, votes and political power. Lying Mainstream media simply won't report the 2 million Palestinian deaths since 1936 in the Palestinian Genocide from violence (0.1 million) and violently-imposed derivation (1.9 million) [17], the 12 million Muslims who have been killed through violence (3.5 million ) or war-imposed deprivation (8.9 million) in the post-1990, Zionist-promoted US War on Muslims [18] , or the 10 million Muslims who have died from violence (3 million) or from war-imposed deprivation (7 million) since the US Government (with likely Zionist and Israeli involvement) almost certainly committed the 9-11 atrocity against the American people (see “Experts: US did 9-11”, [19]) - indeed the larger the crime, the more assiduous the Mainstream media censorship and Mainstream media lying [20-27]. The US has invaded 70 countries since 1776 [28] and is now evidently getting ready to war criminally invade and devastate Syria after several years of supplying one side of the civil war. However US hegemony over the world has come at a huge price. Thus each year about 18 million people die avoidably from deprivation on Spaceship Earth with the US in charge of the flight deck. Indeed it is estimated that 1.3 billion people have died from deprivation since 1950, this including 1.2 billion non-Europeans and 0.6 billion Muslims, the latter Muslim Holocaust being 100 times greater in death toll than in the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million killed, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation) or the “forgotten” WW2 Bengal Holocaust in which the British with Australian complicity deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death for strategic reasons [29-31]. The horrendous human cost to America of support for Apartheid Israel by the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist One Percenters can be quantified in terms of a $40 trillion committed financial cost in circa 2008 dollars since 1948 and some 4 million preventable American deaths in this century alone – a Zionist-imposed American Holocaust that goes unreported because of Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist-perverted Mainstream media, politicians and academics. 99% of Congress are pro-Zionists and 20% are Jewish Zionists (although the Jewish population of America is only about 2% of the total). In contrast, about 80% of African American males in Chicago (a city with a Jewish Zionist mayor, the son of an Irgun Zionist terrorist involved in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine) [32] and 27.4 % of African Americans live and die in poverty [33]. What can decent people do? Decent people are obliged to speak out against all human rights abuse and the horrendous, genocidal crimes of Apartheid Israel and its US Alliance supporters in particular (see “Jews Against Racist Zionism” [34], “Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism” [35] and “Boycott Apartheid Israel” [36]). Decent, patriotic Americans, and indeed all decent people who care for ordinary Americans and their fellow human beings in general, should inform everyone they can about the Zionist-imposed American Holocaust and Zionist perversion of an America in which 1.3 million Americans die preventably each year linked to the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist One Percenter fiscal perversion of committing trillions of dollars to killing Muslims abroad rather than saving American lives at home. Americans must wake up to the deadly perversion of their society by the traitorous and genocidally racist Zionists and their neocon supporters. The traitorous, genocidally racist Zionists and their neoconservative supporters should be exposed and sidelined from public life as have been like racists such as the Nazis, neo-Nazis, Apartheiders and KKK. Please tell everyone you can. References. [1]. Dr John Gault, “Dr. Thomas R. Stauffer, 1935-2005: some personal reflections”, Harvard University Center for Middle Eastern Studies, 16 February 2006: . [2]. Thomas R. Stauffer, “The costs to the American taxpayers id the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: $3 trillion”, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, June 2003, pages 20-23 : m l . [3]. Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes, “The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict” (W.W. Norton, 2008). [4]. Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes, “The true cost of the Iraq war: $3 trillion and beyond”, Washington Post, 5 September 2010: . [5]. Eli Clifton, “Bill for Afghan War could run into trillions”, Information Clearing House, 18 May 2010 : t m . [6]. Linda Bilmes, “The Financial Legacy of Iraq and Afghanistan : How Wartime Spending Decisions Will Constrain Future National Security Budgets”, Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP13-006, March 2013: . [7]. Pamela Olsen, “The staggering cost of Israel to Americans”, Information Clearing House, 2 April 2013: . [8]. Rob Hotakainen, “Concern grows over “epidemic” veteran suicide rate”, The Tribune, 26 May 2011: . [9]. Dr Janet Kemp and Dr Robert Bossarte, “Suicide data report, 2012”, Department of Veterans Affairs, Mental Health Services, Suicide Prevention Program, especially Figure 3: . [10]. “USS Liberty incident”, Wikipedia: . [11]. “Value of Life”, Wikipedia” . [12]. Gabriel Nelson, “EPA plans to visit a touchy topic – the value of saved lives”, New York Times, 18 January 2011: . [13]. Gideon Polya, “ One Million Americans Die Preventably Annually In USA ”, Countercurrents, 18 February 2012: . [14]. Barbara Starfield, “Medical errors – a leading cause of death”, Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), vol. 284, no. 4, 26 July 2000: . [15]. “World Health Organization”, USA data: . [16]. US GDP: . [17]. “Palestinian Genocide”: . [18]. “Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide”: . [19]. “Experts: US did 9-11”: . [20]. “Boycott Murdoch media”: . [21]. “Censorship by The Conversation”: . [22]. “Mainstream media censorship”: . [23]. “Mainstream media lying”: . [24]. “Censorship by The Age”: . [25]. “Censorship by ABC Late Night Live”: . [26]. "Censorship by ABC Saturday Extra": . [27]. “Censorship by the BBC”: . [28]. Gideon Polya, “US has invaded 70 nations. Make 4 July Independence from America Day”, MWC News, 5 July 2013: . [29]. Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, now available for free perusal on the web: . [30]. Gideon Polya, “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History”, now available for free perusal on the web: . [31]. Gideon Polya, “ Bengal Famine. How Australia & UK killed 6-7 million Indians in WW2”, MWC News, 27 September 2011: . [32]. Michelle Alexander, “The New Jim Crow. Mass incarceration in an age of color blindness”. [33]. Trymaine Lee, “Number of Americans living in poverty hits 52-year high, 27.4 percent of Blacks under the poverty line”, Huffington Post, Black Voices: . [34]. “Jews Against Racist Zionism”: . [35]. “Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism”: . [36]. “Boycott Apartheid Israel ”: . Dr Gideon Polya has been teaching science students at a major Australian university for 4 decades. He published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, most recently a huge pharmacological reference text "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds" (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, New York & London , 2003). He has published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007: ); see also his contributions “Australian complicity in Iraq mass mortality” in “Lies, Deep Fries & Statistics” (edited by Robyn Williams, ABC Books, Sydney, 2007: ) and “Ongoing Palestinian Genocide” in “The Plight of the Palestinians (edited by William Cook, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2010: ). He has published a revised and updated 2008 version of his 1998 book “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (see: ) as biofuel-, globalization- and climate-driven global food price increases threaten a greater famine catastrophe than the man-made famine in British-ruled India that killed 6-7 million Indians in the “forgotten” World War 2 Bengal Famine (see recent BBC broadcast involving Dr Polya, Economics Nobel Laureate Professor Amartya Sen and others: ). When words fail one can say it in pictures - for images of Gideon Polya's huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother and Child see: and . ShareThis Comments are moderated Login Follow the discussion Comments (3) Sort by: Date Rating Last Activity +1 Charles Magus's avatar Charles Magus · 28 weeks ago Because America is Run by the Bastard Zionst Jews, American Taxes won't stop flooding to Israel and the Terrorist Regime there. One of the Greatest lies to come out of these Parasitic Zionists is the Lie about 6 Million Jews dying in Concentration Camps!!! What a lying bunch of Scumbag Liars!!! the Real deathtoll of Jewis is well Under 300,000 and they never died from Zyklon-B! As the whole Holocau$t was an Utter hoax! They actually died from Starvation, Typhus and Cholera, Because the Rothschilds wanted to kill the German Race by cutting off all Food Supply ships to Germany! Mass Starvation killed off millions of Germans, but it eventually hit the Camps, and that is how the Torah Jews Died in those camps! Interestingly, Torah Jews Opposed the Zionists and a State of Israel. Rothschild Created the Nazis and controlled both sides of the Conflict! Without Hitler, there would never have been an Israel! Report Reply +1 Oscar Shank's avatar Oscar Shank · 45 weeks ago Yeah, if only Americans really knew, they'd drop support of Israel like the cancerous hot potato it is, but they remain mostly ignorant thanks to the US mainstream media, which is an arm of the US regime, which, in matters of foreign policy, is an arm of AIPAC and the myriad of Establishment Israel First organizations that operate under mask names. Report Reply +3 felixaustria03's avatar - Go to profile felixaustria03 41p · 60 weeks ago A phantastic scientific overfiew, but who cares? I will tell everyone as all my other facts of untold history, but people dont want to know it, they just discuss about their " luxury issues", think about to leave for vacation two or three weeks to somewhere far away! Al long as they got enough food and drink, they can drive their vehicles, they will never get up against their repressers, they act like sheeps which hug their butchers short before they kill them, poor brainless, brainwashed mankind! Report Reply

دركي يسب الله عز وجل و يعتقل فتاة/je redressé .ce vidéo .a sa majesté le roi mohamed 6 .est le monde avec monde islamique pour voire ce gendarmeries qui dépassé toute les lune rouges religions est sécurités des droits de arrestations .est aussi pour nous voire c est gendarmeries qui ne respecte pas la lois merci

samedi 15 novembre 2014

Million Mask March London 2014 part 3/oui merci pour la NASA .est je ne jamais imagine que la NASA va volé mes document soi des robots soi de les System de traversé l espace .a les longue planète.mes la NASA single puisque il on perdu les System climatique .est les autre secrète de le monde espace .je sais pas maintenant je suis au forme d un politicien .est mon véritable position .la science est la technologies .pour poussé le monde a les révolution économique .est a des document humanitaire .qui va poussé le monde a son dynamique activités .plain des énergies .mieux que les création de les vengeance. est le monde en dangereux période .est besoin de nous comme des responsable .fiche le quant pour l argent est fiche le quant pour la starets .je vous demande de réparés le problème c est mauvaise pour vous .vous avez les milliards des Etudiant traversé le temps pour son future .vous avez les milliards des population attendries les occasion pour des jobs vous avez boucaus des payé son son taire touché de les changement climatique .est vous des responsable au première catégories .puisque vous sociétés te cadre pour c est fonctions .c est pas pour volé les document a les autre .mes amie moi un généreux homme en technique .mes stratégies très dangereux si je le fonctions .je faits le monde flammé.est c est pour ce la je vous en prix .ne faite pas les bêtise avec moi rentrés directe chez moi .pour une bonne humanités son racisme pour une bonne planète son pauvretés .merci

WTF - Did She Just Say Ebola "Attack"/alors qui ce que vous racontés .oui vous pouvoirs des science .ebola roule vous intelligence Scientific oui merci pour la NASA .est je ne jamais imagine que la NASA va volé mes document soi des robots soi de les System de traversé l espace .a les longue planète.mes la NASA single puisque il on perdu les System climatique .est les autre secrète de le monde espace .je sais pas maintenant je suis au forme d un politicien .est mon véritable position .la science est la technologies .pour poussé le monde a les révolution économique .est a des document humanitaire .qui va poussé le monde a son dynamique activités .plain des énergies .mieux que les création de les vengeance. est le monde en dangereux période .est besoin de nous comme des responsable .fiche le quant pour l argent est fiche le quant pour la starets .je vous demande de réparés le problème c est mauvaise pour vous .vous avez les milliards des Etudiant traversé le temps pour son future .vous avez les milliards des population attendries les occasion pour des jobs vous avez boucaus des payé son son taire touché de les changement climatique .est vous des responsable au première catégories .puisque vous sociétés te cadre pour c est fonctions .c est pas pour volé les document a les autre .mes amie moi un généreux homme en technique .mes stratégies très dangereux si je le fonctions .je faits le monde flammé.est c est pour ce la je vous en prix .ne faite pas les bêtise avec moi rentrés directe chez moi .pour une bonne humanités son racisme pour une bonne planète son pauvretés .merci

مناصر لتنظيم دولة العراق يرد على اتهامات التكفير وقتل المخالفين وإرهاب ا.../non c est vrais c est un montages des milichya iranain pour désendetté les sentiment des monde islamique en face de l islamique state .est en face de sa .plus la lance de l UN .qui criminalisé l islamique state .pour quoi ne criminalise israélite .est aussi america qui tués les million des femme est des enfant en iraque est Afghanistan .moi je vois que islamique state propriétés son state de les malade sociale comme l espionnages est les contacteurs de iran est le gouvernement syrien est iraquiene .est ne blés pas que ce son en gères .moi je sais pas pour quoi vous tousse contre cette islamique state qu il vous agenda est vous oubliés le gouvernement syrien qui étés change a une milichia iranien .est islamique state protégés a cause de le monde islamique .ne te fatigues pas est ne rentrés pas la gère a vous payés européen est américain .merci

Latest Major Events - October 2014 - ISIS A Threat To The World/non c est vrais c est un montages des milichya iranain pour désendetté les sentiment des monde islamique en face de l islamique state .est en face de sa .plus la lance de l UN .qui criminalisé l islamique state .pour quoi ne criminalise israélite .est aussi america qui tués les million des femme est des enfant en iraque est Afghanistan .moi je vois que islamique state propriétés son state de les malade sociale comme l espionnages est les contacteurs de iran est le gouvernement syrien est iraquiene .est ne blés pas que ce son en gères .moi je sais pas pour quoi vous tousse contre cette islamique state qu il vous agenda est vous oubliés le gouvernement syrien qui étés change a une milichia iranien .est islamique state protégés a cause de le monde islamique .ne te fatigues pas est ne rentrés pas la gère a vous payés européen est américain .merci

What we can learn from ISIS horrors/non c est vrais c est un montages des milichya iranain pour désendetté les sentiment des monde islamique en face de l islamique state .est en face de sa .plus la lance de l UN .qui criminalisé l islamique state .pour quoi ne criminalise israélite .est aussi america qui tués les million des femme est des enfant en iraque est Afghanistan .moi je vois que islamique state propriétés son state de les malade sociale comme l espionnages est les contacteurs de iran est le gouvernement syrien est iraquiene .est ne blés pas que ce son en gères .moi je sais pas pour quoi vous tousse contre cette islamique state qu il vous agenda est vous oubliés le gouvernement syrien qui étés change a une milichia iranien .est islamique state protégés a cause de le monde islamique .ne te fatigues pas est ne rentrés pas la gère a vous payés européen est américain .merci

oui merci pour la NASA .est je ne jamais imagine que la NASA va volé mes document soi des robots soi de les System de traversé l espace .a les longue planète.mes la NASA single puisque il on perdu les System climatique .est les autre secrète de le monde espace .je sais pas maintenant je suis au forme d un politicien .est mon véritable position .la science est la technologies .pour poussé le monde a les révolution économique .est a des document humanitaire .qui va poussé le monde a son dynamique activités .plain des énergies .mieux que les création de les vengeance. est le monde en dangereux période .est besoin de nous comme des responsable .fiche le quant pour l argent est fiche le quant pour la starets .je vous demande de réparés le problème c est mauvaise pour vous .vous avez les milliards des Etudiant traversé le temps pour son future .vous avez les milliards des population attendries les occasion pour des jobs vous avez boucaus des payé son son taire touché de les changement climatique .est vous des responsable au première catégories .puisque vous sociétés te cadre pour c est fonctions .c est pas pour volé les document a les autre .mes amie moi un généreux homme en technique .mes stratégies très dangereux si je le fonctions .je faits le monde flammé.est c est pour ce la je vous en prix .ne faite pas les bêtise avec moi rentrés directe chez moi .pour une bonne humanités son racisme pour une bonne planète son pauvretés .merci /NASA announces END Of the WORLD! Shocking news from Top Secret document!

vendredi 14 novembre 2014

w buch hetlére rien en face de vous crimes .hétlére ne tués pas les enfant comme toi en iraque est Afghanistan . mes amie a vous tousse qui rentrés a ce rassemblement américain contre l islamique state .je vous dire la vérités tousse .vous imaginé la victoire contre l islamique state .ok moi je vous dire .vous rêves .puisque vous crollés que vous seule qui tracés les stratégies est l islamique state croisé les bras quant vous reviens de réalisé vous stratégies .est désolé si je vous dire que vous des singles .pour quoi .puisque vous transportés vous jeune a la mors ou les prison des islamique state .est vous perdu l argent de vous peuple dans le rien .pour quoi aussi l islamique state couvrais la taire .quant il on écoutés la vois de vous avions il on rentrés a les trous .quant vous rejetés vous explosion dans le rien existe que vous tués les civile comme en Afghanistan est l iraque .est quant vous avion vidés son charges les moudjahidin sortir de son trous pour tués les solda est qui en dans le rassemblement .ici l islamique state vous combattre a deux façons. 1/ pour collapsé vous budgets. (l économies ) 2/ pour prisonnières les étranges solda est tués l arabe solda . alors ici la stratégies islamique .plus forts que vous crollés .il on faits un carrés de ???????????? a le travailles des prisonnières .est il on vous laissé passé a cause de son fouir quant vous rentré a le piégés des carrés .est dans cette période vous cerclés pars toute les cotés .est y a une autre notes .ne laissé pas vous peuple civile transportés a le golfe ou qu un payés islamique puisque ci vous les cherché .vous le trouve en l iraque ou séria .vraiment vous en crise puisque l islamique state c est pas comme sadame hosayne .ou talibane .l islamique state rassemblé toutes les moslime des monde .puisque son stratégies équivalent que l ancien civilisation islamique des ancien khalifate .est c est note qui respire toute les jeune au monde islamique est le monde entés de accepte son programmes .merci/Is Islamism the biggest threat to the modern world? - Sam Westrop, BBC B...

The 'Fake Caliph' of ISIS and His $8,000 Rolex Watch!/mes amie a vous tousse qui rentrés a ce rassemblement américain contre l islamique state .je vous dire la vérités tousse .vous imaginé la victoire contre l islamique state .ok moi je vous dire .vous rêves .puisque vous crollés que vous seule qui tracés les stratégies est l islamique state croisé les bras quant vous reviens de réalisé vous stratégies .est désolé si je vous dire que vous des singles .pour quoi .puisque vous transportés vous jeune a la mors ou les prison des islamique state .est vous perdu l argent de vous peuple dans le rien .pour quoi aussi l islamique state couvrais la taire .quant il on écoutés la vois de vous avions il on rentrés a les trous .quant vous rejetés vous explosion dans le rien existe que vous tués les civile comme en Afghanistan est l iraque .est quant vous avion vidés son charges les moudjahidin sortir de son trous pour tués les solda est qui en dans le rassemblement .ici l islamique state vous combattre a deux façons. 1/ pour collapsé vous budgets. (l économies ) 2/ pour prisonnières les étranges solda est tués l arabe solda . alors ici la stratégies islamique .plus forts que vous crollés .il on faits un carrés de ???????????? a le travailles des prisonnières .est il on vous laissé passé a cause de son fouir quant vous rentré a le piégés des carrés .est dans cette période vous cerclés pars toute les cotés .est y a une autre notes .ne laissé pas vous peuple civile transportés a le golfe ou qu un payés islamique puisque ci vous les cherché .vous le trouve en l iraque ou séria .vraiment vous en crise puisque l islamique state c est pas comme sadame hosayne .ou talibane .l islamique state rassemblé toutes les moslime des monde .puisque son stratégies équivalent que l ancien civilisation islamique des ancien khalifate .est c est note qui respire toute les jeune au monde islamique est le monde entés de accepte son programmes .merci

mes amie a vous tousse qui rentrés a ce rassemblement américain contre l islamique state .je vous dire la vérités tousse .vous imaginé la victoire contre l islamique state .ok moi je vous dire .vous rêves .puisque vous crollés que vous seule qui tracés les stratégies est l islamique state croisé les bras quant vous reviens de réalisé vous stratégies .est désolé si je vous dire que vous des singles .pour quoi .puisque vous transportés vous jeune a la mors ou les prison des islamique state .est vous perdu l argent de vous peuple dans le rien .pour quoi aussi l islamique state couvrais la taire .quant il on écoutés la vois de vous avions il on rentrés a les trous .quant vous rejetés vous explosion dans le rien existe que vous tués les civile comme en Afghanistan est l iraque .est quant vous avion vidés son charges les moudjahidin sortir de son trous pour tués les solda est qui en dans le rassemblement .ici l islamique state vous combattre a deux façons. 1/ pour collapsé vous budgets. (l économies ) 2/ pour prisonnières les étranges solda est tués l arabe solda . alors ici la stratégies islamique .plus forts que vous crollés .il on faits un carrés de ???????????? a le travailles des prisonnières .est il on vous laissé passé a cause de son fouir quant vous rentré a le piégés des carrés .est dans cette période vous cerclés pars toute les cotés .est y a une autre notes .ne laissé pas vous peuple civile transportés a le golfe ou qu un payés islamique puisque ci vous les cherché .vous le trouve en l iraque ou séria .vraiment vous en crise puisque l islamique state c est pas comme sadame hosayne .ou talibane .l islamique state rassemblé toutes les moslime des monde .puisque son stratégies équivalent que l ancien civilisation islamique des ancien khalifate .est c est note qui respire toute les jeune au monde islamique est le monde entés de accepte son programmes .merci /[FULL] First Appearance of ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi (English Sub...

Abdel Bari Atwan on Islamic State in Iraq and Sham (ISIS) BBC NEWS/mes amie a vous tousse qui rentrés a ce rassemblement américain contre l islamique state .je vous dire la vérités tousse .vous imaginé la victoire contre l islamique state .ok moi je vous dire .vous rêves .puisque vous crollés que vous seule qui tracés les stratégies est l islamique state croisé les bras quant vous reviens de réalisé vous stratégies .est désolé si je vous dire que vous des singles .pour quoi .puisque vous transportés vous jeune a la mors ou les prison des islamique state .est vous perdu l argent de vous peuple dans le rien .pour quoi aussi l islamique state couvrais la taire .quant il on écoutés la vois de vous avions il on rentrés a les trous .quant vous rejetés vous explosion dans le rien existe que vous tués les civile comme en Afghanistan est l iraque .est quant vous avion vidés son charges les moudjahidin sortir de son trous pour tués les solda est qui en dans le rassemblement .ici l islamique state vous combattre a deux façons. 1/ pour collapsé vous budgets. (l économies ) 2/ pour prisonnières les étranges solda est tués l arabe solda . alors ici la stratégies islamique .plus forts que vous crollés .il on faits un carrés de ???????????? a le travailles des prisonnières .est il on vous laissé passé a cause de son fouir quant vous rentré a le piégés des carrés .est dans cette période vous cerclés pars toute les cotés .est y a une autre notes .ne laissé pas vous peuple civile transportés a le golfe ou qu un payés islamique puisque ci vous les cherché .vous le trouve en l iraque ou séria .vraiment vous en crise puisque l islamique state c est pas comme sadame hosayne .ou talibane .l islamique state rassemblé toutes les moslime des monde .puisque son stratégies équivalent que l ancien civilisation islamique des ancien khalifate .est c est note qui respire toute les jeune au monde islamique est le monde entés de accepte son programmes .merci

Anonymous Music - The Anonymous Occupation Alliance (AOA)/c est des bonne nouveaux

jeudi 13 novembre 2014

علال القادوس يسرح قوادس مدينة الرباط !/qui ce qui sa .sa nous les marocain .je crollés pas

φοιτητες - αστυνομια - ξυλο3| salés vous perdu l argent des peuple maintenant vous battre le peuple dans les rues des villes c est sa les solutions ou les discipline ne donne pas les net calcule .single politic

Million Mask March London 2014 part 1/The Cold Truth About ‘Global Warming’ Revealed in This Briefing . . . Misappropriations — $22 billion in taxpayers’ money (your money!) is being parceled out among dishonest politicians, greedy corporations, and bribed scientists in the name of “man-made” climate change. (That’s $41,856 every minute!) Corruption — How President Obama has used green energy to funnel money into his re-election campaign . . . and the campaigns of dozens of other leftists. Leaked — Emails, reports, and data proving that the scientific community has been hiding the truth about “global warming” . . . for 17 years. Rejection — See how one former White House adviser stumbled upon the cold hard facts, and as a result of making them known, has been lambasted by Al Gore, liberals, and their scientific allies. A Catastrophic Prediction — After 11 accurate predictions about major climate changes, this prediction will cause worldwide devastation . . . and it has already started to unfold. The Movement — After seven years of advocating the truth, several scientists and organizations are uniting together. Critical battles have been won, but the war is far from over . . . We’ll reveal how you can help us defund this $22 billion faction with a click of your mouse! Dear Friend, Imagine, for a moment, sitting at a prestigious steakhouse in Palm Beach, Florida, a hot spot for some of the most wealthy and famous — Donald Trump, Tiger Woods, Oprah Winfrey, James Patterson, Rush Limbaugh, and hundreds more. And, imagine dining with a handful of men you’ve only read about. Some of them are worth millions, other published best-selling books, and some have held prominent positions at the White House. In essence, you’re sitting at a five-person table of VIPs. You’re about to take a bite of your New York strip when one of the men, a top U.S. intelligence agent, slams a 164-page document in the middle of the table. This document, you soon find out, contains damning evidence that a network of politicians, corporations, and scientists have conspired together to promote the fear of “global warming” . . . despite evidence clearly stating no such “global warming” exists. The motive: $22 billion per year. To be clear . . . that’s $22 billion of taxpayers’ money . . . the amount that our government pays to stop the “global warming” epidemic. That comes out to $41,856 every minute. Or, to put it in perspective, that is twice as much as what our government spends on securing our borders. Then, imagine this top U.S. intelligence agent turning to you, and asking for you to join him on a mission to out those involved in the “global warming” lie. Doing so would cost a lot of money, a lot of time, and could cost you your reputation. But, pretending you never saw the document, and carrying on with your life, would allow the scandal to continue and actually put lives at risk. So, imagine if you were at that table, and the scenario I just described happened to you. How Would You Respond? My name is Tom Luongo. I am a former scientist with the University of Florida and currently run the Resolute Wealth Letter program. My name is Tom Luongo, and I’ve recently had this exact experience. In the following few pages, I am going to show you the alarming research in the document that was laid before me that night in Palm Beach. I will tell you why this network of politicians, corporations, and scientists tried to hide this research . . . and how you can be part of a newly formed initiative with the aim of getting this research into the hands of every American. This research proves, once and for all, that “global warming” is a sham . . . a sham perpetuated by a network of dirty government officials, greedy corporations, and bought-off “scientific” organizations. How you respond will be up to you. I can guarantee you one thing: After reading the next few pages, you will never look at government officials the same way . . . you will never trust what you hear in the media again . . . in fact, you will become skeptical of any and all authority figures going forward. It’s unfortunate, but the betrayal you’re going to discover today runs very deep, and revealing the truth about “global warming” comes with great risk. As a scientist for over 20 years, I’ve always upheld the truth. I’ve worked with the University of Florida to do some amazing things . . . I’ve helped make crop yields more productive for third world countries . . . I helped create an intermetallic coating for gun barrels that dropped maintenance requirements on firearms by half . . . and I’ve helped cure diseases. I have seen a lot of research go across my desk. But none of it can compare to the 164-page document that landed in front of me that night in Palm Beach. That’s why I’m going to lay the facts from this document before you today, and then I’m going to ask that you join me, and the man who composed this document, on our mission to defund the “global warming” sham . . . All it will take is a click of your mouse. With one click, you’re going to put more momentum behind what I hope to be the largest effort . . . ever . . . to annihilate the “global warming” lie and defund the government’s multibillion-dollar spending frenzy to keep it alive. Now, before we begin, I ask that you excuse any “rough” elements in this letter. What I’m sharing with you today is so urgent that I’ve made a huge effort to get the research in this 164-page document available to you as quickly as possible . . . With President Obama’s recent speech about getting tougher on “global warming” issues . . . I think it’s critical that we don’t waste a minute in getting this information out. The sooner we get this information into the hands of the public . . . your hands . . . the more informed voters will be when they cast their ballots. First, you should know who put this document in my hands — a man whom Al Gore is personally attacking . . . His Name Is John Casey. John Casey is a former White House space program advisor, consultant to NASA Headquarters, and space shuttle engineer. He is now one of America’s most successful climate change researchers and climate prediction experts. John is a former White House space program adviser, consultant to NASA headquarters, and space shuttle engineer. He is now one of America’s most successful climate change researchers and climate prediction experts. In short, John is the very definition of a government insider. He spent 35 years conducting classified research, examining confidential documents, and directing critical scientific programs. For example: In 1986, when the space shuttle Challenger tragically exploded, killing seven crew members, John testified before Congress on the cause of the accident. After the testimony, Congress instructed NASA headquarters to bring John in to chair a special internal investigation into why these critical systems failed. Now, keep that in mind for a moment: Capitol Hill and NASA trusted John’s detailed analytical approach and his engineering credentials so much they asked him to investigate the cause of one of our nation’s greatest tragedies. After 35 years of serving his country, John quietly retired in Florida. He planned on living peacefully, spending time with his wife, children, and grandkids. But on one April afternoon in 2007, John made an “unfortunate” discovery that changed everything. When the space shuttle Challenger crashed in 1986, the U.S. government asked John Casey to investigate. The discovery would ultimately lead him to abandon his plans for retirement in order to support a cause that was bigger than himself . . . that was bigger than anything he had done in his 35-year career. In fact, this discovery would result in him becoming hated by all those who once heralded him as their friend and adviser. After this outright rejection, John realized that despite his science not changing, despite the thousands of pages of irrefutable data, and despite millions of lives at risk . . . he was alone. The responsibility of letting the world know about this discovery rested solely on his shoulders, and those who would listen to him. Indeed, what he has to say goes contrary to everything you have been told about “climate change.” I initially rejected what John had to tell me. But when he showed me what was in his 164-page document, I couldn’t argue with him. Facts are facts. What John discovered that fateful afternoon was . . . ‘Global Warming’ Is an Outright Sham You see, John found evidence — buried right in the government’s own environmental studies — that destroys their argument for “global warming.” Using their own data, John has proven, once and for all, “global warming” is a sham. And perhaps the most expensive — and lethal — sham in American history. A sham that our government spends $22 billion a year financing. Think about that: our government spends $22 billion a year financing “global warming” initiatives. Again, that’s almost double what the government spends on securing our borders. Or, to break it down to real numbers . . . That’s $41,856 Every Minute! But this is just the tip of the iceberg. John’s research also uncovered a different looming cataclysm that will ruin every nation that’s not prepared . . . a calamity that has been accelerating for the last 17 years . . . and brewing for over 200 years. This impending catastrophe is as natural as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. And just as unstoppable. I’m talking about a tectonic shift in the world’s economies that will . . . Send oil to over $300 a barrel Cause food prices to triple and in some places make food completely unavailable Lead to violence erupting in the streets of your suburban neighborhood Cause governments to topple, nations to descend into chaos, and international wars to break out. In the 164-page document John handed me, he went to great lengths to explain exactly how serious this crisis will be. It’s going to be worsened by the fact our politicians are bullheadedly ignoring it. The result will be every American being blindsided . . . unable to see it coming because of Al Gore and his cronies preaching false dogma. As I said before, I didn’t believe it either until I saw the evidence in John’s dossier. And even then, it took me hours of talking to John afterward to digest it. John’s research has now been corroborated by 17 independent scientific individuals and organizations. These are some of the top scientific minds in the field of climate science . . . in the world. But That Hasn’t Stopped the Hostile Attacks . . . When John retired, he had many allies and supporters in the government. However, when he turned that same analytical approach Washington loved so much on Washington itself . . . He became, in essence, their “public enemy No. 1.” Let me explain. As mentioned, in April of 2007, already into a comfortable retirement, John began examining some solar and environmental physics research (these are his hobbies). The “unfortunate” discovery he made would make any honest American sick to the stomach. John immediately took the evidence and called his colleagues and fellow government insiders to alert them to the situation. He even sent notices to the White House warning them of the crisis. The response? Silence. Silence, and then rejection. And every year since, John has continued to notify every state governor, every U.S. senator, the House of Representatives, state attorneys general, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Obama’s Science Adviser Dr. John Holdren, and Dr. Jane Lubchenco, then head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. You see, all of John’s “friends” suddenly “forgot” his name and number when he revealed the inconvenient truth about Uncle Sam’s most expensive sacred cow . . . and showed them solid, scientifically sound research that obliterates the idea of “global warming.” At the Heart of John’s Discovery Were Several Blatant Lies . . . Here Are 3 of Them Lie No. 1: The World Is Getting Hotter . . . FAST! You’ve heard how the earth is rapidly heating up . . . causing drought and mayhem. For sure, the media jumps on the “global warming” story every time there is a heat wave and each time a hurricane hits the East Coast. But how much has the world really warmed? Well, according to NASA’s own data, the world has warmed .36 degrees Fahrenheit over the last 35 years (they started measuring the data in 1979). I think you would agree that a .36 degree increase in temperature over the last 35 years is hardly anything to get in a panic about. Granted, that does mean the world is warmer, right? The problem with that argument is that we experienced the bulk of that warming between 1979 and 1998 . . . we’ve actually had temperatures DROPPING ever since! Fact: We Haven’t Seen Any ‘Global Warming’ for 17 Years! The reality is this: The world is 1.08 degrees cooler than it was in 1998. Just take a look at this chart from Remote Sensing Systems, which provides data to NASA, NOAA, and other scientific organizations. If you’re like me, this makes a lot of sense. We’ve had cooler summers and longer winters. Again, take one more look at the chart above — global warming reversed its rise in 1998. In the dossier John handed me, he explains exactly why this happened . . . and what’s going to happen next. But for now, just keep this fact in your back pocket: the case for “global warming” is dead in its tracks. Lie No. 2: The Oceans Are Getting Warmer “Global warming” proponents have said for a long time we’d see a heating of the oceans. This proposition is necessary, since it means all those big chunks of ice are supposed to melt, killing off polar bears and causing states like Florida to get swallowed up by water. In 2007, while accepting his Nobel Prize for his “global warming” initiative (and quietly pocketing millions of dollars), Al Gore made a striking prediction . . . “The North Polar ice cap is falling off a cliff. It could be completely gone in summer in as little as seven years. Seven years from now.” Fact: The North Polar Ice Cap Is Increasing in Size! The arctic ice caps have increased in size by 43% to 63%. It is seven years later, and recent satellite images show that not only have the icecaps not melted . . . but they’ve expanded in size by 43% to 63%. Here’s what a Globe and Mail article had to say: “An area twice the size of Alaska — America's biggest state — was open water two years ago and is now covered in ice.” I think we know who’s using actual science, and who’s fear-mongering their way to wealth and fame. Since 2002, the ocean temperatures have fluctuated less than 1 degree Fahrenheit. There is no warming. Again, there is nothing to get hysterical about here. Lie No. 3: Scientists Agree — Humans Are Causing ‘Global Warming’ You’ve heard for years how climate change has been caused by . . . well, you! Al Gore and his liberal friends have stood onstage blaming you and your “gas-guzzling” car, standard four‑bedroom house, and the factory downtown. Al Gore spreads “Global Warming” propaganda for his own profit. Shame on you, right? Of course, the hypocrisy of the claim is that Al Gore himself racks up annual electric and gas bills of $30,000, more than 20 times the national average. Now, while I am all for keeping the environment clean (I recycle, drive a fuel-efficient car, and reuse materials), humans have not caused “global warming” . . . nothing can be further from the truth. Indeed, “global warming” alarmists and their allies in the liberal media are famous for saying that scientists agree that man has caused “global warming.” President Obama even tweeted on May 16, 2014, “97% of scientists agree: climate change is real, man-made and dangerous.” John Kerry, Al Gore, and a host of others have championed this statistic. Shame on Them, Because That 97% Figure Is Completely Fabricated. NOTE: I’ve shared a quick snapshot of the facts in John’s controversial 164-page document. Truth be told, John has 33 scientifically reviewed reasons that “global warming” is more than just a farce . . . it’s the product of bad, botched science. In John’s own words, the research in this document is “something you have not been allowed to hear for almost 20 years.” That is, the truth about our climate, the politicians manipulating the science, and the real key that controls our planet’s temperature — the sun. As The Wall Street Journal reported, “The assertion that 97% of scientists believe that climate change is a man-made, urgent problem is a fiction.” When further review was done, it was discovered that a mere 1% of scientists believe human activity is causing most of the climate change. In outrage, a petition was signed by more than 31,000 scientists that states “there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of . . . carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate." Indeed, even a founding father of the man-made “global warming” theory — Claude Allegre — recently came out and renounced his position by admitting, “The cause of this climate change is unknown.” Fact: There Has Always Been, And Always Will Be Climate Change The reality is simply this: The climate changes over time. When Alexander the Great was conquering Persia, climate change was a big factor. And we all learned in high school that the “little ice age” that rocked Europe killed hundreds of thousands of people from the 1600s through the 1800s. Additionally, we know about the heat wave and drought that wiped out much of America during the 1930s. Thousands of people were dislocated in search of survival. Were those events caused by man-made “global warming”? Of course not. And, the reality is, most scientists who advocate “global warming” today know mankind has nothing to do with climate change. Remember: Temperatures have only risen .36 degrees since 1979 . . . and the bulk of that happened during the 1990s! We haven’t seen any warming for the last 17 years . . . in fact we have seen a drop in temperatures. Now, the Question Is . . . What DOES Cause Climate Change? Well, think about it. Every year, the temperatures rise and fall with spring, summer, fall, and winter. A year is simply a 365-day cycle. The sun is 1.3 million times larger than the earth. When its temperature changes, our temperature changes. Every day, the temperatures rise and fall with daytime and nighttime. A day is simply a 24-hour cycle. These two cycles happen automatically. We can neither change them nor stop them any more than we can stop the Earth’s rotation. It’s impossible. The temperatures fluctuate based on these cycles. So clearly, the Earth’s temperatures rise and fall based on its exposure to . . . the sun. Well, here’s the breaking news. And you must pay close attention . . . because what I’m about to tell you has been deemed a “forbidden theme” in the scientific community. Talking about it gets you a black mark at the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change or the World Meteorological Society. You see, there are larger cycles of the sun . . . “solar cycles.” This may not seem earthshattering, but solar cycles are — bar none — the most devastating argument against man-made “global warming.” Essentially, there are times when the sun gets hotter and times when it cools off as measured by “sunspots.” And John Casey found multiple solar cycles that determine the temperatures of the Earth. The thing about these cycles is that they are predictable, and therefore it’s not difficult to see what is coming in the years ahead. Indeed, if scientists were paying attention to these “solar cycles” years ago, they could have told you that the Earth would get warmer during the 1990s, and then it would cool . . . just like it has. In fact, this climate cycle, along with several other cycles, has allowed John to make 11 accurate predictions about the Earth’s climate over the past few years, and it has allowed him to make a catastrophic prediction which I will share with you in a moment. Ironically, as John released his data on these solar cycles, the ugly lie about man-made “global warming” started leaking out. Evidence Leaked That the ‘Global Warming’ Faction Has Blatantly Lied. You probably already knew somewhere deep inside that something wasn’t right about the “global warming” theory. Sure, during the 1990s, we all noticed it getting warmer. But, to say that it is directly tied what humans are doing seemed to be a stretch, and, we have all noticed it getting a LOT cooler lately. So it might not come as a surprise to say that “global warming” is a sham. But what does come as a surprise to many is the evidence of outright lying that is now leaking out of trustworthy scientific agencies. Shortly after John exposed the truth about “global warming,” 1,000 emails and 2,000 documents from leading “global warming” scientists were found . . . revealing potential conspiracies, collusions, data manipulation, destruction of information, and even admission of flaws that were buried. For example: One leading scientist — Kevin Trenberth — admitted “The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty we can’t.” A travesty simply because they were worried about losing their government funding. In another email, Dr. Phil Jones — a leading “global warming” advocate at the United Nations — admitted that he used “Mike’s Nature trick” in a 1999 graph to “hide the decline” in temperature. And another study done by Stephen Goddard at Real Science revealed just how ridiculous “climate scientists” can get with data manipulation. Here is what he had to say: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has been “adjusting” its record by replacing real temperatures with data “fabricated” by computer models.” There are several other documents just like these. More recently, Professor Robert Stavins — who helped write the 2014 United Nations Climate Report — came out to Breitbart News . . . and revealed that politicians demanded he change and edit parts of the report to fit their needs! In short, governments, and government-funded scientists, want to make sure that any “global warming” research published . . . will say exactly what they want it to say. Now, everyone knows from their high school education that the No. 1 rule of doing scientific research is that it cannot be undertaken with an end goal in mind because you will only use the data points that support your end goal. That’s not real science. But that’s exactly what “global warming” scientists are doing! They are only using partial data . . . the data the supports their end goal . . . to make their point that there is man-made “global warming.” So, we’re being told that the survival of our planet, of the human race, relies on tackling “global warming” . . . yet the whole thing is a sham. But Why? Why would this network of politicians, corporations, and scientists do such a thing? Well, think about it. Our federal government spends $22 billion on “global warming” research each and every year (twice as much as we spend on protecting our border!). Again, that is $41,856 every minute. If government-funded scientists came out and said “global warming” didn’t exist, their funding would be cut immediately. But “global warming” has been kept on life support for another crucial reason: It has been a practical ATM for every in-the-know political figure. The media is catching on to Al Gore’s lies, but he is not going down without a fight. Al Gore, for example, has been one of the most vocally aggressive crusaders for “global warming.” In 2001, before leaving office as vice president, Gore was worth less than $2 million. Since then, he has grown his wealth to $100 million . . . almost entirely by investing in a handful of “green-tech” companies . . . 14 of which received more than $2.5 billion in loans, grants, tax breaks, and more from the Obama administration. The Telegraph reports Al Gore could become the “world’s first carbon billionaire” thanks to his investments in green companies . . . all of which benefit from tax dollars and government loans to “prevent global warming.” And he’s not alone. President Obama Has His Hand in the Cookie Jar Too. After accepting $1.25 million in campaign contributions, President Obama made sure to include his “global warming” plans in his victory speech: “We want our children to live in an America that isn’t threatened by the destructive power of a warming planet.” You are likely familiar with the story of the failed Solyndra green energy initiative, which cost taxpayers $500 million; President Obama took a lot of flak for that. But here’s a little-known side of the Solyndra story I bet you haven’t heard: Obama, in essence, used taxpayer money to finance his re-election campaign . . . by funneling it through Solyndra. You see, when Solyndra fell on hard times, it passed into the hands of two large private equity investors . . . Goldman Sachs and George Kaiser. When $500 million in taxpayer money was given to Solyndra, both Goldman Sachs and George Kaiser benefited. Coincidentally, both have made contributions to Obama’s election campaigns adding up to roughly $1.25 million. It doesn’t stop there. In 2010, another federal loan of $400 million went Abound Solar. That resulted in a bankruptcy as well. But investors in Abound Solar seemed to do just fine . . . investors like billionaire heiress Patricia Stryker. Stryker has famously contributed $500,000 to the Coalition for Progress while throwing $85,000 toward Obama’s inaugural committee. It’s just a coincidence that the government handed a company she invested in $400 million just before bankruptcy . . . right? There’s also A123 Systems, which paid one lobbying firm $970,000 to secure money from the government — and received $279 million in federal assistance. The CEO of A123 Systems went on to fund multiple Democratic senators and contributed to Obama’s campaign. First Solar received $646 million in government loan guarantees, and has since contributed more than $180,000 to Democratic campaigns. GE is notorious for spending tens of millions of dollars a year to “buy” green energy credits for its wind turbines and other green technologies — credits which helped the firm pay ZERO taxes in 2011. There are a host of other examples of liberals getting wealthy off “global warming” initiatives just like these. You can see why green energy is such a profitable business — CEOs and executives get to rake in millions of dollars, while politicians get lucrative donations for their campaigns . . . and scientists get all the funding they need to keep them going . . . all on your dime. But here’s the cherry on top . . . While $22 billion of our money is being redistributed every year to greedy scientists, politicians, and corporations . . . The Real Cost Is . . . $1.75 Trillion . $22 billion is just what is spent on these “global warming” initiatives The reality is, these initiatives have ripple effects . . . mainly the regulations (from government agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency) that shackle free enterprise and force us to rely on foreign energy. According to Forbes, the total cost of these ripple effects is a staggering $1.75 trillion annually. I want you to really think about that for a moment. We’re watching $1.75 trillion per year . . . $3,329,528 per minute . . . go to waste. It’s worse when you note that the U.S. Energy Information Administration says these regulations could ultimately cause gasoline prices to rise 77% over baseline projections . . . send 3 million Americans to the welfare line . . . and reduce average household income by a whopping $4,000 each year. Washington knows all of this . . . and is still barreling forward with its nonsense policies! They’re just letting you foot the bill, while they pocket the benefits. Fact is, organizations like the Environmental Protection Agency have handcuffed capitalism . . . based on a theory even its staunchest supporters (like the aforementioned Dr. Allegre) have already renounced. The result: reduced business, higher energy and food costs, higher taxes, lost jobs, and more money going overseas. With $1.75 trillion in annual costs, you would think someone out there would listen to John and his research, but . . . They Mocked Him When John discovered that the world was indeed cooling, he urgently shared his findings, only to get lambasted. Al Gore himself specifically called John a “pseudo-scientist” and discarded his findings. “Global warming” advocate Dr. Benjamin Kirtman simply dismissed John’s warnings as the “usual nonsense.” Media Matters has published two personal attacks against John — saying he has “no background in climate science” (which isn’t true) and calling him a “scam artist.” But think about something for a moment. Why would John take on this mission to expose the truth about “global warming” if he didn’t fully know that his evidence was fact? Why would he risk his reputation, his retirement, and his way of life? It would have been much easier to walk away. But John isn’t the type to walk away from the truth . . . especially when it would put his family, country, and even the world at risk. That is why John has taken on this mission, even if it means doing it alone. It is why he has exhausted his savings and retirement funds to spread the word about his research through his organization, Space and Science Research Corporation (SSRC). He will let nothing stop him. After 7 Long Years of Fighting . . . HOPE! John’s persistence is finally paying off. A small movement is starting . . . one that I am proud to be a part of, and one that I will invite you to join in a moment. Helping fuel this movement has been the series of cold winters and cool summers that John predicted would come. The media no longer could ignore the irony in front of them. Here is what they have reported recently. And now, a small but distinguished group of scientists and researchers are publically aligning themselves with John Casey and his organization. One such organization recently named John . . . ‘America’s No. 1 Climate Forecaster’ Perhaps that is because unlike some of the “global warming” darlings and proponents — NOAA, NASA, and the IPCC — John’s research has consistently predicted weather patterns correctly. John has spoken at conferences across the United States . . . making 11 accurate predictions. Since he first began sharing this work in 2007, John’s 11 predictions have come true (mind you, these are MAJOR events, not predicting that tomorrow will be slightly cloudy with a chance of rain). I could walk you through all 11, but they are very extensive and heavy on the science. John has accurately predicted everything from a drop in solar activity (NASA later adjusted their own projections to fall in line with his) to a rise in historic earthquake activity (10 months before the earthquake that hit Japan and caused the Fukushima meltdown). Please know, all 11 of his predictions of have been verified — by myself and other third parties. All of them have been attacked by government-funded scientists, only for those same scientists to eat their words later. Each and every one of John’s predictions have been made publicly and shared with top government officials and the mainstream media for the last seven years. John has made every effort to share this information. But instead of listening, the media and the left treated him like a leper and have done their best to smear his name. Science and politics have worked this way for hundreds of years. Galileo was ridiculed by scientists invested in the idea the sun revolves around the Earth. Robert Goddard — the man who ushered in the Space Age and rocket ships — was ridiculed endlessly during his life for proposing . . . traveling to the moon. William Harvey was ostracized for proposing the theory of blood circulation . . . Opponents could never refute the science — they could only attack the man behind it. Just like they do with John today. But there is a small group of scientists that are starting to listen, and take action! 17 Scientific Masterminds Speak Unlike the “scientists” who want to present information that has been twisted to fit a political agenda, and slam anyone who rebels against the accepted dogma . . . John has done nothing but put his research up to public scrutiny for the last few years. And now some of the top scientific minds in the world are rallying to him. Here’s what they have to say . . . Dr. Fumio Tsunoda, professor emeritus of geology at Japan’s Saitama University, testified, “ [John’s] work is quite a revelation that marks a step toward a new scientific civilization ” and his findings “add a brilliant page to the history of science.” Dr. Natarajan Venkatanathan, professor of physics, SASTRA University, said, “ [John’s] ideas may be opposed by conventional scientists, but they will have to accept his theory because the truth prevails. ” Dr. Boris Komitov, one of Europe’s top solar physicists and a professor at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, was so impressed with John’s work, he reached out to John and joined the Space and Science Research Corporation (SSRC). Here’s what Dr. Komitov had to say: “These problems brought on by this next climate change that Casey ably discusses . . . are more important than ever. ” Dr. Ole Humlum, professor of physical geography at the University of Oslo, said, “The history of science is filled with examples of individuals with new ideas being met by the current scientific establishment not with enthusiasm, but rather with disregard and sometimes, even ridicule. These hypotheses were considered outrageous by many contemporary scientists, but today they represent the very foundation for much of our present understanding of planet Earth’s dynamics. New hypotheses based on empirical observations should always be welcomed warmly. This also applies very much to [the work] by John Casey.” Dr. Giovanni Gregori, who has served on the National Research Council of Italy since 1963 and serves on multiple astronomical councils and in several societies, went so far as to say that John Casey is the modern day Leonardo da Vinci. He also said: “[John Casey’s work] is an important contribution for understanding and facing the environmental challenge, in its multifaceted and often disquieting manifestations.” Dr. Dong Choi, editor-in-chief of the New Concepts in Global Tectonics newsletter, calls John’s work “ earth-shattering. ” Each of these scientists has reviewed John’s work and had no choice but to agree with his conclusion after seeing the evidence, just as I did. John even confided in me that several other scientists secretly support his work. They agree with his conclusions. They think “global warming” and the accepted climate science is hogwash. But they can’t say anything about it. In John’s words: “If you work for the government and you stand up and say, ‘Man-made climate change is all nonsense’ you can kiss your government job goodbye. They’ll either make it hell to work there, or fire you outright.” It’s easy to get upset with these scientists, and we should be, but in reality, they are just trying to keep their jobs. We should put the bulk of the blame on our government. We have a government that prefers comfortable delusion to uncomfortable truth. Look, I Love This Country. I am proud to be an American and I think God has really blessed this country. When it comes down to it, no other nation has ever given every man, woman, and child the chance to enjoy so much prosperity. And more importantly, so much control over their lives. However, our nation has made a hard turn over the last few years — we’ve spent more time furthering agendas of a handful of politicians than actually protecting the American people. John’s research is just one example. Rather than being, as he says, “one of hundreds” sharing this information . . . John and his small organization have been doing it all. And as a result of their tremendous effort, a small movement has started. However, this small movement is at risk of dying in its tracks without help from bold Americans like you. That’s why . . . We Are Making a Stand . . . As I said earlier, my name is Tom Luongo. I’ve been a scientist for the better part of my life. I’ve worked to make crop yields higher in third world countries, I’ve done hundreds of chemical tests to make firearms less maintenance-intensive, and I have worked to help cure diseases. I used the “scientific” approach in other areas of my life as well. For example, I’ve been able to turn every $5,000 into $34,000 using a scientific approach to investing. I used the scientific method to teach myself economics . . . and, as a result, started buying gold in 2001 — watching it jump 473% since. I even used it to deduce the housing bubble was coming, three years in advance (and, along with my wife, took special precautions to avoid the fallout). My point is, I’ve seen and done many things with my scientific background. I’ve used it to help myself and help others. John Casey knows I have a knack for getting things done, and done right. That’s why, at a dinner in Palm Beach not long ago, John set a 164-page document in front of me. This document is the culmination of his years of work — it’s all his research in one bound volume. John knew I would validate his claims, and upon doing so, take action. Since that fateful night, John and I have teamed up to take that document and rewrite a good bit of it into a simple-to-read and easy-to-understand book, so that we could publish it, and get it into every home in America. The book is called Dark Winter . . . and I want you to have a FREE copy of it! In it, John holds nothing back. He names names. He shows the evidence. And he reveals the cold truth about “global warming.” This book includes every alert, every warning, every scrap of information he has sent urgently to our government. John reveals the science behind his 11 accurate predictions in simple-to-understand terms, and why he foresees more significant events like tornadoes, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. John also reveals 33 crushing scientific dissections he performs which make “global warming” even more of a farce. Most importantly, Dark Winter makes an alarming prediction. There is a looming cataclysm that will ruin every nation that’s not prepared . . . a calamity that has been accelerating for the last 17 years . . . and brewing for over 200 years. This event will cause international wars as governments topple and nations descend into chaos. John even exposes why we may soon see oil rise to $300 a barrel and food prices triple (and in some places, food will become unavailable). Best of all, John reveals a three-step plan to protect yourself if his latest predictions come to fruition just like his last 11. Again, I want you to have a copy of this book . . . for free. I want to get it in your hands . . . and in the hands of every other American out there! And that is why we need your help. You’ve seen for yourself how “global warming” is a farce. You’ve seen how an entire community of scientists, politicians, and corporations are padding their pockets with $22 billion of taxpayers’ money every year in the name of “global warming.” And you have seen how John has made 11 accurate predictions and a team of scientists are rallying around him. Most of all . . . you have seen how John has spent his retirement time and money preaching this message to anyone who will listen. Yes . . . they are few and far between. But some are now listening. John’s not doing this for money. As I said, he’s actually exhausting all of his savings to get this message out. But we can’t stop here. And John can’t do it alone. He is facing a $22 billion budget along with years of “global warming” brainwashing. Some battles have been won, but the war is far from over. We Are Fighting Back With the Cold Truth Initiative. John is on the left. I am on the right. We have worked hard on putting together the Cold Truth Initiative, and we appreciate your support. I have personally poured my own blood, sweat, and tears into putting this initiative together. I figured it was the least I could do for my good friend John Casey after all he has done for us. The Cold Truth Initiative will send an audacious message to those who have perpetrated this blatant lie called ‘global warming’ — a message that will stop their malicious deceit in its tracks. We will achieve this mission by completing three bold goals before January 1. Goal No. 1: Spread the Truth About ‘Global Warming’ to Every American We will reveal the fraud, the bought science, the government manipulation, and the outright deceit so that EVERY American can see the deception in broad daylight. We want everyone to know that the little hunch they have about “global warming” being hyperbole . . . is the right hunch. We want to expose just how foolish these “global warming” policies are that cost us trillions of dollars. We want every man, woman, and child to see that “global warming” isn’t science — it’s a get-rich-quick scheme for politicians. And it must stop immediately! Goal No. 2: Place a Copy of John Casey’s Book Dark Winter in Every Home in America The government’s favorite way to control the population is to keep them misinformed. The last thing Al Gore would want you to see are the truths that are revealed in this book. When every American has a copy of Dark Winter, they will be freed from the control of man-made “global warming” lies. In order to do this . . . we have decided to give the book away for free at a huge expense. Goal No. 3: Defund the ‘Global Warming’ Initiative We will take back the $22 billion of taxpayer money the government is misappropriating every year, and let people use their money the way they would like to . . . rather than watch it burn up on pointless legislation. Once the “global warming” enterprise folds, the American economy can grow again . . . by as much as $1.75 trillion per year. We have ambitious goals, no doubt. Thankfully, because of good people like you, within the last week we have raised tens of thousands of dollars. We have used that money to reach an estimated 2 million people with the truth. John Casey and I have been working day in and day out, shoulder to shoulder, to spread this message. But now we need your help! Unite With Us! You can join the Cold Truth Initiative right now. All we ask is that you make a one-time contribution of $5 that we will use to fulfill our mission. Once you join, you will receive a free copy of John Casey’s book Dark Winter (a $29 value): This 164-page document is a death sentence for the dogma of the “climate believers.” This book reveals the groundbreaking research that forced John to reverse his belief in “global warming.” He spent most of his life buying into the dogma . . . that is, until that fateful evening in April, 2007. Once he saw the truth, there was no going back. I am willing to bet this information will have the same effect on you. However, your FREE copy of Dark Winter is just the first item you will receive today when you join the Cold Truth Initiative. Your FREE Cold Truth Initiative Introductory Packet John and I want to give you an arsenal of weapons to help spread the truth. That’s why the book Dark Winter is just the first item we will be arming you with today. We are holding nothing back for this initiative. You will also receive . . . The Lost Video Interview (a $29 value): This is the private conversation I had with John after reading his 164-page document. During the course of this interview, John revealed more cold hard facts about the end of “global warming.” I think you’ll be just as floored as I was (particularly when John explains the real reason Russia is invading Ukraine, and why it could be very bad for America). The Dark Winter Survival Guide (a $49 value): In John’s book, Dark Winter, he goes beyond blowing “global warming” out of the water . . . he reveals a calamity far worse than most climate scientists can imagine — all based on proven solar cycles. I worked hand in hand with John to create a DETAILED action plan for you to avoid the biggest pitfalls and even thrive during this coming era of chaos. The Dark Winter Investment Guide (a $49 value): As a seasoned investor, I feel it’s important to help you get all your ducks in a row. Money makes the world go round — and having enough of it, especially during the potential dark days ahead, can make your life much easier. I’ll show you how to effectively invest your money — and possibly, like me, turn every $5,000 into $34,000. A 3-Month Subscription to My Resolute Wealth Letter (a $24 value): I write a monthly newsletter that is distributed to about 10,000 people. Think of this newsletter as your monthly road map not only to wealth (I hand-pick several home-run investments every month for my readers) . . . but also to honest science, real economics, and alternative, practical ways of living outside of Uncle Sam’s reach. I bring in top experts to help me share little-known strategies for protecting your privacy, slashing your taxes, and even living “off the grid.” You get all of this information delivered straight to your inbox every single month — free — for three months. And then, if you choose to renew the subscription, it is only $97.95 for the full year. That’s a Total Value of $180 . . . in Return for Your $5 Contribution Today. Every dollar you contribute will be spent to spread the truth about “global warming” and on equipping you with the tools you need to tell others about this lie . . . so that you and your fellow citizens can be prepared for what is to come. None of the money will be kept. Zero. To be clear, the minimum contribution when you join the Cold Truth Initiative is $5. But you are allowed to contribute more . . . in fact, I estimate that every $5 you contribute helps us reach 20 more people with this message through online advertising, media buys, and campaign speeches. That’s 20 more people who will know the truth and who will spread the truth. Just think . . . if it were not for somebody else’s previous contribution, you wouldn’t be reading this message right now. You likely wouldn’t know that the Earth’s temperatures have risen a mere .36 degrees over the last 35 years, that the icecaps were actually increasing in size by 43% to 63%, or that our government is wasting $41,856 every minute in the name of “global warming.” However, because of one of your fellow Americans . . . an anonymous contributor you will never meet . . . you are now getting the information you need. So . . . What Will You Do Now? John has put 100% of his life into spreading this message. I have made a commitment to print thousands of copies of Dark Winter along with the other critical items in your Cold Truth Initiative Introductory Kit . . . Thousands of others have already financially supported us through contributions to the Cold Truth Initiative. Liberals like President Obama and Al Gore hope you remain silent on what you have read today. So what will you do now that you have seen the evidence for yourself? My hope is that you don’t walk away in silence as a network of dirty politicians, greedy corporations, and bribed scientists rob you year in and year out. That’s exactly what they want you to do. They want you to think that your contribution won’t make a difference. They want you to think your voice is too small to change things. Remember, this information isn’t just important, it is vital! $22 billion of your money is being spent every year to keep the “global warming” lie alive . . . consumers and corporations take a blow of $1.75 trillion a year because of useless legislation. Imagine how the American economy might look if we weren’t effectively flushing this money down the toilet . . . imagine how much your taxes could drop if the government wasn’t spending your money on nonsense programs . . . The only way we can win this war is if we unite together. Thousands have already contributed to the Cold Truth Initiative. We are making headway, but we have a long way to go. Now is your chance to make a difference. Today, you can strike back at the lies, and more importantly, you can help other Americans protect themselves. I urge you to click the button below and make a small contribution of $5 or more today. We’ll rush you a free Cold Truth Initiative Introductory Packet that includes John’s book Dark Winter along with The Lost Video Interview, The Dark Winter Investment Guide, The Dark Winter Survival Guide, and a three-month subscription to my Resolute Wealth Letter.

Million Mask March London 2014 part 1/mes amie au monde je ne monte pas de vous .puisque j aime pas le vole des peuple est toute les source des vole .mes quant je rentrés a ce monde de l environnement est les changement climatique .je rentrés avec des méthode Scientific très séreux .mes je ne jamais confiés les négociations politicien . est moi plus intelligent que c est mentale politicien .puisque les System solutionnaire des claimate change ne besoin pas de l argent des peuple pare contre le System qui faire son budgets toute seule est ne demande que les jobs .est vous connais trop de moi mes amie en copanhagene nous publies la lettre de l environnement .est ne passe pas des jours est les pauvre au monde m envoyés des vidéo très heureux pour la méthode qui le embouché dans un simple jobs le principe il on trouvé la méthode pour travailles .est aussi pour donné quelque chose a l environnement écologique .vraiment mes amie que je suis changes d un révolutionnaire contre c est voleurs dans toute les nations .est je sais que il on faire toute son possibilités pour volé mes System de l énergies est de oïl est gaz .mes comme je vous dire est pour vidé ce groupe de son mémoire .que je suis pas facile de le vole est je ne te confiés pas est je sais que je vous péchés a cette image qui vous vivrés des catastrophe .est je sais aussi que vous avez aucune chance que moi est je demande a les peuple des monde pour vous pressé .de me présentés en face les peuple pour reposé les programme ou retourné l argent des peuple qui vous le volés sou les signature de mes programmes .merci

mercredi 12 novembre 2014

G20 Toronto Riot Police Swallow Protester/oui

اغتصاب أربع طالبات فى قسم شرطة شرق القاهرة/les châtiment des coups militaire

The Alarm bells are ringing - prophetic events october 2014/oui

Toni Cantó (UPyD): "Ustedes trabajan para un lobby en el que no existe l../est quoi de nouveaux ici l argent des peuple pare les lobbyiste est le chaumage pour le peuple .

UK War against America Inevitable, Experts Say (Part II)/oui

أغنية بشرة خير بالعبري | لجميع وحدات الجيش الصهيوني שיר נהדר ליחידות צהל/oui

هذة عقيدة الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام ولم يبقى لكذاب عذر/ce vidéo a toute les olama (monafi9ine) contre c est élément de moslime state .maintenant écouté a sa est ce que juste ou aussi un montages .moi je vous dire c est sa lislame juste .

تكملة اختراق اجهزة قادة فتح وهنا تكملة لجهاز لزاهر أبو حسين 3 ... انتظروني/très dangereux

وجدي غنيم يكشف حقيقة جمال عبد الناصر اليهودى الذى حكم مصر/maintenant tu dits la vérités merci

الشيخ وجدى غنيم - لا للتحالف الصليبى ضد الدولة الاسلامية 15-9-2014/maintenant tu dits la vérités merci

dimanche 9 novembre 2014

Newly Elected GOP Senators Want to Repeal Obamacare/mes amie au monde quant j arrive est plein d énergies donné a ce monde un autre pouvoirs économique est des nouveaux méthode Scientific pour ressort le monde son crise .je lance des lettre très riche pour ce monde toute mes lettre en cercle des source est vous tousse comprendre la lettre révolutionnaire en science humain de les vivons sourcés de son environnement est la méthode naturelle .de comment prendre son formes de son race .vous tousse comprendre la méthode d énergies renouvelable soi au production des courent Electricité ou pour marché les voiture électrique est multiple fonction .vous tousse comprendre comment je faits pour stoppés les catastrophe explosive de les autre planète .est je repose la formule de l alternative de la lune le temps de les transportation des missile de la NASA a la lune . vous tousse comprendre le globale Economie .pour transformé un marché pour toute les produis internationale .pour passé les crise pars des coopérative internationale au chemin de l environnement .vous tousse comprendre ma lettre a Copenhaguen des claimate changes .est les programme de cette lettre .vous connais qui bénéficies de c est programme .les capitaliste est moi j ai rejetés a la touche .vous connais qui formé wall street .vous connais qui changés le zéro en mathématique vous connais qui trouvé les flare est les couleurs des Solar .est ........mes amies la singularités de la politic avec les capitaliste sioniste les voleure des monde ce son des aveugle de la veinure est les bon future .si c est deux travailles avec moi sérieuse .dans la période ne voire pas c est révolution contre son politic est son source de son capitale ( l argent des peuple) mes c est deux toujours laisse les victime .il ne connais rien que le vole est l baronnages. cette période je décide de repose les solution des changement climatique .le géniale science est le parade environnement .avec des source d énergies incroyable .vous voilés mes amie mon crise avec c est single mentale .maintenant il on volé mon argent de la bank avec le juge .est moi faible de mon pouvoirs au Maroc je ne trouve aucune solution pour moi de le stoppés .est moi je sais que il on aucune solution son moi .est totalement je regrette de mon rentraire ici merci est je vous aimes est ne blés pas mon programmes de dronne dans mon stratégies en Afghanistan

خطير جدا - رسالة المشير السيسي الى شياطين الماسونية العالمية - هاتشوفوا .../pas de réponse puisque la lettre bien clairs mes aussi obligés la réponse des olama des azhars est aussi de imirite est l arabic saudi

samedi 8 novembre 2014

Quantum Entanglement Documentary - Atomic Physics and Reality/oui je sais que vous cherche des méthode de comment vous volé mon System de l alternative .est je sais pas qui d effondres .je suis anonymous .je repose le programme a toute les population internationale .je vous dire réveils vous mes amie je ne repose que le plus petite de ce que j ai est j ai les commandement de la planète .qui sourcés de loqurane .merci

Obama Sued For Funding Terrorist Group Hamas/mon amie alexjones toi est qui fabriqué sa des monteurs les terrorisme en Palestine c est les sioniste .mes hamas des palestinien de libérés son payés qui volé de les sioniste avec Europa est américa

Weekly Address: This Veterans’ Day, Let’s Honor Our Veterans/mon amie j ai faite pour toi est les démocrate boucaus des chose .toi tu rien pour moi .tu sais je veux pas les démocrate arrive a ce misérable position .mes c est sa la justice de la logique .la politic est une retâtions .tu sais mon amie je suis capable de te faire le plus forts entre les repuplican au congres mes je sais que j apporte rien .puisque le pouvoirs qui tu cherche est chez moi pour un solide sociétés américain .mon amie dommages.est je veux te laisse cette lettre .pour ne joués pas de les stratégies faible .vous stratégies en iraque est syria .n est pas valable pour les service americain .mes pour les service iranien .la lettre/ je sais pas mon amie barack obama ton problème avec islamique state .pour l iraque .ok c est pas américa qui laisse l iraque a iran .bon c est pas américa est les single gouvernement arabic qui criés la rassemblement des jihadiste en syria est l iraque .hors vous connaissance. alors pour quoi vous combattre cette state islamique .est aussi en finance de l argent des peuple américain .mon amie laisse moi vous dire la vérités .vous péchez dans les mauvaise .est comme sa va vous retombé américa dans les crise qui va tués son UN rassemblement est ne blés pas que vous avez plus de 80 million en démographique .ne perdu pas son budgets pour les rêve .l islamique state prendre son solide position pour rejetés la géographies des florence arabe .est il on décide le retours de son state civilisation . ni iran va recommandé le golfe ni les dictature va reste en gouvernements .est il on faits toute son possibilité en défonce pour la justice de acharia .est les million des jihadiste destructibles au monde est chaque jours respirés les million des jeunes régionales a le jihade .merci

Former CIA Analyst Warns Anonymous Could Become Our Arab Spring!/anonymous respecte américa est l Europe est je veux aussi américa est l Europe de me respecté .puisque le jeux ici c est de vengeance .seulement .pour le globale démocratique .est j ai crollés que vous connais plus de moi de comment j ai criés les stratégies.est de vous ordres aussi .merci

vendredi 7 novembre 2014

لأول مرة فيديو مسرب عن عالم الماسونية السري في إسرائيل secret world of F.../de cette période le moule recommencé. the greatest triumphal parade in history -- 11/7/14 Today's selection -- from Wilson by A. Scott Berg. In 1917, England and France were locked in a stalemated, bloody trench war with Germany -- the bloodiest war in world history to that point. Then the American troops joined the Allies and turned stalemate into victory. In December, 1918, with the war now over, President Woodrow Wilson traveled by ocean liner to France, landing in Brest, to help negotiate the peace treaty. He was met in Paris by "the most massive display of acclamation and affection ever heaped upon a single human being -- sheer numbers alone making it the greatest march of triumph the world had ever known": "A procession of motorcars transported [President Woodrow Wilson] through the medieval streets [of Brest] -- festooned with laurel wreaths and banners -- past the largest crowd ever amassed in the picturesque city. .... But nothing, not even those advance welcomes, could have prepared the President for what awaited him in Paris. "Under brilliant skies, the train arrived precisely at ten o'clock at the private station in the Bois de Boulogne, a terminal reserved for visiting dignitaries of royal blood. The building's walls and pillars were draped in red, white, and blue, and, high above, from a pair of staffs, waved a huge Star-Spangled Banner and a Tricolore. President Raymond Poincare, Premier Georges Clemenceau, and all the leadership of the French government, along with members of the American Embassy, greeted the Wilsons as they stepped off the train onto a crimson carpet. Bands played as the dignitaries entered a magnificent reception room fragrant from profusions of roses and carnations. After a few speeches of welcome, the two presidents led the procession outside, where eight horse-drawn carriages, each attended by coachmen and footmen in national livery, awaited. On the roadway above the station and on nearby rooftops and windows, thousands of admirers cheered wildly as they entered the first open victoria. The Presidents' wives and Margaret Wilson entered the second carriage, followed by Clemenceau and the rest of the party, in hierarchical order. The Garde Republicaine, on horseback and wearing shimmering brass helmets with long black horsetails down the back, led the cavalcade along a fourmile route to the Wilsons' Paris lodgings. " 'The cheering had a note of welcome in it,' observed Admiral Grayson, 'and it required the best efforts of the troops to prevent some of the over-enthusiastic breaking through and overwhelming the Presidential party.' Irwin Hood 'Ike' Hoover, the chief usher of the White House, said that behind the soldiers from many countries who lined the streets, 'as far as the eye could see was one writhing, milling mass of humanity. They did not applaud; they screamed, yelled, laughed, and even cried.' Sixty-eight-year-old diplomat Henry White, the lone Republican member of the American negotiating committee, said he had witnessed every important coronation or official greeting in Europe for fifty years and had never seen anything like it. Reporters claimed the crowds were ten times those that had recently assembled for the visiting monarchs of England and Belgium. "Reaching the Etoile, Wilson received a historic honor: the chains encircling the Arc de Triomphe had been removed, thus granting him the passage that had not been allowed to anybody since the end of the Franco-Prussian War in 1871, and only to Napoleon before that. Down the broad Champs-Elysees they rode, the crowds thickening. As Edith Wilson observed, 'Every inch was covered with cheering, shouting humanity. The sidewalks, the buildings, even the stately horse-chestnut trees were peopled with men and boys perched like sparrows in their very tops. Roofs were filled, windows overflowed until one grew giddy trying to greet the bursts of welcome that came like the surging of untamed waters. Flowers rained upon us until we were nearly buried.' More than an expression of gratitude from one nation to another, the demonstration grew personal. "They crossed the Seine at the Alexandre III Bridge to the Quai d'Orsay and then recrossed to the Place de la Concorde, into which 100,000 people had jammed, hoping for a glimpse of 'Meester Veelson.' The noise grew deafening, as the carriages proceeded through the Rue Royale, and the crowd kept roaring the phrase posted overhead in electric lights on a sign that spanned the street -- 'VIVE WILSON.' President Poincare declared that the reception 'stood alone among the welcome given any previous visitor to Paris.' "The wartime population of central Paris was a little over one million citizens, and newspapers estimated that two million people filled just the handful of arrondissements along President Wilson's route. Forgetting neither Alexander nor Caesar, not even Napoleon, France offered that day the most massive display of acclamation and affection ever heaped upon a single human being -- sheer numbers alone making it the greatest march of triumph the world had ever known. To those who had just endured an apocalypse, observed future President Herbert Hoover -- then in Europe to supervise the feeding of the hungry -- 'no such man of moral and political power and no such an evangel of peace had appeared since Christ preached the Sermon on the Mount. Everywhere men believed that a new era had come to all mankind. It was the star of Bethlehem rising again.' Wilson gloried in the reception."

Fraser Institute disputes climate change on CBC/mes amie cette période va passé bien .puisque toute le monde prendre son position .qui été oubliés pour heu .les cadre de l états .les président les ministère est les administrations est sécurités .comprendre a cause de c est révolutions .qui j ai formé .que toute pour toute a le peuple est tousse des fonctionnaire chez les peuple .mes a propos de l économies est les information des jobs est les System éducation .c est mon affaire est je retourne la confiance a toute les famille pour c est enfants merci moi j ai promu le monde a 2020 .pour fonctionné .les System des énergies est claimate changes .est le cleimate change sa veux dire la centé supère des monde dans une environnement bien stable dans son origine nature .merci

Politicking: Jesse Ventura On The Midterm Aftermath/mes amie cette période va passé bien .puisque toute le monde prendre son position .qui été oubliés pour heu .les cadre de l états .les président les ministère est les administrations est sécurités .comprendre a cause de c est révolutions .qui j ai formé .que toute pour toute a le peuple est tousse des fonctionnaire chez les peuple .mes a propos de l économies est les information des jobs est les System éducation .c est mon affaire est je retourne la confiance a toute les famille pour c est enfants merci

jeudi 6 novembre 2014

The President Holds a Press Conference After the Midterm Elections/je sais pas comment vous poncé .le monde est les jeune dans le monde .révoltes dans les boulevards est les rus pour les System des jobs .est les solution des pauvreté est é question qui je repose a moi meme .de ou va trouvé c est source de c est phénomène sociale .est vous très faible en science de l environnement est les changement climatique .cultuellement ne vous donne que la puisé. nous va vous donné après la culture .son science .pour débarrassé la pauvretés .est pour soufflé un pouvoirs économique .comme aussi pour sauvé cette planète a les tayphone est les tsunami .est les Quake .comme aussi de nous protégé les source d énergies renouvelable .est l énergies qui je parle ici mon méthode qui été très révolutionnaire .mon amie est mes amie mon anonymous c est pas pour quelque chose mes pour vous gardé moi pour vous .ma connaissance c est ma mors merci

الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسى يشهد استعراض لقوات الصاعقة المصرية بالاحتفال با.../ha olai lame yahoudo jayche mesre bale khyro azbali al arde .wa mrtazi9a ya3tachoune 3ala adame lmisri 

شاهد بلأدلة المتورطين فى عملية تفجير كمين كرم القواديس العملية الاخيرة .../harame ane la tasouno ljihade .wa howa lmifsale lihada adolme

Bill Whittle -- Make Obama Own It: Why You Must Vote in the Midterms/mon amie ne crollé pas que j ai criés une pupinisation pour les démocrate. la politic est une roulement.son pouvoirs dans son renouvelable .le congres est la maison blanche c est pour les démocrate ou les républicaine c est pour le peuple .est désolé pour moi je veux pas rentrés en ligne entre le peuple est son politic moi je repose les globale programme .est je vous courage trop. quant j arrivé est la fermeture.c est pour ce la je veux pas parlé est monté de le peuple .est je sais pas qui ce va faire avec le stock fédérale .qui na pas d un position financière .est j ai souéte .le nouveaux progrès de cherche la solution avec moi d abord pour sauvé ce stock est pour nous le repose a son place .mes amie nous avons des travailles.pour nous faire américa approché de le monde.est poncé bien de vous pat dans le monde .pas de gère .est pat ????????????????? pour nous reste loin de les scandale soi de le monde Arabie soi autre variation est les service américain Protée en politic est le pouvoirs Economique .merci

mardi 4 novembre 2014

Anonymous - The 5th of November, Are you ready?/a cause de ce vidéo je vois une nouveaux style de comment .est j ai choisir de envoyés.ce vidéo a le navigateurs de la démocraties au monde .américa est l Europe .qui dansé a nous cette sinophones .toute le 20 cycle . alors mes amies les démocrate est les libérien qui on veux vivre la démocraties toute seule . alors qui ce que vous dite mon amie barack obama .qui ce vous dite les président des gouvernement européen.ou est elle vous sinophones de la globalisation démocratique .pour quoi maintenant vous fermés les suralles est la bouche . mes amie je crolles que vous faite un grandes erreurs .puisque vous poussé les arabes est les moslime a la chois qui n est bien de vous service .l islamique state est le djihad .comme une seule solution pour les peuple arabique islamique .puisque le vrais tueurs de c est peuple vous .qui branché les coups militaire contre la démocraties est mettre vous responsabilités puisque vous plasse dans le monde islamique va terminé .merci

ضابط شرطة ملثم ينتف لحية طلاب كلية الصيدلة بالمنصورة !/a cause de ce vidéo je vois une nouveaux style de comment .est j ai choisir de envoyés.ce vidéo a le navigateurs de la démocraties au monde .américa est l Europe .qui dansé a nous cette sinophones .toute le 20 cycle . alors mes amies les démocrate est les libérien qui on veux vivre la démocraties toute seule . alors qui ce que vous dite mon amie barack obama .qui ce vous dite les président des gouvernement européen.ou est elle vous sinophones de la globalisation démocratique .pour quoi maintenant vous fermés les suralles est la bouche . mes amie je crolles que vous faite un grandes erreurs .puisque vous poussé les arabes est les moslime a la chois qui n est bien de vous service .l islamique state est le djihad .comme une seule solution pour les peuple arabique islamique .puisque le vrais tueurs de c est peuple vous .qui branché les coups militaire contre la démocraties est mettre vous responsabilités puisque vous plasse dans le monde islamique va terminé .merci

ضابط بالجيش المصرى يقوم بتصوير فيديو سرى للضباط وتسريبه خطير جدا/a cause de ce vidéo je vois une nouveaux style de comment .est j ai choisir de envoyés.ce vidéo a le navigateurs de la démocraties au monde .américa est l Europe .qui dansé a nous cette sinophones .toute le 20 cycle . alors mes amies les démocrate est les libérien qui on veux vivre la démocraties toute seule . alors qui ce que vous dite mon amie barack obama .qui ce vous dite les président des gouvernement européen.ou est elle vous sinophones de la globalisation démocratique .pour quoi maintenant vous fermés les suralles est la bouche . mes amie je crolles que vous faite un grandes erreurs .puisque vous poussé les arabes est les moslime a la chois qui n est bien de vous service .l islamique state est le djihad .comme une seule solution pour les peuple arabique islamique .puisque le vrais tueurs de c est peuple vous .qui branché les coups militaire contre la démocraties est mettre vous responsabilités puisque vous plasse dans le monde islamique va terminé .merci

ممارسه اقصى انواع التعذيب داخل اقسام الشرطه المصريه وانتهاك الآدميه/a cause de ce vidéo je vois une nouveaux style de comment .est j ai choisir de envoyés.ce vidéo a le navigateurs de la démocraties au monde .américa est l Europe .qui dansé a nous cette sinophones .toute le 20 cycle . alors mes amies les démocrate est les libérien qui on veux vivre la démocraties toute seule . alors qui ce que vous dite mon amie barack obama .qui ce vous dite les président des gouvernement européen.ou est elle vous sinophones de la globalisation démocratique .pour quoi maintenant vous fermés les suralles est la bouche . mes amie je crolles que vous faite un grandes erreurs .puisque vous poussé les arabes est les moslime a la chois qui n est bien de vous service .l islamique state est le djihad .comme une seule solution pour les peuple arabique islamique .puisque le vrais tueurs de c est peuple vous .qui branché les coups militaire contre la démocraties est mettre vous responsabilités puisque vous plasse dans le monde islamique va terminé .merci

dimanche 2 novembre 2014

رسالة هامة من الشيخ العدناني الى العالم كلة../une réclamation pour toute les misulment des monde .vous tousse des responsable de ce que arrivé a le monde islamique toute c est frottement est c est blessure qui touche le monde islamique .le monde islamique comme un bourdé le de toute les profiteurs des faiblîtes en internationale .regardé comment cerclé le pauvre peuple palestinien de son agenda politic pour vidé les palestinien de son droits .est chaque payés islamique a une frottement blessure pour ne lève pas a son droits est désolé dormirez. a quelle temps vous réveilles .est pour quoi vous soufre est la vie très facile dans une sociétés démocratique est vous démocraties dans vous origine civilisation ( lislam) est la stabilisation de le monde islamique dans soudages dans son agrandir dans le tombe des frontière .est sa ne reviens pas hors le jihade .est les article des kocran .est Palestine vous attendre

كلمات ابو محمد العدناني تصدع في فناة الصفا/une réclamation pour toute les misulment des monde .vous tousse des responsable de ce que arrivé a le monde islamique toute c est frottement est c est blessure qui touche le monde islamique .le monde islamique comme un bourdé le de toute les profiteurs des faiblîtes en internationale .regardé comment cerclé le pauvre peuple palestinien de son agenda politic pour vidé les palestinien de son droits .est chaque payés islamique a une frottement blessure pour ne lève pas a son droits est désolé dormirez. a quelle temps vous réveilles .est pour quoi vous soufre est la vie très facile dans une sociétés démocratique est vous démocraties dans vous origine civilisation ( lislam) est la stabilisation de le monde islamique dans soudages dans son agrandir dans le tombe des frontière .est sa ne reviens pas hors le jihade .est les article des kocran .est Palestine vous attendre

كلمة مؤثرة جدا من القائد ابومحمد العدناني/une réclamation pour toute les misulment des monde .vous tousse des responsable de ce que arrivé a le monde islamique toute c est frottement est c est blessure qui touche le monde islamique .le monde islamique comme un bourdé le de toute les profiteurs des faiblîtes en internationale .regardé comment cerclé le pauvre peuple palestinien de son agenda politic pour vidé les palestinien de son droits .est chaque payés islamique a une frottement blessure pour ne lève pas a son droits est désolé dormirez. a quelle temps vous réveilles .est pour quoi vous soufre est la vie très facile dans une sociétés démocratique est vous démocraties dans vous origine civilisation ( lislam) est la stabilisation de le monde islamique dans soudages dans son agrandir dans le tombe des frontière .est sa ne reviens pas hors le jihade .est les article des kocran .est Palestine vous attendre

جديد ومؤثر جدا... انشودة يا شعبي في الضفة قاوم/une réclamation pour toute les misulment des monde .vous tousse des responsable de ce que arrivé a le monde islamique toute c est frottement est c est blessure qui touche le monde islamique .le monde islamique comme un bourdé le de toute les profiteurs des faiblîtes en internationale .regardé comment cerclé le pauvre peuple palestinien de son agenda politic pour vidé les palestinien de son droits .est chaque payés islamique a une frottement blessure pour ne lève pas a son droits est désolé dormirez. a quelle temps vous réveilles .est pour quoi vous soufre est la vie très facile dans une sociétés démocratique est vous démocraties dans vous origine civilisation ( lislam) est la stabilisation de le monde islamique dans soudages dans son agrandir dans le tombe des frontière .est sa ne reviens pas hors le jihade .est les article des kocran .est Palestine vous attendre